《The Purge |EXO| completed》9. Friendship
Тансаг харшийн өмнө бие биесээ хэзээ ч үзэж байгаагүй хоёр залуу саятан ирж зогслоо. Хоёул өөрсдийн хүмүүсийг дагуулсан байх агаад ард нь том машин дотор олон хүдэр чийрэг бадриун биетэй арваад залуус байх ажээ. Тэд өөр өөрсдийн залууслуугаа дохин тэр эмэгтэйг олж ир гэж хэлээд хоёул машиндаа тамхилан суулаа.
Нэгэн цагт үхтлээ дурлаж амиа өгөхөөс буцахгүй байсан тэр бүсгүйгээ эд мөнгөнд шунасан зальтай эмэгтэй гэдгийг мэдээд хоёул маш том сэтгэлийн шарх авжээ. Гэсэн ч одоо болтол энэ нь үхэх гэм гэдэгт хоёул дор дороо эргэлзэн сууж байв.
Байшинд буун дуу хадаж тэдний залуус замдаа тааралдсан хамгаалагч болгоныг алж байлаа. Төд удалгүй тэдний өмнө өнөөх эмэгтэй газар сөгдлөө.
-Өө залуусаа та нар манай гэрт ийм их шуугиан тариа юу гэж тэр хэлэхдээ одоо болтол инээмсэглэх ажээ.
Өмнө нь энэ инээмсэглэлд нь хууртагдаж харахад хайр нь хүрдэг байсан бол хэдхэн цагийн дотор огиудас нь цутгадаг болсон байх нь хачин. Хайр гэдэг ийм хурдан хувирдаг юм гэж үү? Аль эсвэл тэд хэтэрхий их шархалсан болохоор ийм хурдан үзэн ядахад хүргэв үү.
Чанёол- Тэрнийг яахав гэж асуухад Жундэ ч энэ талаар бодоогүй байлаа. Тэд зүгээр л түүнийг үхүүлчихмэргүй байв. Түүнийг удаанаар зовохыг харахыг рүсч байлаа.
Тэнд байсан эрчүүд тэр бүсгүйрүү өлсгөлөн араатан шиг харахыг анзаарсан Чанёол инээмхийлээд түүгээр зүгээр л ажлийг нь хийлгэвэл ямар вэ гэж хэлэхэд Жундэ ойлгосон бололтой инээмхийлээд
-Залуусаа наад эмэгтэй чинь одоо та нарынх гэж хэлэн тэр хоёр машиндаа орлоо.
Машиндаа орон тамхиалан суух хоёр залуу гадаа нь тарчлан орилох эр хүний аахилах болон өөр эрчүүдийг инээх сонстох ажээ. Тэдний залуус тэр эмэгтэйг орилуулан ,тарчлааж, зодож, хүчиндэн эцсийн амьсгал хүртэл нь доод биег нь ашигласан юм. Магадгүй үхсэнийх нь дараа ч ашигласан байх. Залуус нь өмдөө татан босож буцаж машинлуугаа орж байхыг хараад
Жундээ тамхиа сорон үлээгээд
-Тэр хүртэх ёстойгоо л хүртсэн гэж хэлэн Чанёол руу харлаа.
Чанёол ч мөн санал нийлэх ажээ. Машиных нь өмнө нүцгэн хэвтэн цусандаа будагдаж доод бие нь хөх няц болж хамаг байгаа нүх сүвээр нь олон хүний шингэн холилдон урсах үхсэн эмэгтэйн цогцосыг хараад тэр хоёр одоо л нэг сэтгэл нь ханасан бололтой машинаа асаан явлаа. Энэ эд мөнгөнд шунасан эмэгтэй тэдэнд сэтгэлийн шарх өгсөн ч бас үнэнч нөхөрлөл бэлэглэсэн юм...
Altura’s Defiance [ A Transmigrated into a Villainess LitRPG with Kingdom Building, MC befriending and Xianxia Politics]
[Participating in Royal Road Writathon] [Volume cover by Aslikova] [Fic cover is a wombo] A lonely girl finds herself transmigrated into a book she had dropped as a villainess. Now she must play Xianxia politics, run a duchy that really doesn’t want to exist, handle an overzealous MC with far far too many ‘love interests’, make sense of a System that really shouldn’t work all while making sure she doesn’t die because of simply existing. Are we sure dying is not an option? What you can expect from the book 1) Kingdom Building 2) A person becoming a book villain 3) Xianxia Setting 4) System, stats and skills with Xianxia realms as levels 5) Weak to Strong 6) Female MC 7) Light Comedy, not the focus of the story 8) Non-Loner MC. 9) Action is a sub-theme of the fiction but is not the mainstay.
