《Awakening》Chapter 38
"I do's..."
Caliope gasped, her cheeks as red as they could get "Oh no! I forgot the vows! how could I have forgotten that?!"
Elaine grinned, looking at her with motherly love "Darling, speak from your heart, it is all that matters, no one would be checking if you are reading something or not..."
Vanessa smiled "You are good at improvising Caly. Now let me finish!"
Caliope sighed and closed her eyes, as Vanessa was giving her finishing touches "Speak from my heart... sounds easier said than done."
Elaine chuckled and helped her get up from the chair, and as Ariadne started to lift the cover of the dress, Vanessa helped her out of the wrapping towels. When Caliope saw her dress, she gasped. Elaine and Vanessa both imitated her as they witnessed Ariadne's magic touch.
Vanessa was grinning and gave a little jump of excitement "That is just gorgeous..."
"You did it...! you made my dream dress... thank you, so much..." Caliope was in awe looking at her reflection on the mirror. Elaine gave a step closer nodding "Oh my... I wasn't aware... Caly, darling... it is identical...!"
Caliope nodded and wiped a tear from her eyes, she gave a step closer towards the mirror and touched gently her dress; soft satin sleeveless corset with silk skirt, a princess cut that would show her curves at the right places. And the main detail, a lace fabric that covered from one arm side up, falling and ending at the opposite side on her hip, tied with a vintage brooch.
"What do you mean by that? identical to what?" Vanessa curiously asked.
"Long story short, my real mother had a dress the day she met my father, and the lace fabric patterns is almost the same as she had hers... I wanted that detail..."
"Your real mother? I see you have yet a lot to tell me about..."
"In another time, perhaps? right now, is time to get you inside the dress, quickly... before I start crying..." said Elaine, holding back the tears. Caliope turned to hug her, taking her by surprise, and she wrapped her arms tightly around back in response. After some brief seconds, they finally let go each other and then turn back to the dress, Caliope held her breath, and lifted both arms, waiting for them to help her slide in the dress. It fit perfectly.
As Vanessa was finishing with the last pearl button on the back, Elaine brought a small box with a gift. Caliope looked at the box and felt confused "what is this?"
"Something borrowed... isn't that the custom?"
She opened the box and found a pendant, delicate and sutil. Lifting it up from the box, she smiled at Elaine as she took it from her hands and put it around her neck "Not what you would have expected, right? It was one of my first conquers in this world, an interesting story sometime I should share... but it has been with me for centuries, and I pretend to keep it for much more... is yours tonight."
"...it is beautiful, so elegant, thank you Elaine..."
Vanessa couldn't agree more, she was beaming a wide smile as she looked the precious jewel around Caliope's neck "A really thoughtful detail..."
"Now let's get moving, Ariadne, we will see you later."
Ariadne nodded and smiled, as Elaine headed to the door and peeked outside to make sure no one else was around. Vanessa held the door open and allowed Caliope to walk out, who followed Elaine as she found balance on her shoes. The air was filled with perfume of flowers, and she heard the murmur of voices from people outside. As she carefully step down the stairs, Elaine asked her to wait for her sign before walking out "Are you ready, my dear?"
"As ready as I would ever be..." And with those words, Elaine vanished behind curtains, heading outside as people hushed and started to head to their places. Caliope looked down to her hands, she was cold and shaking a little, her heart was racing fast, and she tried to lean on the wall. Vanessa looked at her with concern "Are you ok baby? You look pale... now is the time to stop this if you are not sure..."
She closed her eyes and sighed "Stop... please stop... I want to do this... just... give me some seconds, I am nervous... a very human trait!"
Vanessa chuckled and held silent nodding, Caliope took deep breaths as she felt the floor below her move slightly. Suddenly, her hands were sweaty and she felt cold chills in her back, she opened her eyes wide and gasped.
'Breathe my love... breathe... don't make me go get you...'
Caliope smiled as his words echoed in her mind, the fact that he was watching over her made her feel safer and secure 'Amra... I am ok... just... nervous... I swear...'
'Perhaps we should postpone this, until you feel better...'
'No! I am coming out! And you better be in your place waiting for me!'
After a few seconds she was chuckling and saw Elaine walk back in, who perked a brow looking at her but quickly dismissed any question she could have. "As soon as you hear the music, you can come out my dear... the path decorated to the hill is simple, long perhaps, but simple..."
"...what music?"
"One of Maxwell's many gifts, he hoped you would enjoy it..."
