《May I Have This Dance // DNF》one


The halls were quiet.

They always are, especially being an only child. I walk down the long halls and my cat is following me right by my side. I look outside the window and notice that it was quite dark outside and that it was getting ready to rain. I go to the library and it's always the same, the same big library. I go through the many shelves of books that I've read many times. Books are the only way that I feel alive and happy, escaping the lonely feeling into pages in a book.

This is what I get for not going to the library in the town, I just don't like to talk to people; especially when I need at least one guard at least 3 feet near me. I head down to the stables and I see that Wilbur is brushing the horse's fur. He's whistling to a tune that I don't know but sounds familiar.

"Hello, Wilbur," I say with a smile.

"George, I'm so glad that you came here. How have you've been?"

"I've been better, how are you?"

"I'm good, just brushing him." He says patting the horse's leg.

"That sounds fun."

"Also, I've heard a rumor that Dream is planning on going to your ball."

"Who's Dream?"

"You don't know Dream?"

"I barely leave this place, do you think that I know someone named Dream?"

"Well, he's a prince of a nearby kingdom. He's very well known for acting out and being crazy."

"I see," I raise my eyebrow.

"I honestly think you should invite him, make the ball more exciting."

"Maybe, but I think I should also invite Nick too,"

"Dream and Nick? Sounds like a party to me."


"Only if my parents would allow it." Wilbur scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Just say you want to get more people over."

"I'll try my best,"


My parents called me downstairs and I sit down at the dinner table and we started to get served our food.

"So George, as you know, you're around the age to get married."

"I know, mother."

"I think you might meet your future wife at that ball," I frown, she looks up at me.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't you think it's a bit early?"

"Early?" She laughs, "Honey, your father and I got married right when we turned 18."

"Well, you both were ready for marriage. I'm just not ready for that."

"George stop that nonsense, you're just talking silly now."

"Silly? You think that me not being ready for marriage isn't silly talk, mother."

"Now stop that George," My dad says in an angry tone. "You do not speak that way to me or your mother. She's just doing what's best for you."

"For me?" I protest. "You're doing what's best for you and what's convenient for the kingdom."

"George, you are going to get married to a woman that you meet at the ball whether you like it or not." My mother yells.

I storm off into my room, I hear my family calling my name, but I just ignore them. I was too angry to think straight, I fall onto my bed. I didn't want to get married to a stranger my parents pick out for me, and I'm not ready to get married. They don't understand, they never do. I roll to my side to face the window and notice that the rain is starting to come down; I hear purring and my cat snuggled right beside me.


"Hello love," I whisper. She closes her eyes and snuggles closer to me.

I start to hum that tune that Wilbur was whistling before I talked to him, it was calming and catchy. I slowly start to close my eyes and drift off into a slumber.

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