《His little secret》🥀Chapter 19🥀



I said half lying because I did want to talk about it but at the same time I do? I dont know my mind is weird and confusing. "Well can you try to get some sleep for me please?" I didn't notice he moved behind me until I felt his hands massaging the back of my neck making me relax almost instantly. I said before Laying down drifting off to sleep instantly.


I just finished patrol because I had to work overtime cuz 'I've been slacking' Is what the trash fire says, as im outside the front door I got a call from..... shiggy? He never calls me unless its important.

"Yes love?" I asked mainly because Its like 3am at the moment. "Umm so.... like- can I come over?" he sounded worried and a little...scared? "Um year is dabi coming too?, what's wrong" I asked unlocking the door. "Um dabi just fell asleep, i'll explain what happened when I get there" he told me 'He just fell asleep? its 3am.' "Bye"


___/Narrator's POV\___

Keigo(Hawks) Is sitting on the sofa waiting for shigaraki to come- *Knocking* or not seems like he's here

Keigo gets up and walks to the door checking who it is before opening the door for him "Hey love." he said opening the door wide enough so he could walk into the house "Hey kei...." Shig responded "What happened?" keigo asked closing the door, leading shigaraki to the sofa.

Shigaraki was quiet until they sat down but even then when he does talk his voice is soft full of concern, "I don't know if you knew this already but all week dabi has been lock away is his room..." Keigo stayed silent and gesterd to go on, "Well he came out tonight but when I saw him it was like 30 minutes ago he not only looked like he hasn't slept in weeks but he had bandages on his legs which worries me because-..." He continued explaining hawks what went down back at the base while hawks connected the dots, "Shig-" hawks sait stopping shigarakis rant. "Hm?" he responded using the small adorable sound cuz he didnt want to talk anymore because he was tired. "1. I know why he was awake for so long, 2. I know why he had bandages... 3. you need sleep." Hawks told him counting the numbers on his fingers. "Wait really?" shigaraki eyeses looked less tired and more eger, corncored, confused? idk his emotion changed as soon as he said that "Yes really" Hawks answered


(Its 8:01Am rn and ive been up since 7:00 Am yesterday so imma get some sleep then finish this this). (Its been a day now im finishing it)

"Now let me speak so you can go back and get sleep." he spoke adjusting his position so he is more comfortable "I'm not going to go into full detail like what happened when but i'll tell you why...., For the no sleep situation its most likely because of nightmares well more like flashbacks" he paused almost like as if he didn't know rather to tell him more about these nightmares/flashbacks. "These contain memories of his childhood... this is a bad thing because he and his siblings was... um- a-abused by his father." hawks was at the verge of tears just talking about it because the memory of touya telling him everything, shigaraki is silent still just waiting for hawks to finish talking with tears running down his face hawks didn't notice he was crying because tenko has mastered the art of silent crying. "This caused PTSD which came with DID but I'm going to let him explain that later, And the bandages.. he relapsed and to what..." he paused about to keep going but shigaraki finished it for him "S-self harm" Shigaraki was playing with his gloves to keep his hands busy keigo noticed and took his hands into his own "y-yea.." he mumbled letting shig know he guessed correctly. "Hey love how about we head to the base and get you to sleep?" Hawks said wiping shigs tears along with his own before slowly standing up pulling shigaraki up with him

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