8 201The Grey Realm, an Erebus Story.
Written by: Staugroan and The Inklets. Edited by: Claudia Adams. In the beginning there was a god, who watched over and made one world his own. Soon after the god grew restless, but happened to stumble on a small world filled with life. This world was named Erebus by its peoples; humanity. The god was so fascinated with this new world that he started to copy it back home, creating oceans, forests, deserts, and so forth. Then the god created life and eventually his favored creations who would be immortals and be the better of mankind in every way-the elves. So often the god had traveled to Erebus that the two worlds became linked by magic and their inhabitants could cross at will. Relations between the races flourished, and a great empire was born in the Grey Realm, home of the elves. But the god once again grew restless, and set loose great beasts that stood at the top of any food chain, the apex. At first the elves met the challenge and fought them head on. But mankind was not so lucky, they died in droves to push back even a single apex. Something had to be done. Elves and man worked together to begin sealing off the worlds to protect mankind, to limit the ways in and out to better fight the apex off and keep their fellows safe. The ritual had adverse effects the likes of which neither the elves nor man could predict; the sealing of the worlds started slow, but the magic had never been done before, and in their ignorance it spread to completely cut the two worlds off from one another. It ejected the apex, and other magical being back into the Grey Realm, saving Erebus. At first the elves were content, they would find a way back once the apex were dead and gone. But the seal had done more than keep Erebus locked away. The powersource of the seal was magic itself, from both worlds, and it consumed it all greedily. The elves, weakened without their magic, crumbled into ruin, and the apex were free to hunt the other races of the Grey Realm. Two-thousand years later a strange phenomena is occurring and magic is slowly returning to the Grey Realm, and tears open that allow passage to Erebus. Thu'lain and a few elves must make the journey to fallen kingdom of the elves Anosora, in the hopes of reclaiming what was once theirs. They must face their nemesis the apex, and survive not only the species that have turned against them, but a terrible being left behind by the god to kill even the apex. Uch'l'thein, the faceless terror.
8 185Where is my head, Haro?!
Seth Francis Haro(Whyte Masuda Shig*), an ordinary boy, with ordinary behavior and an unusually beautiful girlfriend. The story takes place around the MC that wants to have a happy life making his father proud and finish with success the school where he goes with his beautiful girlfriend. One day when he is on the way to school something bad happens and everything takes a new form. He wakes up in another world where only talented people can use high tier magic and where many fantastic races are living alongside humans. *Shining P.S.This may not be for you if you get disgusted easily.
8 169Searching for Safe Heaven
People envy the power which one possessed, but they forget the pain and resposibility the power bring to the possessor. Let's see the journey of some people who wants to brekthrough this pain and burden of responsibility
8 137A Dangerous Woman (A Fay Cunningham Mystery-Book 1)
Fay Cunningham, publisher of a small-town Pennsylvania newspaper, is having a well deserved midlife crisis. Both nicotine-and calorie-deprived, she stays busy delivering the paper she publishes in order to get closer to her customer base, craving inspiration, a smoke, and a cheeseburger. But she discovers something odd going on behind the closed doors of her trusted friend Joe Wise. Like, where is he and who is the mysterious blonde rudely blocking Fay's entry to his house?Adding to the puzzle, Fay learns that Joe's brother and biggest rival, Thomas, has just died under strange circumstances. Joe was Fay's professional benefactor and her journalistic instincts kick into overdrive. But first, she has to get past Angel, Joe's hostile and secretive new companion. And when Fay's questions get too personal, a killer makes lethal plans to send Fay into permanent retirement....
8 177Unexpected Roommates | Slashers x Reader
You're now independent, alone in your much-too-big house... well, it would be too big if you were living alone. After an interesting then of events, however, you are definitely not living alone.There'll be a lot of slashers in this book, and I'll be adding more as I go along. For now, I'll be adding Ghostface based off of Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson from Dead by Daylight since i can't decide on a Ghostface from the movies, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhes, Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Norman Bates, Hannibal Lecter, Thomas Hewitt and Brahms Heelshire.
8 177