《Dance Machines [JhopeXLisa]》Chapter 16


After walking Lisa to her home, I walked back to our house. While I was walking on the streets, I thought about the fun I had with Lisa earlier. I wasn't that close to her to know that she was actually funny, bubbly, active, cute, and weirdly out of this world like me. She is fun to be with plus she's pretty, then why would my hyung cheat on her?

I arrived home and opened the door to be greeted by all my hyungs, all of them were trying to comfort Hobi hyung who was crying on the couch. When I closed the door, everyone's attention came to me.

"Where have you been?" Jin hyung asked.

"Uhmmm..... I had something to do, but what happened to Hobi hyung?" I asked them about my crying hyung in the couch.

"We don't know yet, he said he's going to explain everything after he calmed down" Jimin hyung said while pattibg hobi hyung's back.

I nodded and went to Hobi hyung, I sat beside him and looked at his side profile with tears flowing down, he somehow reminded me of Lisa crying, earlier.

Ohhhhhhhh......... It had something to do with Lisa......

"It's about Lisa, isn't it?" I said.

My hyungs became quiet as I did it, while Hobi looked at me shocked, he stopped crying but his eyes are read and puffy, just like Lisa's.

"H-how'd you know?" He asked and hiccuped after.

"I saw her run out of the party earlier while crying, so I followed her, she explained her part to me, now I need your's to see what exactly happened, if it's a misunderstanding or not" I told him while rubbing his back.

"Hyung, did you have a fight with noona?" Jungkook asked.

"Tae when dis you become a detective?" Jimin asked me.


If I wasn't dead serious right now, I would've laughed at his comment, is that really the only thing he got from my words?

"So what exactly happened?" I asked Hobi hyung ignoring the other's questions.

He took some time to gather himself before speaking, "It was actually a misunderstanding, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.........." He explained his part to us, like what I did to Lisa, I listened to every word, the others did too.

"But I thought Sewon was her friend" RM said.

"She was just acting all along, she was not the girl I used to know" Hobi hyung said.

"It's okay hyung, just explain everything to Lisa, she's an understanding girl, besides I told her that she should have a talk with you, cuz maybe it's just a misunderstanding, and because it really is, she might understand and forgive you" I told Hobi.

He looked at me and smiled, although it wasn't his normal sunny smile but I can understand how he's feeling so I just let it be.

"Thanks Tae" he said, I hugged him, that later turned into a group hug.

"No problem hyung, I'm always on your side, besides I got closer to Lisa and made an new friend!" I said.

"Aren't you already friends with her?" Suga hyung asked.

"We weren't really that close" I explained.

"Okay, but don't get too close though" Hobi warned.

I think he's jealous.

"Don't worry hyung, I won't steal her from you, I just wanna befriend her, okay?" I said.


The next day........

I woke up to a ding, it was my phone.

I groaned and forced myself to roll to the direction of my desk where my phone is string on.

I grabbed my phone lazily and rubbed my eyes before opening it, a notification was on the screen of my phone. A message from Hobi!


Suddenly, memories of last night's events we're displayed in my head. Oh right, he cheated on me, what could he want now? I opened the message.

Lisa, can you please meet me at the park tomorrow, I need to tell you something, please!🙏

- Hobi☀

What does he wanna tell me? Should I believe in Taehyungs words that maybe it was all just a misunderstanding? Well, might as well find out!

I took a del breath before typing..

Fine, I'll meet you there at 9.

- Lisa💖

Liz, it's already 9:15 am😂

- Hobi☀

I looked at the clock hanging above the door, it was 9:15.

Be there in 30 minutes, then.

- Lisa💖

I put my phone down, and quickly went to the bathroom.

I changed into this.

Without the flower headband. Then just let my hair down.

I grabbed my purse, which had my wallet, keys, lip bomb, and put my phone in.

I said goodbye to mom, before leaving the house.

I walked to the park, because I want to exercise my body.

When I arrived, I looked around the park to find him. Then I saw him sitting in one of the benches, crossed legged, he wore a white T-shirt with jeans and high cut converse, I noticed that were twinning clothes.

I walked towards him, when he saw me, a huge smile was now plastered on his face.

"Liz, you came! Please sit" he said patting at the empty space beside him. I gladly sat down.

"So..... What do you wanna tell me?" I asked him.

He took a deep breath before saying,

"I wanna break up with you"

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