
wet washcloth against Teddy's forehead. After she passed put Newt and Tina ran into Queenie, who shoved them into Newt's case and he immediately laid her down in an extra room while Tina concocted many potions.

From that point the Queenie and Newt began to do some healing spells on her, trying to do what they could. As for Tina, she fed her friend the potions she made and felt helpless. She felt like such an ass for what happened in the past twenty-four hours.

It was obvious that Teddy was hurt and going to be in pain when she woke up, and he wanted to be ready when that happened. And when Newt meant ready, he meant holding Teddy's hand and waiting for the life to be squeezed out of it.

Newt was worried as hell about Teddy though. He's surprised she even lived after getting hit with 'Crucio' many times, but at the same time he wasn't. Teddy is a fighter and everyone knew that.

Newt looked down at her, softly leaning over to flatten out her hair. A small smile fell on his lips as he remembered how excited she was when she realized her magic came back, but such a terrible time. If he and Tina showed up a moment later.... That would be the end of Theodora Ana Laura Gwendolyn Graves.

He allowed himself to take a good look at her face though. He didn't realize how beautiful she was until then. Newt unintentionally traced her high cheek bones and sharp jawline.

"I-I know I'm pretty, but no need to get touchy." Teddy said quietly, smiling small before breaking out in a fit of coughing and groaning.

"Teddy!" Newt yelled, sighing in relief because she was alive.

Quickly Jacob, Tina and Queenie rushed into the room, relieved smiles on their faces.

"Sugar, drink up." Queenie stepped forward and handed her a vile along with a cup of God knows that.

Teddy sat slightly, biting her lip as she tried to pretend that her back wasn't burning. She shakily took the vile from Queenie and downed it like a shot as well as the cup of gunck.

"Thanks Queens."

"You're still in pain, honey lay down."

"No, I'm fin- Ah fuck!" Teddy sat up too quick and then laid back down immediately, groaning quietly.

"You're fucking potion isn't helping."

"Just give it a minute." Tina pipes up as they all watched Teddy close her eyes for a moment.

"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Everyone shrieked, causing Teddy to open her eyes quickly.

"You would do the same if you felt every inch of your body being torn to shreds." Teddy mumbled, rubbing her face before realizing something.

"My magic came back." She said quietly.

"My magic came back." She said again, but a little louder than before as she looked around the room excitedly.

"My magic came back! Oh my goodness gracious- where's my wand?!" A large smile plastered her face, ignoring all the pain that heaved over her body.

Everyone chuckled as Newt took her wand out of his sleeve, handing it over to her. Teddy eagerly took her wand back, looking down at it. The feeling of holding it seemed so... foreign to her.


She grinned as if she were a child who opened their present on Christmas morning. With a flick of the wrist the glass of water began to levitate in the air, flying to Teddy as she grasped the glass softly.

"I was quite parched." She chuckled lightly as she sipped the drink, sitting up slowly.

"How are you feeling?" Jacob asked, still not sure of her state of health.

"Good enough to beat the shit out of someone." Teddy said in a sweet tone, peeling the blankets off of her.

"Whoa, whoa, Teddy slow down." Tina carefully places the blankets back onto her.

"I'm fine, I swear." Teddy lies smoothly, pulling her hair up into a ponytail.


"Tina can I speak with you?" Queenie spoke softly, taking ahold of her sisters arm along with Newt's and looked at Jacob to follow.

Queen pulled everyone out of the room. Teddy watched curiously, wondering why they had to leave the room. She glanced around the room and found an outfit laid out for her, probably from Tina or Queenie.

There were long black pants with a grey sweater. She slipped them on with a bit of a struggle, her arm still hurting from earlier.

Flashes of green light and the man's sinister smile kept flowing into Teddy's mind as she changed. Her breathing quickened and looked at herself in a long mirror that was propped on the wall.

Scars, ugly white and red marks scattered her legs and arms. Teddy bit her lip as she looked at herself and began to quickly put on the clothes, ignoring the pain that came from her arm and back.

"She is not fit to come with us." Tina's voice shrieked through the door.

"I know, but you know how she is." Queenie said in a hushed tone, causing Teddy to press her ear against the door. She's going, no matter what they say.

"You know, I know you all care but I'm a big girl. I'm coming whether you like it or not." Teddy opened the door, leaning against the doorway.

Newt chuckled quietly, her stubbornness was quite adorable at times like this. "I told you." He replies with a sly smile.

"Fine, but you are taking these every two hours. And I will check." Tina gave up, knowing that fighting with Teddy won't help with the situation at hand.

Tina handed Teddy five vile and quickly pulled her into a hug, causing Teddy to stumble backwards. "I'm so sorry for what I did."

"It's alright Teens," Teddy hugged her friend, a smiling at Queenie, Jacob and Newt.

"Now go on, fill me in on your crazy ass plan." Teddy grinned as she pulled away.

¤ ¤ ¤

"So you think my dad has something to do with all of this?" Teddy's heart sunk, her hand slowly reaching her cheek.

