《The Purge |EXO| completed》8. Losers
Пак Чанёол, Ким Жундэ
Цуст өшөө авалтууд Солонгос улсын өнцөг булан бүрт үргэлжилж байх үед ойд байх нэгэн жихүүдэс төрүүлэм дүнзэн байшингийн дотор хоёр залуу өөд өөдөөсөө харан тамхи татан суух ажээ.
Тэдний цамц урагдаж аль аль нь бага зэрэг шархдасныг харахад ноцолдсон гэдэг нь илт байлаа. Хэдий тэд ширээний хоёр талд эв найрамдалтайгаар сууж байгаа ч тэд бие биесээ хамгийн ихээр үзэн ядах харцаар харж байсан юм.
Ширээний голд арваад гэрэл зургууд байх агаад бүгд нэг эмэгтэйн бохир явдлыг харуулсан зураг байх ажээ.
Чанёол гарынхаа завсар байх тамхийг хэд хэд уушигласнаа ширээний буланд дарж унтраагаад тамхиа газарт хаялаа. Ширээн дээр байх зургуудийг нухацтайгаар харж
-Бид одоо яах вэ? гэж цөхөрсөн хоологоор хэлэхэд Жундээ инээмхийлэх аядаад
-Тэрнийг алах юм уу? гэж хэлээд доогтойхон инээлээ. Энэ инээд нь гэхдээ Чанёолыг бус өөрийгөө дооглож байсан юм.
Сүүлийн нэг жилийн хугацаанд тэдний хайрыг татсан бүсгүй, хоёр залууг нэгэн зэрэг өөртөө дурлуулж чадсан тэр онцгой бүсгүй. Зүгээр л нэг биеэ үнэлэгч байсан гэж үү? Мөнгөний төлөө л тэдэнтэй ойртсон гэж үү?
Эдгээр залуус хэдий баян тансаг амьдралтай ч одоо өөрсдийгөө хамгийн азгүй амьтан мэтээр мэдэрч байв.
Ширээн дээр нь байх тэр эмэгтэйн аав шигээ хүнтэй, баян саятантай, алдартай жүжигчидтэй унтсан зургууд. Магадгүй энэ зөвхөн эхлэл байх тийм үү? Тэр эмэгтэй аль хэдийн дээд зиндааны гэж тодотгогдох хүмүүсийг дуусгачихсан байх. Хамгийн хачирхалтай нь түүнтэй унтсан бүх эрчүүдийн бизнес амьдрал одоо доройтсон байх юм.
Зальт шар үнэг л гэж энийг хэлэх байх. Үнэ цэнээ алдаж эд мөнгөнд шунасан эмэгтэйд тэд дурлажээ.
Харин тэд одоо цэвэрлэгээнээр түүнийг хайрласан хайраа мартан өшөөгөө авж чадах болов уу?
