《My brothers best friend, / Adam Banks TMD》Chapter 7


"Huh you think you're funny, you're just worth a damn! You're white trash!" Rylie angrily says but he kind of sings the worth a damn part which is hilarious.

We had just placed a lot of tubes in each varsity dorm room and Charlie and Russ had gotten the deans Brazilian fire ants. They put them in a funnel that realized them into the tubes while Julie and I tied all the doors together so they couldn't get out.

"Who you calling white trash?" Russ asks peering around Charlie.

"Exactly. We can take you anywhere anytime."

"Fine tomorrow, dawn."

"Alright. Bye bye." Charlie says waving at the running Varsity hockey team running towards the showers.

"That was awesome!" I yell.

"Hell Yea!"


We all walk back to our dorms laughing and mocking the varsity players. We eventually all fall asleep because we have a big day tomorrow.


I woke up to Charlie's alarm going off. Even though he is in the room next to me I can still hear it. I look at my phone. It's only 4:30. Why did he set it so early?

Then it hit me. We're playing the varsity at dawn! I quickly jump out of my bed and put some practice clothes on. I put my hair in a messy pony tail and put my contacts in.

I rush out of my door and almost run into Charlie.

"Woah Kenny. Didn't think you'd be this excited to play the varsity."

"I just got an adrenaline rush."

"Come on let's go."

Charlie and I roller blade over to the school and we meet the rest of the team in the locker room. We all get out pads on and head onto the ice.


The varsity enters the ice and Adam skates up to Charlie.

"They didn't tell me until it was too late, Charlie you gotta believe me." Adam pleads.

I actually feel bad for Banks. He probably didn't know until he got to the dinner. I mean if I was Rylie I wouldn't tell Adam what they were going to do to his friends. It makes sense.

"Whatever, preppy." Charlie spats.

Adam discouragingly shakes his head and skates over to his team.

I skate over to Charlie. "Charlie what was that for? He was most likely telling the truth, he probably didn't know until he got to the dinner."

"Yea right. Come on let's just start."

I can not believe my brother. He is turning on his best friend. What's happening to the ducks?

Charlie took the face off against Rylie. Rylie knocked Charlie down and took the puck. He skated down the ice and faked Goldberg and scored.

While Rylie was taking the puck all the other varsity members were ramming or tripping or knocking us down. We had a line change and I got on.

I stood by one of the Varsity members, waiting for the face off, and he smirked at me.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Nothing Nothing."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Charlie who was taking the face off. Charlie managed to get the puck and he passed it to me. I dodged a varsity player and headed toward the net.

I was about to shot when I got shoved from behind. He pushed me way into the boards and I fell.

Ouch. I grabbed my side which really hurt. Oww my ribs.

"Jeez Case you didn't have to go full blow." I heard someone say behind me.

Someone skated behind the person who was behind me.


"Why do you care Banks?" Adam? Adam. The guy who I assume is Case, the guy who checked me. "Is She your girlfriend? Don't worry I'll keep your secret but don't tell Cole or else he'll have you off the team."

I snap my head at Adam and than Case.

"Now I suggest you skate away and pretend you don't care about her. Alright?"

He hesitated but gets up anyways. I don't shy but I feel a little betrayed. I get that we aren't dating but I like him a lot. But I understand about the scholarship.

I slowly, painfully get up. Charlie comes skating up fast with Julie and Connie hot on his heels.

"Kenny are you ok?"

"I'm.." I breath and since I'm pain. "Fine."

"You clearly are not fine."

"Come on will get you to the bench."

"What was Banks and that guy sayin to you?"

"Uh Nothing. Don't worry about that."

I sat out for the rest of the game with ice on my ribs. Their blueish purplish and hurt like hell. Adam would give me worried glances occasionally but Case would interrupt him.

Charlie had the puck and was heading towards Scooter and Adam was trying to get the puck away.

"Damn it Banks." Charlie yelled. He shot the puck and it went wide. He tackled Banks and they landed on top of Scooter.

I got off the bench and headed toward them.

"Get off me Charlie."

"How do you like it Banks?"

"Nice takedown, you'd be in the box."

"Go cry to your rich parents." Charlie was heated and he shoved Adam.

Adam shoved back. "Fine."

The started to wrestle and the other team and players came over and they got in a huge fight. I didn't know what to do. I clouding get involved, I'm in too much pain.

There was a loud crash from the other side of the rink.

"Hey! Hey!" Coach Orion yelled.

He ran up to Riley and pulled him close with his hand caught in his jersey.

"You are so lucky I'm not your coach! Now get your team off the ice!"

"Let's go!" Rylie shouted.

Coach tore apart the fight and shoved the varsity towards the lockers.

"Banks! Go! Now!"

Coach finally got Adam and Charlie apart. Adam started to skate away and turned and looked at Charlie. He gave him a look of sadness and hurt.

"Alright! Now get those jerseys off!"

We were wearing our team USA Ducks jersey.

"I said take them off now! Your little duck tricks aren't going to work here!"

We started to take our jerseys off but Charlie spoke.

"Your breaking up the best thing any of us ever had." He sounded angry.

"Well, it's time to grow up."

"Grow yo? Like you huh. Some washed up pro bossing around some kids. Real grown up."

"Alright goodbye Conway."

Coach and Charlie stared at each other until Charlie skated away.

"Anybody want to follow?"

Fulton skated after Charlie but everyone else stayed.

"Look, no ones forcing you to be here. It's your life. Now 20 Laos then bit the showers."

With that he left and we did our laps but it hurt like actual hell.

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