"I know it's hard, but when you were still passed out he interviewed us and he kept asking about Newt's Obscurial. And saying how it's useless." Tina explained, frowns etched on everyone's lips as they remember when Percival laid a hand on his daughter.


"That's just...." Teddy closes her eyes as she inhales quietly and exhales loudly.

"He tried to blame everything on Mr. Scamander's creatures as well." Jacob adds.

"Let's catch the bastard." Teddy looks at the nighttime skyline of New York.

"First we need to get my creatures." Newt walks over to Teddy.

"I know a guy." Tina glances at Teddy.

"Oh my god, no." Teddy shakes her head.

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" Tina exclaims.

"If it had anything to do with that piece of garbage you call Gnarlack I'm out." Teddy crosses her arms over her chest.

"This is for the greater good." Tina tries, knowing how much her friend hates the dwarf.

"The greater good? I'm sorry but Newt's creatures are the last thing on my mind when that thing touches me."

"I'm sorry-"

"You've said that a lot this whole adventure."

"Look, we need to get Newt's creatures okay? If we do this you can do whatever you want and I won't scold you."

"Ugh, fine. But I better get a drink."

¤ ¤ ¤

Teddy finds herself being dragged down the street by Tina once again. The group reaches a small bricked area and Teddy gave Tina one look before walking ahead of them, going down the stairs and stopped at the bottom in front of s brick wall with a poster on it.

Teddy whines quietly as Tina and Queenie take out their wands. She followed them and locked eyes with the Goldstein sisters, their wands over their heads. They brought their wands down their head to their shoulders.

Immediately their clothes began to change. Newt and Jacob watched awestruck as shimmers cascaded down the girls bodies, causing the clothes to change.

Newt watched Teddy in awe as she grinned. He knew she was excited on how another spell worked for her and that made him chuckle quietly. A black lace dress exchanged itself for her sweater and pants.

Silver stars, ranging from sizes, covered the dress. On one arm the dress connected itself causing a cape like effect. The dress stopped at Teddy's knees and draped down her back, flowing behind her. Newt thought she looked like a proper princess.

Newt's eyes found rigid white and red marks along Teddy's arms. He frowned softly as his eyes widened in surprise. Teddy used her wand once again to make long silver gloves that reached her elbows, causing Newt to sigh. She's trying to hide the pain.

Teddy caught Newt's gaze and sent him a wink before blushing softly. They looked away from each other as Newt took out his wand, fixing his bow tie. Teddy glanced at him once again before looking at her feet.

Queenie stared at her friend with a cheeky grin, nudging Teddy's elbow with her own. The three girls exchanged looks and began to giggle quietly. For a moment it felt like they were fourteen again at Ilvermonry.

When the giggles died down, Tina turned to the brick wall. Teddy was dreading this with a passion. The poster came to life and the girl on it looked at the three girls as Tina gave a series of knocks to the wall. The eyes of the poster were removed and replaced with real ones.

They ended up inside with Teddy make a beeline to the bar. She absolutely did not want to see Gnarlack, plus she needed a drink. Newt reached out and grabbed Teddy's elbow softly, pulling her back slightly.

"Yes, Mr. Scamander?" Teddy turned around and looks up at him, a grin on her lips as her brown eyes looked over his freckled face.

"You... you look g-good." Newt tries to compliment her, his green eyes meeting hers and then the ground. He was annoyed at how he stuttered towards the end.

"And so do you." Teddy chuckled, finding his awkwardness utterly adorable. She smiled at him and then turned away, walking to the bar for a well deserved drink.

She stood with Queenie and Jacob, quickly feeling like a third wheel. Her brown eyes looked at the assortments of alcohol on the shelves and looked at the house elf over the counter.

"I'll have whatever their having please." She sent him a small smile, nodding her head at the lovebirds next to her.

"Did you take them yet?" Queenie asks Teddy.

"The potions? Ha no, completely forgot." Teddy grinned and pulled out one of the many viles from her bra.

"Thanks for the reminder though." She chuckles and downs the vile once again, making a face as she hated the taste.

When Teddy looks down an array of shots are set out for her. "Don't mind if I do."

As she picks one up and brings it to her lips, she stumbles forward. Teddy grips on the counter for support and groans quietly ad the alchol in the shot flies out. She feels a hand on her arse and turns around quickly seeing the stubby dwarf.

"Good to see you, Theodora." Gnarlack smirks.

"Fuck off shorty." Teddy pushes him away and reaches down for another shot.

She feels another hand on her shoulder and quickly sends the person a punch, turning arounf to face them with an angry look on her face. "I said fuck- Oh my Merlin! Newt, I'm so sorry!" The anger from earlier disappearing and changed with worry.

"I thought-"

"It's okay, err... nice swing by the way."

"Uh... thank you?"

"We have to go!" Tina yells as everyone around them begins to flea, fights happening all around them. The group gathered and disapparted from the club.

"The bastard ratted us out huh?" Teddy chuckles as Newt joins her, holding his jaw. They apparted away from the chaos and everyone was panting.

"Don't worry, I punched him." Jacob grinned as Teddy gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"This is why you are one of my favorite no-maj."

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