《My brothers best friend, / Adam Banks TMD》Chapter 15


"You're playing hard, I'm proud of you guys." Coach said walking down the aisle in the locker room.

"They're cheap shorting us to death." Luis explains.

"I know they are."

Averman starts to speak. "It's going to take a miracle for us to hold on."

Right as he finishes the door swing open.

"Dean Portman is awarded a full athletic and academic scholarship to Eden halls academy. I had his laying around my house in Chicago. My attorney thought I should sign it I agreed. It's official boys I'm back!"

We all cheer and hug Portman has Charlie turns to Coach. "Bombay."

Dean gets suited up and we skate onto the ice with more energy.

"Here we go into the third period of a well fought battle. Oh look here comes the ducks. Hey wait a second is that dean Portman? Why it looks like the other bash brother is back and has brought the ducks a renewed spirit." Josh explained as we skated onto the ice.

Banks took the face off and when Cole went to push Portman over he turned away.

"Let's see what you got bash brother!"

Cole starts skating towards Portman who just stands there laughing. Oh god Cole. You have no idea what you got yourself into. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

Portman ducks and flips Cole into the glass and it shatters causing Cole to go into the fans!

Dean and Fulton are back and they are staying. They are now the ones pushing around the Varsity with a little help from Goldberg.

We have two minutes left when Portman gets called for a booking. He gets sent to the box and starts stripping!

"Take it all off baby!"Averman yells.

I hit Averman on the shoulder. "Really Averman. God." I roll my eyes at the boys who are cheering for him.


Coach calls a line change and Wilson yells. "Too many men ref. Too many men!"

"Aww this is bad folks. Wu jumped of the beach a little to early and the ducks now have to skate two men down."

Coach calls a time out and we all bring it in.

"Now listen, the pressure is all on them. All we got to do is hold our ground. We'll go Conway, Banks, and Goldberg."

"Me coach?" Goldberg asks shocked.

"You Goldberg. Your earned your spot out there. Alright ducks let's get out there."

Goldberg and Adam hop on and the others sit down on the bench. Charlie was about to get on when Coach stopped him.

I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the stupid marching band. I could tell it was something good though because Charlie skated off with his C on his jersey.

"Yea Charlie!"

He looks back and winks at me. Banks takes the face off and doesn't get knocked down but Varsity gets the puck.

They fake Julie and she dives leaving the net completely open! Varsity shots, and it's saved by Adam! He had jumped in front of the net stopping the puck with his chest.

"Woooo Adam! That's my boy!" I cheer.

Connie looked at me. "What? Am I not allowed to cheer for my him?"

"I didn't say anything. And you can cheer for your boyfriend." She said wiggling her eyebrows. I just roll my eyes and focus back on the game.

Reilly has the puck skating down and is face to face with Charlie. Reilly gets to cocky and Charlie flips him over.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Coach yells.

Goldberg gets the puck and passes it to Charlie. Charlie takes the puck skates down has Goldberg takes down Reilly and Adam takes down two other players.


"Reilly's down and Conway has the puck with a chance to win it. Here he comes a break away. Ten seconds left. He beats two men he's all alone he passes back to.... Goldberg?"

Goldberg has the puck and he looks scared.

"Shot Goldberg!" Coach and everyone yells.

He sees two guys coming hard and shoots the puck. And it goes in!

We won!! We really won!!

Charlie and Adam skate up to Goldberg and in gulf him in a hug.

"We win!" Charlie yells.

"Yea Goldberg!"

We all throw our helmets and gloves in the air and get in one big hug.

Charlie skates over to our mom and they exchange words. I see Charlie catch Bombay's eye and Bombay nods and look towards the scoreboards.

I follow their gaze and see a banner fall.

It read Eden Hall ducks.

"Hey guys." Charlie yells pointing.

"Look what Bombay did!" Dwayne said pointing.

Suddenly a pair of arms ingulf me in a hug. I turn around and find it's Adam.

"Good job Kenny." He said as I return his hug.

"You too Adam." Right after I fished congratulating him he swoops in and kisses me.

"Yo! Lovebirds!" We break apart laughing. "Come celebrate with us!" Luis yells.

We join the rest of the team in the middle of the rink and we cheer for at least the next 20 minutes.

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