《The Calamity Girls (Book 1)》Civil Wart


Theater night, a night where frogs can relax from the stress of real life. "Ah, theater night, the one night a month we come together, watch our stories, and forget all our horrible, horrible troubles." Hop Pop sighed. "Now who wants popcorn?" When we arrived, Sprig found a perfect place to sit. Sprig and Polly race to the stump as a competition. Sprig gets there first. "No fair, you have appendages!" Polly whined. "Sprig, give Polly the seat." Hop Pop ordered. "Say what?" Sprig asked. "C'mon, Hop Pop, I was here first!" "That's what older brothers do, Sprig." Hop Pop explains. "They look out for their little sisters, now move that rump over to that stump." Sprig grunted as he walked over to us and sat on the rotten stump. "Bummer, dude." Anne said. "It's not fair, just because she's a little younger she always gets special treatment!" Sprig complained. "Rosalina always felt the same way when we were little." I explained. "Anytime Dad would bake back home, he always let me lick the spoon, little did she know that it'd bring us closer together." "I'm an only child so I don't relate." Anne added. "All my parent's attention was focused on me, and it was awesome!" "Lucky you." Sprig groaned. Mayor Toadstool was about to make an announcement. "Alright now everybody settle down, I have some bad news." He explains. "The acting troupe had to cancel on account of being eaten on the way here." The crowd was booing when suddenly, Anne stands up from her seat with a brilliant idea. "Hold up, everyone." Anne said. "I have something that might work, it's called a movie, it's like a play, but totally better."

Anne took off her shoe and placed her phone against it. The screen was bigger thanks to Tad, the glass expert. "Thanks, Tad, local glass artisan." Anne thanked. "Yep." Tad replied. "Okay, so tonight, I'm gonna be showing you the timeless classic, Love Choice, which has always been one of my favorites because..." Anne explains. "Just start the movie!" Mrs Croaker shouted. This was my favorite movie too. "You got it." Anne replied as she pressed play on her phone to start the movie. The main character, Constance had to choose between two hot guys, Alastair and Hunter. The movie ended in a cliffhanger, leaving the frogs wanting more. "Who does she pick?" Wally asked. "I'm so frustrated right now!" "Believe me guys, been there, they're making a sequel, Love Choice 2, but it's not out yet." I explained. "I'll tell you who she picks, Hunter, he's a beefcake." Polly said. "What, she should pick Alastair, he's a thinker, a dreamer." Sprig argued. The crowd started arguing with each other. "Listen up, I don't even wanna live in a town with someone who likes Alastair." Polly announced. "Well, I don't wanna live in a town with someone who likes Hunter." Sprig argued. "That does it!" Polly shouts. "Everybody who chooses Hunter, get behind me!" A bunch of frogs got up onstage with Polly. "Well, anyone who likes Alastair can get behind me!" Sprig exclaimed as the remaining frogs stood behind him. "Sprig, just let Polly win this one, before things get even worse." Hop Pop begged. "Sorry, Hop Pop, but I've had it with this pollywog and her special treatment." Sprig replied. "We ain't backing down!" "This means war!" Polly shouts as both groups left the theater, leaving me with Anne and Hop Pop. "I've got a bad feeling about this." I said. "Eh, I'm sure by morning clearer heads will prevail." Hop Pop replied.


Hop Pop was wrong, the whole town was divided overnight. "I don't believe this, the town is split right down the middle." Anne said. "This is just like an internet message board but IRL." "We're things on this 'internet' resolved in peaceful and civilized ways?" Hop Pop asked. "See for yourself, dude." I replied. "If we don't do something fast, this whole town is going to tear itself apart." "Polly and Sprig are the ringleaders, if we can just get them to get along, we'll be fine." Hop Pop suggested. "I'll go talk to Sprig, and Anne can talk to Polly."

I walked into the side of Wartwood that shipped Constance with Alastair so I can talk to Sprig. "Deer Sprig, you have a visitor." Stumpy said. "Should we throw her in the deer prison?" Mrs Croaker asked. "No, no, it's okay." Sprig replied. "Thank you deer Stumpy and deer Croaker, take 5 deer friends." The others left me and Sprig alone to talk. "Rowena, great to see ya, are you here to join our deer choir?" Sprig asked. "Who do you choose?" "Anne." I replied. "I-I mean Alastair, I don't know." "What do you want?" Sprig asked. "I came here to tell you that this dumb feud with Polly is dumb." I replied. "And you need to end it." "You're the younger sibling, Rowena, you don't understand." Sprig argued. "I'm always giving up things for Polly, well no more, the only way to end this is if Polly submits to me!" "But..." "We're done here." Sprig grunted as he played a pipe as Maddie and Mayor Toadstool grabbed me to take me away. "Oh, c'mon, Sprig, this isn't cool!" I shouted as they dragged me out of their territory. "Rowena, Polly's not budging." Anne explains. "She won't even see Sprig until he surrenders!" "No luck here either." I replied. "How are they supposed to make up if they won't even see one another?" "I know, right." Anne said. "We've got to get them together, but how?" I looked around and then looked back at Anne. "You think these frogs know how to play capture the flag?" I asked.


Anne and I decided to switch things up and went to the opposite sides to steal the flags. Anne decided to cut down the flagpole and I took the flag down the traditional way. We both succeeded, as we got both sides to each form an angry mob that would meet in the middle. "Both flags captured!" We shouted as the mobs met at the divided line. "We tricked you all!" I exclaimed. "Now that you're face-to-face, how about discussing this like civilized..." Each side started to throw crops at each other. "So, older brother, you here to finally admit I'm right and surrender to the Hunter tribe?" Polly asked. "Death first!" Sprig exclaimed. "Then perish!" Polly screamed as they continued to throw crops to the other side. Team Alastair threw fruit at Team Hunter. "Now that is frog abuse." I said. "Well, at least we brought them together to clear the air, right?" Anne asked as fruit was thrown in our faces. "Retreat, my deer brethren!" Sprig shouted. "After those wimpy deer cowards!" Polly ordered. As they crossed the line, Team Alastair led them into a trap and threw more fruit. Polly was running away almost in tears. She was surrounded, paralyzed with fear. "You lose, Polly, looks like your special treatment couldn't help you this time." Sprig said. "Now surrender and..." "Enough talk, let her have it!" Mrs Croaker exclaimed. The frogs on Sprig's team were about to shoot the baby with more fruit until Sprig took the hit for his sister. "Why, Sprig?" Polly asked. "I don't understand." "Because, seeing you in danger made me realize it doesn't matter what's fair." Sprig replied weakly. "What matters is that I'm here to take care of you, we surrender, Polly, we, surrender." "Bro, brother?" Polly cried. "No." Sad music plays in honor of Sprig and the end of this feud. "Alright folks, pack it in, we're done." Sprig said. "Yeah, this thing is pretty played out." Polly added.

We gathered at the theater for another movie. "Hey, Sprig, I saved you a spot." Polly called. "And I brought you some sweets." Sprig added. "You're a good older brother, Sprig." She complimented. "Hello everyone, for tonight, I've picked a conflict-free independent film called, My Dinner with Anders." Anne announces as she pressed play and sat next to me. After the feud Sprig and Polly had, I was feeling a little homesick, especially for my sister. "Rowena, you alright?" Anne asked. "I don't know, after Sprig and Polly made up, they started to remind me of me and Rosa." I replied as tears began to fall down my face. She hugged me tight and held my hand. "Hey, we'll find our way home." Anne said. "As long as we're together, you'll never go through anything alone."

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