《Dance Machines [JhopeXLisa]》Chapter 2


I woke up to the sound of my phone beep.

It wasn't my alarm, it was a late message from Rosé.

I had fun tonight, thanks for

talking me into this!


I smiled, and remembered yesterday, night.


"I like the confidence" he said, "I'm Park Jimin"

"I don't care about your name" I replied to him.

"Let's Begin!" The DJ said.

As always they start the battle, after watching him display his moves, I put my hood down and took off my mask, so it won't be difficult to dance.

I started dancing, I smiled at the looks on their faces, if only I could've asked Rosé unnie to take a picture of each one of them, they were both mesmerized and shocked at my skills, not bragging, just saying the truth.

As expected, in the end I won.

I smirked at Jimin, "told ya, you'll regret it" I said boldly.

"Nice moves, guess I'll have to beat you next time" he said with confidence.

"Keep wishing" I told him.



Good Moments, hehehehe, I love winning!

3:50 am, 10 minutes to 4:00am, might as well take a shower.

I took a shower, and put on my school uniform.

I looked at my watch, 4:30 am, still early, ughhh! Why didn't I just go back to sleep. No choice, I'll just go to café near by.

I arrived at the café near our school, I ordered a coffee and cheese cake to eat. I know it's not healthy but I was just craving for something sweet.

Too early! Ugghh! Why did I agree to this!

I went to the café where me and my friends always go for breakfast.

I went inside, and ordered 7 lattés, and 7 soft cakes, the lady in the counter said to wait for my order. I took the time to look around, the shop only had one customer, makes sense, it's still 4:40 am. I think she's from our school, because of the uniform, I decided to go sit with her, cause it'll be boring sitting alone in this shop.


"Anyeong! Jhope-imnida, can I sit with you?" I asked her, to be honest she's quite pretty.

"Sure, go ahead" she said, while drinking her coffee.

"I didn't know someone would go out this early, especially for a student" she said.

"I didn't want to, I was forced to. It was a punishment for not going with my friends last night, they said they lost a battle because I wasn't there" I told her.

"Sad, but reasonable" she said.

"I'm Lisa by the way" she said with a smile.

Gosh! Her smile lights up a day.

"Nice to meet you, what Year are you?" I asked curious.

"I'm in my senior year" she said.

"Me too! I wonder why, I didn't notice you before" I said.

"Same, you seem like a pretty attractive guy to not be noticed" she said.

I chuckled, "Thanks" I said.

"Mr. Jung, your order is here!" The counter lady said.

"That's me, got to go" I said.

She smiled, "See you at school then" she said waving, I nodded and took my order.

He's not so bad a guy, the popular boys in school are on my class as well, but even though they're attractive, they're annoying and flirtatious.

I finished my food, and checked my watch again, 5:09. Great! Still early, what am I supposed to do?

I decided to go to school, when I arrived from a short walk cuz the café was just close, I immediately went to the dance club room, inside was empty, only a large mirror can be seen attached to the wall.

I pulled out the mini speaker from my bag and plugged my phone in it, I played 'I am the Best' by 2NE1 and started dancing to it freestyle.

I stopped dancing to rest after some songs, and decided to see if Rosé unnie is awake.


Unnie! Are you awake?


I waited for a reply, then after a minute.

I am now! What do you want?


Can you come to school, I'm lonely!!!!


Why are you so early?


Believe me I've been here since 5:10am and I woke up at 3:48 or so, because I received your message late.


Okay, okay, be there in like 30 minutes.


Too long!!!


Alright! How about 15?


Okay! Bye unnie!😘


Aish! This kid!


Yayy! She's coming in 15 minutes! Might as well continue dancing while I wait.

I live with my friends in a house Jin hyung's parents kindly gave is. We treat each other like brothers since Primary school...... I think.

Anyways, we're on our way to school, the reason we go to school early is because no students are there yet, so we can have the dance club room all to ourselves.

As we entered the left wing of our school, where the dance club is, we heard music echo through the halls.

"Hyung? Why would someone be here before us? It's usually just us at this hour" Jungkook stated.

"It looks like someone beat us to it" Suga said pointing towards the dance club room, that had it's lights on.

"Let's go?" Jin said.

We went to the room to investigate. We peeked inside, there was a girl dancing inside, it looks like the girl from the café. Her moves are so flawless.

"It's you!" Jimin said, startling the girl, she looked in our direction.

Does she know my hyungs? I thought while we slowly stepped inside the room.

"So you attend this school too, huh?" Jimin continued.

"Of course I do, how can you not notice?" Lisa said.

"Wait! Do you know each other?" I asked from behind my hyungs.

"Hyung! She was the one who defeated Jimin last night" Jungkook said.

"Wait, so they were the friends, you talked about earlier?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Yep!" I said.

"That makes so much sense, by the way, I didn't get to introduce myself properly last night" Lisa said, while my hyungs eyed her.

"I'm Lalisa Manoban" she continued with a smile.

"Oh! You're the smart blonde in our class who moved here from Thailand, I didn't recognize you because you died your hair orange" RM said in realization.

"Yeah, that's me" she said.

"Lisa! Are you in here?" A feminine voice shouted from outside the room.

Moments later a girl appeared outside the door, with a shocked expression, so as my hyungs.

Did I miss anything last night? I regret not going.

"Uhmm, Lisa? Why are they here?" The girl said.

"Hey! You're the girl who defeated V hyung last night too!" Jungkook blurted out.

"Jungkook stop pointing out people" V said irritated.

"Uhmm, we should be leaving right now, bye!" Lisa said, almost rapping it and immediately dragged the other girl out.

We were left here standing in the same spot, analyzing the situation.

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