《The Calamity Girls (Book 1)》Breakout Star
One morning, I was playing cards with the Plantar's. "Got any threes?" Hop Pop asked Polly. "I ain't telling you nothing, old man." Polly replied. All of a sudden, Anne opened up the basement door to reveal her face covered in acne and screamed. Sprig also screamed. "Is someone dead?" Hop Pop asked. "Why are we yelling?" Polly shouted. "Just look." Anne muttered. "She's diseased." Sprig gasps as they all grabbed farming equipment for protection. "We have to quarantine her." Hop Pop added. "Don't struggle, Anne." Polly said. "Relax, guys." I explained. "Anne's not sick, she's just got pimples, it's a human thing." "Oh, false alarm, everyone, just a human thing." Hop Pop sighed in relief and they all dropped their equipment. "Hey, Rowena, why does Anne have pimples and you don't?" Polly asked. "I do, actually, but they're not as bad as Anne's." I replied as I showed her a few of my pimples. "Everybody already treats me like a monster." Anne sighed. "This is just gonna make it ten times worse." "Ah, c'mon." Sprig said. "No one treats you guys like monsters." "Are you kidding?" I asked. "Neither Anne or me could even go outside without making a scene." "Okay, fair point, fair point." Sprig said. "But who cares what they think, we like you guys." "I think I'm gonna go hide in the basement until this clears up." Anne nodded. "Sorry, Anne, but nobody's hiding anywhere today." Hop Pop said. "I need help at the vegetable stand, we've got a bumper crop of scream beans that need selling."
At the stand, Anne wrapped a scarf around her face to hide her acne. "Alright, kids." Hop Pop said. "Get out there and sell like your lives depend on it, because they do." "Come one, come all, try the beans everyone is screaming about!" Sprig exclaimed. "Fresh Scream Beans!" I shouted. "Beans, everyone, wow, can you believe it?" Anne said sarcastically. "Like I'd buy beans from a monster!" One frog complained. Suddenly, some kids bumped into Anne, causing her scarf to come loose and exposing her pimples. "Leaping larva, look!" Another frog gasped. "No, no, don't look at me!" Anne shouted. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" A frog asked. "Beautiful red warts!" "Wait, what?" Anne asked. "This girl has some too!" Another frog said pointing at me. "Three cheers to the girls with the red warts!" The frogs picked us up and threw us in the air. Anne and I both laughed.
Back at the house, the first thing I saw was gifts, lots of gifts. "This is awesome!" Sprig exclaimed. "Just look at all these gifts!" "The townsfolk love us." Anne said. "They really, really like us." "They really seem to like your human bumps, girls." Hop Pop said. "Not for long." I explained. "As soon as our pimples clear up, the town will think of us as the monsters from the woods again." "I better take care of these moneymakers if I wanna keep this up." Anne said as she covered her face with butter. "Babies are hungry." Me and the Plantar's looked at Anne, confused. Suddenly, a horn was honking outside. "What was that?" I asked. Anne opened up the door to investigate. "Anne, my dear." A familiar voice greeted. I knew that voice, it was Mayor Toadstool! "You and Rowena care to join me on a joyride?" "We brought the fancy snail." Toadie, the mayor's assistant added. "Get out!" Anne exclaimed. Sprig and I dashed out the door to check on her. My jaw dropped. "We all get to ride in that?" Sprig asked. "Awesome!" "Finally, the luxury I deserve." Hop Pop said. "Nope, I'm afraid that only Anne and Rowena are invited." Mayor Toadstool explains. "Just look at those beautiful warts." "Don't look so glum, guys, we'll be back soon." Anne said. "I'm not going." I replied. "If the Plantar's can't go, I can't go, that's frog abuse!" "Suit yourself." She said as the snail took off with her, Mayor Toadstool, and Toadie. "It begins." Hop Pop explained. "Fame changes people, kids, and not in a good way." "Our world has something similar." I added. "But don't worry, pimples go away."
The next day, we found out that Anne was staying with the mayor. "Hey Anne, got time for a visit?" I asked. "Hey, guys." Anne greeted. "Just look at this place, epic, right?" "Yeah it's great." Sprig said with a frown, but Anne didn't notice. "Can you believe I was living in the basement?" Anne grunts. "It was cold, dusty, not to mention smelly, but that might've been Rowena." "Hey, I'm right here!" I snapped. She is really reminding me of Sasha. "No offense." She added. "None taken." Hop Pop said in offense. A bell started ringing outside. "Aw shoot, we gotta wrap this up." Anne said. "I've gotta sign some autographs, kiss tadpoles, and do some interviews, all before dinner, so good to talk to you guys, love ya, mean it." Anne pushed us out of the room and blows us a kiss. "The heck was that?" Sprig asked me. "It's like she's a different person." "Yeah, a crazy person!" I added. "This stinks." Sprig said. "Hey, none of that!" Hop Pop exclaimed, tapping his grandson's head. "Kids, when one of your own makes it big, you support them, no matter what." "Because deep down, they're still the same person." I added. "I guess you're right." Sprig sighed.
