《The Calamity Girls (Book 1)》Anne vs Wild


Ever since I met Anne, I knew she wasn't a very big outdoorsy person. I was loading up the cart with the Plantar's for a camping trip, while Anne was searching her bag for something. "Guys, I brought a bath bomb from home and I didn't even know it!" Anne exclaimed. "Man, I can't wait to try this baby out!" Anne saw us packing the cart. "You guys going somewhere?" "Yup, the four of us are going to Camp Flemington." Sprig replied. "Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy." "Wait, without me?" Anne asked. "Sure are, when we Plantar's camp, we camp hard." Hop Pop explains. "Besides, Anne, you don't even like camping." I added. "Your soft, like a baby." Polly added. "You should be glad you're not one of us." Hop Pop said. "That's ridiculous!" Anne retorted. "Me, soft? Just because I'm not a Plantar doesn't mean I can't have a good time with you guys." "I mean I guess that's fair, I'm not a Plantar either, but I still want to have a good time." I said. "Take me with you, please, please, please?" Anne begged. "Are you sure?" Hop Pop asked. "I wasn't kidding about you being soft." Polly added. "Super sure." Anne replied. "Aw, c'mon guys." Sprig said. "If Anne says she can handle it, she can handle it." "Well, alright, kid." Hop Pop agreed. "Hop on." Anne cheered as we headed off.

We arrived at the camp, but Anne was looking kinda nervous. "I can't wait to tell scary stories." Sprig said. "The more teen frogs running from deranged psychopaths, the better." "I'm just happy to get off the farm." Polly added. "So much fresh air and it's all mine." "Last time I went camping was last summer, in Oregon, during an apocalypse." I explained. "I'll tell you guys about it sometime." "I personally love the peace and quiet, a frog can really hear themselves think out here." Hop Pop said as he went into his thoughts. "Well that was a mistake." While most of us were enjoying the outdoors, Anne looked disgusted by it. "You sure you wanna stay, Anne?" I asked. "You can take Bessie and go home if you need to." Hop Pop added. "Hey, here's an idea." Anne replied. "How about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already."

We all went fishing in a nearby pond. We all caught a little fish, but Anne caught this huge fish that wanted to eat her. Later that day, I helped Sprig pitch a tent, but Anne ended up catching hers on fire. And while we carried food and water back to the campsite, Anne had this huge bug on her back and she freaked out.


The next morning, I woke up to see Anne covered in tick bites. "Ow, careful." Anne winced in pain. "I'm pretty sure those ticks caused internal damage." "So awkward question, but are you sure you wouldn't be happier back home?" Sprig asked. "Seriously, Anne, no need to torture yourself." I added. "Take Bessie and go home." Hop Pop said. "And don't you worry about us okay, we'll be just fine without you." "No!" Anne exclaimed. "I know it seems like I'm miserable, okay, but I'm not, it's just... it's just, I'm not used to some easy camping." We all looked confused, even me. "Look around you, singing, butterflies, laughter." Anne explains. "I guess I'm just used to something a little more... extreme." I was gonna burst out in laughter, but a frog popped out of the bushes and startled us both. "So, this place ain't extreme enough for you?" He asked. "Uh, dang right it ain't." Anne replied with worry. I could tell she was lying. "I can take you folks to a real campsite." He laughed hysterically. "One without any of this kiddie stuff, like shelter or potable water." "Well, would a more extreme experience make you happy, Anne?" Hop Pop asked. "Uh, yeah?" Anne questioned. "If Anne wants hardcore, we go hardcore." Sprig said. "Let's do it." I agreed. "Lead the way, Mr..." "Name's Joe, Soggy Joe." He introduced.

At sundown, we moved to our new campsite with Soggy Joe. The forest we were in was surrounded by frog corpses, empty buckets, and gigantic spiders. "We're here." Soggy Joe announced. "We bunk here for the night, and in the morning, if we're still alive!" We all gasped.