Dungeon Instinct
The multiverse is a big place, and it is also constantly in flux. As such sometimes mistakes occur, impossibilities that should have never come into existence. An aspect of corruption born naturally of a mortal and a divine, a Void that is a singularity instead of a duality, a being that came to be before existence ever was, a forgotten that is not damned, the possibilities are infinite and limitless, and thus so are the possible mistakes in this grand multiverse. But are not mistakes more entertaining to watch? For Kelic the Blightborn, life was suffering. Born of a holy Templar dedicated to serving the Forgotten Guardian and a powerful abyssal demon queen that raped said Templar, Kelic’s first sight and sensation in Quellios and its realms was being baptized in the life-blood of his dying father. Tortured in the 1425th level of the abyss for ten years, Kelic was only set free of this constant nightmare of an existence by the unintended results of the Ascendant Angel’s rise to true divinity. His freedom from the abyss was not the paradise that the young Kelic thought however, as he was branded a BlightBorn, or a child of tragedy that brings only misfortune, by the people of Quellios. Abused by all he ever knew or met the boy found solace in only in the things of beauty and the act of reading, a skill he taught himself. His latent ability to comprehend and remember all of what he read and the sheer speed of his reading gained the attention of a prominent figure of Evrette Academy Island. Taken in by the famous mage Fredrick Dunhousen, Kelic lived in peace for the first time in his young life… that is until he was killed. Follow the tale of a newly born dungeon core in the world of Eserthet, that has only one single purpose. One single purpose it decided for itself... [{(Note, this story contains: torture, gore, violence, sexual content, and other mature stuff. read at your own risk.)}]
8 218Blood Imperium
It is the year 2234, and a deadly virus, FORTIS-33, is sweeping the globe. Millions die each passing day while scientists scramble to find a cure and governments impose harsher measures to prevent spread and dispose of bodies. Thane Ashford, a young actor who enjoys playing villanous roles, catches the virus and is taken to a quarrantine facility. On his deathbed, while he waits to be euthanized, he is visited by his brother Cade, who is a hardware engineer at Synaptic Entertainment. Cade tells of a top secret plan to rollout a new experimental technology that uploads minds to a virtual reality version of Earth, offering Thane a chance to be the first test subject. However, virtual Earth is still under development, and Thane will be uploaded to Eventide Online instead, where he must pretend to be an NPC World Elite as per non-disclosure agreements. He spawns as a level one Vampire in the barren wilderness dangerously close to a player-built town. A dark Litrpg with focus on town-building, resource production chains, and unit management.
8 150J&K
One day, a creature appeared on the beach of a world ruled by the human race. Born from a higher form of intelligence that was spending its immortality crossing between worlds, the creature's mission was simple : live and see. See what for yourself what the world has to offer. But what the world had to offer was sometimes quite overwhelming. ** [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] from chapter 2; be careful, chapter 1 has sexual content. Refer to the tags as the story can be quite dark. The story is a slice of life turned not so wholesome as the protagonist meets mostly freaks while becoming one themself.
8 134Scruffy's Adventure
Warning: 18+ for violence, language, gore, and sexual situations.What would you do if one day you woke up and felt like everything had changed? Scruffy is faced with this dilemma as he awakes to horrors only seen in nightmares.Unable to remember who he was or where he came from, he finds himself in the company of a new friend in a violent world. They set off in search of the unknown, hoping to find their missing pieces along the way.Will they be able to regain their memories? Can they find the cause of the horrors that befell them? Or will friend turn into foe as the cruel world tests their sanity?
8 219Cymurai
In a dark future, something ancient and immeasurably powerful walks the mutant wastelands...Kensuke is a lowly ashigaru footsoldier in the Tachiyama Clan, one of the few remaining human settlements in a dark, post-apocalyptic future. Thousands of years in the past, deadly nanomutagens were released across Asia, killing hundreds of millions and transforming billions more over subsequent generations. Those who remained immune soon moved into enclaves. In Japan, the feudal system revolving around the samurai class was revived, and resource wars became common.In the present, the Tachiyama Clan is under attack by the brutal Sasagawa Clan whose goal is nothing less than the total subjegation of all remaining human enclaves. Both sides take to the battlefield with human soldiers, robots, and the powerful Augmented Samurai -- cyborg warriors who do battle by plugging into six-meter-tall mecha.Hard sci-fi samuraipunk action!Posting schedule will be slightly faster in the early chapters as I have most of them ready to go. Later chapters will take more time. That said, the outline is written and finished. I imagine the full work will top 50,000 words.Please note: The first 9000 words of this work were posted recently on Patreon (free) as part of a 30-day writing challenge. The work that will appear here will be complete and may differ in editing and chapter order. IMAGE SOURCE: Illustration 171244302 © Grandfailure | Dreamstime.com (Paid)
8 202If We Were in The Cars Movie (COMPLETED)
Two middle school human girls get transformed into cars and dropped off into the world of cars!What will happen to these two girls! Who will they meet? Who will they befriend?Find out by reading "If We Were in The Cars Movie"By The FabulousPhoenixes (Honey_Blossom70 & nekowarriorgirl)
8 212