The next day, we received a note from Anne, so we ran over to the mayor's office to see her. Sprig knocked on the door to see Anne, but without pimples. "We got your note." I said. "We came as fast as we could." Hop Pop added as Anne pulled us inside. "What's the emergency?" Sprig asked. "My life is ruined!" Anne exclaimed. "My zits, they're gone, without them, I'm nothing." "Called it." I coughed. "Anne, that's ridiculous." Sprig snapped. I'm sick and tired of this and..." He looked at Hop Pop. "We'll do everything we can to help you." "Oh, thank goodness!" Anne exclaimed. "I got it!" Sprig shouted. "What if we stuck some of these swamp berries to your face?" "That depends." I said. "Are they poisoned?" "I dunno." Sprig replied. "Great, but how can we get to the forest without me being seen?" Anne asked. "I have F-Annes everywhere." "F-what?" We asked. "F-Annes, it's what I'm calling my fans." She replied. "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." Polly said. "Don't worry about the crowds, Anne, I've got a plan." Hop Pop said.
We grabbed a cart filled with used towels to hide Anne until we got to the forest. "Make way!" Sprig exclaimed. "Plague towels, everyone." Hop Pop added. "Plague towels!" Sprig, Hop Pop, and I pushed the cart as the other frogs moved aside. "If you don't want to cough up your organs, stay back!" Polly warned. Suddenly, the cart rolled over a rock, which caused a towel to fall and reveal Anne's foot. "Hey, everyone, that's Anne's foot." A frog said. "The jigs up, run!" Sprig exclaimed as we continued to run. "We'll never make it!" Anne yelled. "Not without a diversion we won't." Hop Pop said. "Anne, gimme your shoe." Anne gives Hop Pop her shoe and he ran the opposite direction. "Hey, everyone, I've got Anne's shoe!" "Hop Pop, no!" Anne cried. "Fly you fools." Hop Pop said as the townsfolk pummeled him to the ground for Anne's shoe. "Eh, he'll be fine." Polly said. "Look, over there." Sprig points at a bush with the berries. Anne sticks some on her face. "How do I look?" She asked. "That should do it." I replied. She looked at her reflection in a pond and smiled. "Thanks for helping me, guys." Anne said. "That's what we're here for." Sprig replied. "Not me, I'm just here for the drama." Polly said. "I'm in the middle." I added.
That night, Mayor Toadstool was getting ready for his campaign speech. "Where is she?" He wondered. "I'm losing a point in the polls every minute she's late!" "I'm here, I'm here!" Anne exclaimed. "There you are, my dear, I was so worried." He said. "Sorry." Anne apologized. "I was caught up in this whole mob situation, luckily, Rowena and the Plantar's were there to help me and..." "The Plantar's?" Mayor Toadstool asked. "Anne, I thought we talked about this, hanging out with those bumpkins will only pull you down to their level, I think it's for the best that you don't be seen with them anymore, understand?" Anne looked at her phone to see a picture of the Plantar's and us. "Understood." She sighed. "Good, now get out there." Mayor Toadstool said. "Your public awaits." Anne walks onto the stage, looking upset. "Hey everyone, crazy week, huh, couple days ago, I was a monster, and now, I'm the pride and joy of Wartwood, I've got a nice apartment, F-Annes, fame, but you know what I'm missing?" Anne asked the audience. "The people who will stick with me, whether I'm a monster or not." Anne wipes the berries off her face and leaves the crowd in shock. "Anne, what are you doing?" The mayor asked. "You're throwing it all away, now how am I supposed to get these idiots to vote for me?" "Uh, sir." Toadie said. "What is it Toadie?" He asked. "Oh, did I say idiots, I meant lovely, lovely, townspeople, eh?" The townsfolk grabbed fruit and tossed it at Mayor Toadstool.
"Uh, hey guys." Anne said in embarrassment. "These are horrifying." Sprig said, showing a action figure that looked like her. "Yep." I added. "Thanks for sticking with me, even when the attention got to my head." Anne smiled. "Just remember to do the same when I'm rich and famous." Hop Pop joked. "Never happening." Polly said. "Any chance I can go back to being the other monster that lives in your basement?" She asked. "Of course." Sprig replied with a hug. "Thanks guys, hey, you know what, I still have the key to the apartment." Anne said. "You guys wanna try out the hot tub before they change the locks?" "Yeah!" We all shouted.
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