《My brothers best friend, / Adam Banks TMD》Chapter 4


Currently Julie, Ken, Russ, and I are in the varsity locker room with an ice machine thing that Ken and Russ got from the science room.

"They won't notice its missing will they?" Julie asks.

"They have multiple. What do you think?"

"No need to get rude Russ. I was just asking."

We continued throw the locker room spraying every locker until we come to a certain locker.

"What about Banksie?" I ask.

"He's one of them now isn't he?" Julie points out.

"Yea but..." I start to mumble.

"But what? You aren't falling for him are you?" Ken jokes.

I quickly shake my head. "No I'm not. It's just... how about full blast."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Russ adds.

Julie looks at me and send me a look. I just lower my head and help hold the hose.

I'll admit that I have been crushing on Adam for awhile now ever since the goodwill games in Hollywood. But I obviously haven't said anything because A) We're on the same team and I didn't want to mess it up and B) He's my brothers best friend.

My crush has gotten bigger and stronger on him and I was a little upset when he made varsity. I was planning on telling him that I like him maybe even love him but with all this crap going on, doesn't sound very good on my part.

Charlie would absolutely hate me and he'd despise Adam, I couldn't live with that.

Now I'm regretting coming along. Luckily we only have a couple lockers left and then I can go to the lounge before my next class.

We finish with the lockers and Russ and Ken go put it away. I start to walk out when Julie catches me.


"Hey Kenny Wait."

I let her catch up but I continue to walk.

"What was that back there?"

"What was what?"

"The whole thing with Adam."

"What about him?" God I do not want to talk about this.

"Ken joked about you falling for him and you widen your eyes like he found out a secret."


"So, are you falling for him?"

I don't respond. What am I suppose to say anyway? That yes I'm falling for him but can't let him know since he's on varsity and Charlie would kill him?

"Kendra, you can tell me." Man, whenever she says my full name you know she's being serious. Now I have to tell her.

"Yes." I mumble ever so silently that I don't think she heard. Heck I didn't even hear myself.

"Oh my god!" Julie squeals.

"But you can't tell anyone. Especially Charlie." I threaten her making her stop in the hallway and point my finger.

"Why not Charlie?" She asks confused.

"Because, Adam is Charlie's best friend and he's with the varsity now remember."

"Oh. So what are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothing. The same thing I've been going for awhile now."

Julie gives me a look. "You're going to do nothing? How long have you liked him?"

"Since the goodwill games. But I only realized that I have stronger feelings since he got moved to varsity."

"That long! God Kenny you need to tell him."

"How?! And why?"

"I don't know! And why? Because you like someone that's a major thing!" She paused. "Oh how about during class?"

"Around Charlie and the other ducks? I don't think so."

"No like if your alone or after class."


"We'll see."

God what have I gotten myself into? I knew I should have just left it alone and not have told Julie. But I had to because she is my best girlfriend here besides Connie. Connie! Oh no am I gonna have to tell her now too. Most likely because if she finds out Julie knew for a while before her she'll get mad.



Sorry this chapter was short. It was just a filler chapter and I needed you to know about Kendra likening Adam. I have juicy stuff coming up so I wasn't exactly sure how to begin or get that.

Hope you'll still read though!

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