
"COME TO ME...."

looked around, trying to find the source of the wispy voice.

"Come on Theodora...."

Teddy stopped in her tracks and looked behind her. A hand softly tapped her shoulder, she made a small gasp and stepped back, turning around to find Tina.

"Are you okay, Teddy?" Her friend asks as everyone stops walking.

"Yeah... It's nothing." Teddy smiled small and then kept walking.

Tina glanced at Queenie who pulled her back slightly. "Somethings on your mind, Teddy... What's wrong?" Queenie's silky smooth voice asks.

"Nothing." Teddy carefully pried the blondes hand away from her arm.

"Meet me at Central Park in ten minutes, Theodora. Or else your friends creatures will be at harm."

Teddy looked around again and frowned. The voice seemed so familiar, it was stuck in her head. Never less she kept walking, pretending that she was okay.

Newt watched her carefully. His eyebrows furrowed as he caught up with the distressed women. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Why does everyone think I'm not?!" Teddy exasperated, throwing her hands over her head, causing a light to burst out, small glass shards fallin everywhere.

"You seem.... A little on edge." Newt brushed off some glass off of his blue coat.

"I'm fine." Teddy looked over at him and shoved her hands in her pocket.

"Five minutes darling. Don't be late."

She looked around again to find Newt staring at her. She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it faltered towards the end as she looked ahead of her.

Newt stopped in his tracks and stood in front of Teddy. "Somethings wrong... Teddy you can talk to me."


"Three minutes."

"I'm sorry." Teddy takes out her wand as everyone looks at her in shock.


"I hope you find your creatures, Newt." She locks eyes with Newt, who's staring at her with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She disapparted away from the streets of New York and to Central Park.

Her landing was rough when she apparted at Central Park. She fell into the snow, groaning softly at the cold impact. Teddy slowly got up and rubbed her arm, trying to wipe off so from her body.

"You actually came. I thought I'd have to use one of Mr. Scamander's creatures as leverage." A familiar voice called from the darkness.

"Show yourself asshole." Teddy sneered as she held her wand out in front of her.

"And why should I?" The voice taunted her from behind.

Teddy turns around quickly to find no one there. "Because I've been hit with one too many Crucio's for one day and I happen to be tired. Forgive me for having little patience at the moment."

"Fair enough." Percival walks over to his daughter, a small smirk on his lips.

"You can stay the hell back." Teddy pointed her wand at her father.

"And why should I do that, sweets? Hm?" Percival snickers and with as wave of his hand the wand in Teddy's hand flies out over to her father's hand.

"Because you love me." Teddy stares at her father, her heart banging against her chest.

Percival laughed loudly, his head tilting back as he tried to compose himself. "You took away the one person I cared about, why would I love you?"

"Because mom loved me. And you should as well. You did before, what channged?" Teddy timidly took a step closer to her father.

"Nothing changed, you're the one that changed. You're weak." Percival spits out, his eyes glaring at his daughter.


"I am not." Teddy said quickly in a firm voice.

"Yes you are. Those people, Goldstein and Scamander, changed you. You were such a warrior."

"If anything they made me stronger. My magic became back because of them."

"No, they came back because you were close to death because of them."

"Cut to the chase, why do you want to talk to me?" Teddy crosses her arms over her chest, staring at the person she still loves with all her heart.

"I want you to join me." Percival takes a step towards her.

"Join you to do what? To terrorize New York?" Teddy cautiously takes a step back everytime her father takes another step towards her.

"No, to become supreme." Percival grins.

"And how?"

"To expose the Wizarding community of course. Get those useless no-maj's to bow down to us."

"I don't know if you forgot, but your wife was one of those "useless no-maj's". So I advise you to watch your damn tone." Teddy growls, getting all up in her father's face.

"You don't get to talk to me like that." Percival roughly takes ahold of his daughters chin, making her look up at him.

Teddy's eyes were filled with fear. Her heart was beating faster, her eyes watching her father's actions. She didn't know who this imposter was, but it was definitely not her dad. Yes he can be the biggest dick in the world, but he would never talk about his wife like that.

"If you won't join me then," Percival puts her own wand under her chin, digging the wand further into her skin.

"No!" Teddy brought her knee to his crotched, causing him to dopple over in pain. Teddy quickly took her wand from his grasp and apparted from the scene quickly.

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