Caliope gave a step closer to the curtains as music began; it was only a cello, softly pouring tones that started to make a familiar song, she took a deep breath, and finally walked between the curtains to the outside. The air was filled with an even more intense perfume, and the light of the sun almost blinded her. After a couple of seconds until her eyes adjusted, right in front of her there was a path made of white petals scattered on the floor, she blushed and started walking over them. The contrast of the white on top of the green groomed grass was almost of painted work of art. After her first steps, a second cello joined the first one and together started to make a sublime tune. As she gave one step in front of the other, she tried to find where the music was coming from; she found familiar faces at both sides, Angels she met in her recent trips aside her new family. And then at the very end, up in the hill, under a glorious gazebo that sheltered an altar made of branches and flowers, there was Amra, in a white suit, waiting for her with a smile. She held her breath briefly, her next two steps were clumsier than usual, then she followed the path a bit more secure, with firmer feet sinking to the ground. She looked around and smiled nodding to the guests, noticing many new faces, and as she reached half of the path, she heard a piano joining the two cellos in a celestial song. She felt goosebumps on her arms and couldn't help to bite her lower lip; the music was powerful. Her eyes lifted once more to find Amra, much closer now, as he was giving a step towards her, impatient to reach for her, she giggled quietly and walked with more conviction. This was her moment, her time, all her life she never felt like she belonged to any place particularly, few people caught her interest, and even less places felt like home; but ever since she met him, she knew deep inside her that with him she felt safe, with him she felt complete, and even though his world was different, she knew she could adjust and become part of his world, because he was already part of hers.
Suddenly people were gasping and whispering, she looked at some of them and they were looking towards the altar, when she finally saw him, there were tears in his eyes. Something inside her moved, she almost ran to him but Vanessa caught her and held her from her arm. She whispered "...easy darling, don't make a show right here... you will get to him."
She blushed and nodded, making her final steps a bit calmer. The gazebo was breathtaking, probably made of some Greek stone, as most of Maxwell's castle details, and the altar was so detailed and yet so natural, the branches were firm and the wild flowers decorating it made it look as if it just came out from a dream. Maxwell had put a lot of time and thought into the details for the wedding, inside her Caliope was a little ashamed she had no full involvement in her own wedding, but the result was surprising, and above any vision she could have ever had.
As she gave the final steps to the altar, she couldn't help but to gaze on Amra's eyes; he was smiling, a smile that had conquered her long time ago. He was so young and so free, pure, innocent, it was too hard to imagine now anything else but how happy she felt making him smile that way. She lifted a hand and rubbed the tears from his eyes, he sighed and leaned his forehead on hers, closing his eyes.
They were taking each other's hands, facing one to the other. Elaine and Maxwell stood in front of them together and made a sign to the others. Caliope focused on Amra, who seemed to be more nervous than her. 'Do you want to postpone this until you feel better?'
Amra lifted his head instantly and looked at her, he was shaking his head and smiling. Caliope sighed relieved.
Elaine's voice sounded strong and direct "We want to thank you all who have come to witness the union of our beloved Guardian and his Asteria..."
Maxwell continued with a firm tone "...this union is not only blessed but it is also a light of hope for all of us in times of uncertainties and hesitation... there is nothing more inspiring than love... nothing more wonderful than reciprocating to it... and nothing more pure than two souls that belong together..."
Elaine smiled "Please join with us in this prayer, hold each other's hands and sing with us..."
Maxwell took Elaine's hand, Caliope looked at the guests and saw them standing up and doing the same with the people next to them, she blushed and smiled, seen them lift their heads up towards the sky and starting a chant. Amra squeezed her hand gently 'don't be afraid...'
'I am not afraid... this is beautiful...'
They all chanted something she couldn't understand, yet it was beautiful. There were goosebumps on her arms and she shivered, Amra put an arm around her and pressed her towards him. At the side, she saw Vanessa in tears with her eyes closed, imitating the chant. She tried to focus on her dear friend in order to clear her overwhelmed heart; she looked stunning in her sleeveless champagne dress, white lace on the edges, she could pass as another bride if anyone would ask. The chant continued for a minute more or two, and finally stopped as people looked back to them and returned to their seats.
Elaine now looked at them both, and with a smile she continued "Caliope, are you here willingly?"
"Yes, I am."
"Amrafel, are you here willingly?"
"Yes, I am."
Maxwell smiled "Please share to us all your vows, Caliope."
She was biting her lower lip as she nodded, looking back to the guests, she bowed her head slightly, then turned her face to Amra; her hands were shaking slightly, even on his tight grip. After taking a deep breath, she began.