We built a fire pit and just sat still. "Want to hear a tale?" Soggy Joe asked. "Nope." I replied. "I'm good." Anne added. "I do, I love scary stories!" Sprig exclaimed. The rest of us groaned. "Born in the bowels of the bog itself, the mud creatures stalk the inky night, lusting to devour any frogs that might've wandered in their domain." Soggy Joe said as he submerged into the mud. "Ten bucks says he doesn't come back up!" Polly exclaimed. At that moment, Soggy Joe came back up, startling all of us. "The mud men only fear two things, daylight, and being clean." He left to use the bathroom in the forest, leaving us alone, possibly with those mud men he was talking about. "Is this extreme enough?" Sprig asked Anne as she jumped. "What, no." Anne stutters. "I'm loving this." Soggy Joe groaned. "Hey, Sogman, everything okay?" I asked him as he falls on his face with an axe in his back. We were all terrified. Soggy Joe was dead. "Okay, whoever did that, that's frog abuse!" The fire went out all of a sudden. "Don't worry, good thing I brought my copper matches." Hop Pop said as he lit the match as the mud men were right in front of us. "It's the mud men!" Sprig screamed. More of them approached us from the mud. "They're real!" Hop Pop exclaimed. "And they're here for our delicious souls!" Polly added. "Oh man, this is all my fault." Anne whispers in fear. "I was just about to say that." I replied. "Everyone, grab a torch!" We each had a few torches, but it didn't seem to work. They put out the torches. We were cornered. "Really wish we had some sunlight right about now." Sprig panicked. "Or heck, cleaning products." Hop Pop added. "Wait, Anne, you said you brought something from home and you didn't know it, what was it again?" I asked. "A bath bomb." Anne replied. "Everyone take cover!" Anne throws the bath bomb into the mud and it starts fizzing, instantly destroying the mud men. We cheered for our victory. "Guess we were wrong to doubt you, Anne." Hop Pop said. "You really are used to extreme camping." "Guys, I have a confession." Anne sighed. "This extreme camping stuff is nonsense, I was miserable back there, I was just trying to cover it up." "So you dragged us to this horror show for no reason?" Polly asked. "Twisted, I love it." "I don't understand." Sprig wondered. "Why lie about it, why be miserable?" "Maybe she's feeling left out." I commented. "I know that we're not frogs, and we're not Plantar's." "I wasn't even invited in the first place." Anne added. "You were, Rowena." "True, but I know what it feels like to be left out, like in Kindergarten, everyone else had their own partners in class for music, but this girl saw me crying and asked me to be friends with her." Anne smiled almost crying. "I just really like you guys and I wanted to be with you, miserable or not." Anne hugged all of us and Sprig started crying. "I don't know if it's the sweet smelling toxins or the overwhelming emotions, but dang it, I'm a mess." Sprig cried. "Next time, we'll include you, Anne." Hop Pop confirmed. "Even if we know you hate it." Suddenly, the corpse of Soggy Joe stood up and removed the axe from his back, scaring us all. "Joe, I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed. "Good thing I wore my axe proof vest, eh?" He asked. "So, what'd I miss?" "Oh, pretty much everything." Anne responded. "Really?" He wondered. "Oh, Joe, there were these crazy cannibals." Sprig explains. "They tried to eat us." Hop Pop added. "Yeah, actually it turned out they were just frogs." Polly said. "Wimpy little frogs, covered in mud." "And then we ran." I added. "It was all a big thing." "Anne saved us with her bath bomb." Sprig explains. "Yeah, I smell it, it's great." Soggy Joe said. "Is that peony?" "Yeah that is peony." Anne replied. "Yeah, I have a nose for these things." Soggy Joe commented. "So, that's pretty much it, you're all caught up." I said. "So you all wanna go get pancakes?" He asked. "That sounds great." I replied. "Let's do it." Hop Pop added. "I've always been more of a waffle girl myself." Polly said as we left the creepy forest behind.


Later, at home, Anne and I decided to show the Plantar's our biggest secret. "Guys, now that we've been through a lot, there's something we'd like to share with you." Anne explains as she reached in her bag to reveal a frog music box. "This is how we got here." They gasped in amazement. "It's some kind of crazy music box or something." I explained. "Have you guys seen anything like it before?" "May I?" Hop Pop asked. "Sure, I mean, it's busted." Hop Pop picks up the music box and examines it. "Nope, never seen anything like it." "Well it was worth a shot." Anne frowned. "Guys, I promise, we're gonna find a way to get you home." Sprig commented. "Thanks Sprig, it really means a lot to us." I said with a smile. "Well that's enough excitement for me today." Hop Pop yawns. "I think I'm gonna turn in."

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