《¥ Indigo ¥ Mike ¥ Foxtrot ¥ mission impossible fallout》Part 2


The plane touched French soil roughly, and Carter quickly collected her minimum belonging and rose to her feet. Making her way to the exit, she thanked the stewardess as she passed. She walked through the tunnel leading her into the main airport, and she quickly cleared through it. When she strutted out the grand revolving doors inviting her into Paris, the dark sky clouded her vision.

Better than sky piss like in England, eh?

She took a mere few steps before a sleek black Mercedes pulled up in-front of her. She placed her hand on the door and slipped into the back seat. The car took off into the winding streets like a bullet. Carter relaxed only nano-secondly before preparing herself mentally for the events that lay in her near future.

Very near future. Too near? Probably.

'T-minus two minutes, Miss"

Carter reacted quickly, tossing away her coat, and the sweater over her head. Pulling the white dress shirt apart, she revealed the classy maroon jumpsuit hidden underneath. Removing her dress pants, she fully uncover the skin tight second half of the outfit. Rummaging under the seat, she found the white stilettos stashed there. Inside one of the shoes, she took out the white leather choker and clasped it around her neck. Right as the car came to a graceful stop, the woman reached up and yanked the black wig from her head, her natural lush blonde locks spilling out around her shoulders. The door closest to her swung open and the gloved hand of the driver was outstretched towards her. She slipped her hand in his as he helped her out the car whilst handing her the designer white clutch. She took it and nodded her thanks before starting towards the giant scale building she came to conquer. Her heels tapped as she climb the few stairs leading her to the front door, vicious looks stabbing at her from jealous women around her mixing with lustful looks dripping from their mesmerised male partners. Loud booms of heavy beat music blared from inside as strobe lighting escaped from the glass dome at the top of the building. Nearing a group of men, she struck her foot further than needed, causing her to stumble into one of the clearly heavy drinkers.


"Well, oops! Sorry!" She fake slurred.

"That's okay baby" He answered huskily.

Trying to flirt? Really? Oh lord please save me.

She giggled furiously in response. She placed her hand onto the man's bicep, slowly running her hand down toward his wrist.


She suddenly threw herself forward, crashing into the man before yet again giggling.

"Oh my- What is up with me today?"

"You seem perfectly fine to me, if not better, Miss Sexy"

"Ooooh, I like that"

She grimaced at her own words, but concealed it enough that he didn't notice it.

"Bet you do" The man bent down, snaking his arms around her waist.


Pulling her into his chest, his grip tightened.


He puckered his lips, etching closer towards hers.


At that moment, the loud music from the club stopped, before diving into a ear-deafening beat drop, making the man snap his head up and loosen his grip. Carter took her chance and darted away, pacing towards the large men barricading the entrance. Rising her wrist to be scanned, the security bracelet bleeped, lightening up green and allowing her access. Throwing a glance over her shoulder, she smirked at the drunk as he stumbled around, searching for the girl he was about to make his move on.

Idiot. Absolute idiot.


I really don't like this at all.

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