《Dance Machines [JhopeXLisa]》Chapter 7


I can't believe it............ I'm performing the opening with JHOPE!

But why am I happy about this??

Practice starts, later dismissal time. I'm so excited!!!!!!!

But why?

A/N: Maybe because you like Jhope😏

What?! Author-nim, I don't like him!

A/N: If you say so......

~Boring Time Skip~

It's dismissal time! This afternoon, I went with my unnies to the sign up booths, it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know what to enter. So, I told my unnies I'll do it tomorrow.

Anyways, I went on my way to our homeroom for this day's practice. When I arrived, I was the first one to come by, I saw our teacher waiting at her desk.

"Oh! Lisa, you're here! I have something to tell you" Ms. Lee said.

So I went to her desk, "What is it, Ms. Lee?" I asked.

"You see, the choreographer that we hired, ditched us, so I was thinking, that maybe you should just practice the choreo by yourselves" Ms. Lee said.

"We'll try?" I said unsure.

"Great! Here's the video, wait for your partner, and I'll leave you guys to it, cuz I have some errands to attend to as a mother, bye and good luck to you" as soon as she finished her sentence, she rushed out.

Then after the teacher was no longer in sight of the room, as if on cue Jhope rushed in, who looked like he just ran a Marathon.

"Sorry...... I'm..... late" he said in between his panting.

"It's okay, the choreographer ditched us anyway" I told him with a smile.

"What?!" He said popping up his head.

"Yep, he did, now we have to learn this by ourselves" I showed him the video on the phone.

"How about let's watch it first, cuz you need the rest, since you look like you just ran a Marathon" I suggested.

He nodded, and we sat on two chairs in front side by side.

"ooooohhh, I like the dance" I said.

"Kaja?" Jhope said standing up, "I'm excited to Dane with you again" he continued with a smile.


I smiled back and stood up, "Same" I told him.

We started to learn it step by step, and we started to get the hang of it, but I was so shook when he suddenly hugged me, I blushed like crazy, ughhh.

We dance perfectly together then I noticed one part, where I was suppose to hug her, I smiled at the thought of hugging her.

We kept practicing until that part is next so, we practiced the steps, then I hugged her, which took her by surprise.

Cuteeee! She's blushing!

"Awww, look who's blushing" I teased her.

"N-no I'm not!" She stuttered.

"Kawaiii! You're so cute when you're flustered" I keep on teasing her.

"Aniya! I'm not!" She said, I realized I was still hugging her.

An idea popped in my head, than I smiled deviously, she looked at me.

"What's with the smile?" She asked.

"How about if I do this?" I said before giving her a peck on the cheek.


"Kyaaaaaaaaa! JUNG HOSEOK!" I shouted at him, while pulling away from his grip, I must be blushing hard by now.

He kept on laughing at my reaction.

"Why did you do that for?!" I exclaimed at his laughing form.

"Maybe it's because I like you" he smiled at me.

I froze at my spot looking at him, then he started laughing again.

"You're so cute when you're flustered!" He said laughing.

I unfroze at what he said, "Aish! This kid!" I said frustrated.

"But for reals though" his expression suddenly changed into a serious one, "I really do like you" he said, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Author-nim! What did you do to me!!!!!

"But do you like me back?" He asked in a serious tone.

Is he teasing me again or am I really getting a confession?

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked him confused.

"Yes I am, so do I have an answer?" He asked again.


"Uhmmm...... I-" I was cut off.

"I guess this was just too sudden, it's okay, I'll give you some time, but starting right now, I'll be courting you" he said.

I am still bewildered by his actions.

OMG! I really am getting a confession.

My body suddenly moved itself as I nodded, not knowingly.

"Great! Now shall we continue practice?" He asked back to his cheerful self.

I nodded again, getting uncomfortable.

"Don't be uncomfortable around me please, just be your normal self, I'm just courting you, that's all" he comforted.

"Uhmmm...... I'll try?" I said.

The rest of practice we spent learning moves step by step, although I was uncomfortable around him because of his little confession earlier, I didn't want him to notice, so I acted normal. We've gotten far enough in just a little amount of time, so we decided to continue the rest tomorrow.

"Come on, I'll walk you home" he told me.

"No, I'm okay, with walking home by myself" I said panicky, while shaking my hands in front of me.

He chuckled, "No, I won't allow you to go home alone, even if I didn't court you, I would've done the same thing, it's dangerous for you to walk alone at this hour" he said in a concerned voice.

I nodded in defeat, "Alright, kaja?" I said.

He smiled at me.

God! That smile, I can never get used to it!

I walked outside the classroom together with him, we made sure to lock it too. As we were walking outside school, suddenly he held my hand.

Dugdug. Dugdug. Dugdug.

A smile crept on my face, I don't know why, but his touch, was somehow confronting.

I suddenly tickled his side with my other hand.

He jolted and giggled a bit.

I laughed at his actions, he saw my cracked up form, and suddenly tickled me back.

The whole time he walked me home, we spent laughing, chasing and tickling each other.

This guy never fails to make me smile and laugh everyday.

When we arrived, he suddenly pouted.

"Cute, why are you pouting?" I asked him.

"I'm just sad, that I have to leave again" he said, I laughed at his cuteness.

"Don't worry sunshine, I'll see you tomorrow" I told him.

"Can I atleast have your number?" He asked me, I smiled and nodded.

"Here" I gave him my phone, he immediately took it put his number on my phone and he did the same to his phone.

"Thanks, Bubbles, see you tomorrow" he said, smiling.

"What's with the nickname?" I asked him.

"I thought of it because of your bubbly personality" he said.

"Fine sunshine, bye" I told him back.

He started walking away backwards, while waving at me, as he reached at our fence, he gave me a cute finger heart.

I giggled at his actions, he's so cute.

I went inside our house to see my mother smiling at me.

"Hi honey, who was that?" My mom asked me teasingly.

I smiled at my mom, and squealed excitedly, jumping up and down, while clapping my hands like a seal.

"Why? What happened?" My mom asked curious.

Me, as an obedient girl and a mama's girl, I tend to tell my mom everything exciting that happened to school.

"Mom, Jhope just confessed to me earlier, and started courting me" I exclaimed, I think I was too loud, I hope no one heard that from outside.

"What?! Really?? Is it that guy who walked you home?" My mom asked.

"Yep! That's him!" I said excitedly.

"Ooohh, you're one lucky girl, he looks so handsome and nice" my mom said, "So when are you gonna reply to his question" she asked.

"Uhhmmm, when I'm pretty sure of my feeling towards him" I calmed down a bit.

"Well, hurry up, someone might take him from you" my mom said, I smiled at her.

I'm lucky to have a mother like her.

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