"I wasn't a believer before I've met you... I remember when you asked me if I believed in God and Angels, and at the moment I thought you were going to come with a crazy line about them conspiring or try to convince me they were aliens" she said and the audience laughed. "But nothing prepared me for what you were going to say... which was the truth... and perhaps it was because it came from you, and not someone else, that it just made sense to me... even without knowing you so well, I felt you were telling me the truth.. I felt I could trust you... I felt I was safe with you... Now, just barely months after that, I see there is a universe I still have to know with you... your own universe... you... but I came to peace with myself that I am sure there is no other person in this world, in this reality we live in, that could make me complete, there is only you... when you said we belong together, I didn't just believed you, I felt it through your words... and now, in front of them all, in front of you... I promise you, this is me, and as I am, I only want to be forever with you... Thank you for everything, for the encouraging words, the well needed silence, everything..." her voice almost broke as she tried to hold her tears, she took another deep breath and continued "...I didn't belong to any world until you gave me balance, people think I am the hero for making you find the reason to fight but they are wrong, you saved me from a numb existence, you woke up in me what I am, and I can only be that with you... You are my hero, my saviour... I love you."
She gasped and realized she was shaking, Amra lifted a hand and caressed her face softly. He was holding himself trying not to kiss her, but he felt about to break his pose and crush his lips on hers.
There was silence, and she could hear Vanessa sob. Her heart was pacing fast and hard, she didn't know how she could pull out those words, but Elaine had been right all along, the best way to do this was to speak from her heart. Maxwell broke the silence and when he did, it almost felt as if he was about to tear as well "...thank you for sharing such thoughtful words Caliope, please Amrafel, share with us your vows."
Amra nodded, and after a deep and unnecessary breath, he looked in her eyes, still holding her face with one hand, and spoke "My Asteria... Caly... I don't think I was ever prepared to meet you... I would give up immortality to please you, just to see you smile, just to hear your laugh... I feel like I have only started to live after I met you, and it shocked me so much how I felt powerless in front of you... I am beyond blessed by our father for meeting you here and now... the truth is, I am fortunate to have found you here and now... you have awaken in me things I didn't know I could feel, fears I never knew I could feel... You make me want to be the hero everyone hopes me to be, but just to keep you safe... I doubt there is another living being in all the worlds who have been shaken so much by their loved one, and I find myself here, in front of everyone, but more important, in front of you... to promise you that, my love, my faithfulness and my loyalty won't stop in forever... And I will protect you with my life, to make you safe, and give you the world you deserve to live in..." his voice was firmer than hers, but she could sense how affected he was by his emotions; he was smiling and nervous at the same time, again he was so pure and unique she felt her lips would split from smiling so much. He took a few seconds before finally continuing "These people are here to witness the bond of love that many crave to have, and some are lucky to have found it... you are my light Asteria, you are the one... I love you..."
Caliope kissed his hand and started to cry. He leaned to kiss her forehead and caressed her face gently. At their side, Caliope heard Elaine sob.
Maxwell was grinning "Thank you Amrafel for sharing those words to us... we are all touched by witnessing the love you both have..."
Elaine smiled and nodded at them both, taking a deep breath and continuing "There is no better time than now... so if any of you has a reason to stop this union, should speak now, as there is no other time where this opportunity shall be given importance at all..."
Caliope swallowed hard, she felt cold chills in her body and leaned closer to Amra. He held her tightly and kissed her forehead once more '...it is about to end, hold on my love...'
She nodded and closed her eyes, the possibility of anyone objecting was almost null, but to hear Elaine speak those words made her body cold, as if her own body was reacting to it. She knew it was the last time she would feel this way, weak and shaken, but she recognized that it was that dark side of hers, the alien feeling of not belonging, that strange sensation that always crept in the back of her mind, that was making her body cold.
Elaine addressed to the guests "...by the power invested in me as the representative of our Great Father, I bless this union and make it official to our kind and our universe."
Maxwell took a deep breath before speaking "By the power invested in me as the representative of our Earth Laws, I celebrate with you this union and make it official to all humans in this Earth."
"Bless you both, my children..."
"You are now, husband and wife..."
"...and you can now kiss the bride, Amra..." Elaine chuckled.
He didn't wait longer, he crushed his lips on hers and kissed her with passion. Caliope heard the applause and the cheers from everyone around them as the lights of the dying sun were kissing their bodies. The perfect timing, the sunset magically bringing light to every spot in the hill, and the glow made its effect on both of them. Vanessa was crying with joy, and at her side, a smiling Pronab gave her a handkerchief from his pocket. Caliope smiled at them as Amra finally pulled back, he wrapped both arms around her and then lifted her in his arms, and she gasped and blushed as everyone was applauding louder. He walked down the hill with her in his arms, and people started throwing them white petals as they watched them pass by. 'Where are we going?'
'Just to the entrance of the house, we will make a toast and invite everyone to the banquet...'
'So... this is it...? That was all?'
'No, my love, the last part will be more private, after the feast banquet... are you concerned?'
'Nervous... yes... but even more anxious to go through it...'
'Soon enough my love... soon..."
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