《Namasté (Jerrie)》Chapter 10


It'd been a straining week. It'd become harder and harder to leave Skyla at the care home after every session with her. Skyla would grip onto Jade's neck and cry, begging them not to leave her, in fear that they wouldn't return. Perrie would simply peel her from Jade and kiss away her tiny tears, promising her they'd soon be back the following morning. They'd managed to bend the rules and were taking Skyla back down South the following morning, with a social worker checking up on them each day. They'd expressed their worry about being in a house that wasn't to be her home and how it'd only be like visiting the care home. Jade was currently sat up in the double bed, her glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose as she searched the internet on her iPad, waiting for Perrie to return from showering.

"What're you looking at, Jadey?"

Perrie climbed into the bed and cuddled up to Jade, kissing her jawline before resting her head on her shoulder. Jade simply smiled down and planted a sweet kiss on the top of her head.

"We need a car seat... Well car seats. I'm just ordering the best of the best for our little girl..."

"I miss her..."

"Me too... It's mad how a week can make you become so attatched to a human... A tiny one at that... Pez, we're Mammies now..."

"On that note, can you make sure you use my account please to pay for the car seats? We'll need one for each car, so three."

"Yeah okay. I feel like we are forgetting something important that we need to get for her..."

"Well I was thinking a horse but that's not important..."

"Perrie she isn't having a horse - at least not until she is older."

"But Baba we can get a pony and it'll grow up with her!"

Jade chuckled and shook her head lightly, ordering the car seats on next day delivery, sending Jesy a text to tell her they were coming and asking if Jake could install one into her car and then use her car to get them from the airport.

"Jadey, come off the iPad now, we need snuggle time before we sleep..."


Jade did as her blonde girlfriend asked and put down her iPad and phone, scooting under the sheets to wrap her body round her curvaceous, blue-eyed woman. Jade noticed the sparkle in Perrie's eyes, something she hadn't seen until now. She cupped her cheek softly and kissed her slowly, elegantly.

It was soon morning. The two women had soon found themselves standing outside the care home for the last time, knowing today was the day. The door opened and Fin welcomed them, informing them that Penny was running late, however they were more than welcome to find Skyla and spend more time with her until Penny arrived. They made their way up a large staircase, as directed by Fin. It didn't take long to find the toddler as she was to be heard through the whole of the first floor - singing Let It Go from Frozen. Jade bit her lip and looked at Perrie. Perrie simply shook her head and giggled as they both joined in, watching from the door as they waited for the little girl to clock on. She soon gasped, whispering to herself before bolting up and into Perrie's arms.

"You came back!"

"Of course we did, hey Sky? Mama and I are taking you home today... You got everything you want to bring with you, packed?"

"Penny helped me! I don't have much Mama..."

Jade sighed softly and took the toddler from Perrie, stroking her cheek softly.

"That's okay because Mammy and I are going to take you shopping... Okay? We'll get you toys and clothes and a Princess dress."

"Mama, do you have a Princess dress?"

"You know what, I do. But Mammy doesn't. So maybe we should buy Mammy a Princess dress too, huh?"


The first few days had been disorientated for the new mothers as they tried to settle Skyla into her new, permanent surroundings. The first night had been difficult, with the toddler waking constantly in the night, twice because she'd fallen out of her bed. It'd resulted in Jade carrying her down to the living room at 4am, putting Tangled on and snuggling with her under a fluffy blanket until she fell asleep. That was how Perrie had found them at 10am. They resolved the problem with settling her inbetween them for the next few nights, ordering her a Minnie Mouse bed that came with detatchable side guards. They'd then struggled getting her to take a nap along with simple tasks like playing with a few of the toys that Jesy had picked out for her so they didn't need to rush out and buy her toys when they came home. Instead she insisted on following both her new Mammies everywhere they went, crying when one would need to leave without her. They were stressed however still glowing, not once becoming angry or frustrated due to tiredness. Secretly both women enjoyed the sound of the tiny feet following behind them.


It was Thursday afternoon and Jade had stressed to Perrie how they really needed to take Skyla out of the house for a few hours to do their shopping for her. Perrie had agreed right away, changing Skyla's clothes after her early afternoon nap, carrying her to the kitchen and setting her on her lap as she sat at the kitchen island, watching Jade intently as she sipped her tea, pushing her glasses back up with her finger at the bridge of her nose, writing a shopping list, organising so they wouldn't need to stress too much when they were out. Skyla giggled and Perrie quirked an eyebrow, capturing the toddler's attention.

"What's so funny, Minnie Me?"

"Mama's so pretty!"

"Mama is beautiful, isn't she?"

Jade blushed and bit her lip as she finished her tea and placed the mug in the sink, slipping her notepad in her handbag, along with the pen before heading to Perrie, taking Skyla and peppering kisses all over her petite face, releasing her addictive, uncontrollable laugh that had her and Perrie fall in love with her harder each time.

"And my two Princesses are extremely beautiful too!"

"Mama stop! No kisses!"

Perrie took her phone and recorded the moment, sending it to Leigh and Jesy in their group chat before clearing her throat.

"Right, my favourite girls, we need to leave if we are going or we'll be late home."

By 6pm they'd managed to fill the Range Rover twice - with Perrie having to call Leigh and ask her to pick up the girls whilst she drove home then met them again at the toy store. They'd bought items ranging from a buggy to bath toys and sippy cups. They'd, on Leigh's request, then hit the shops, purchasing more clothes and accessories than the older women put together, filling Leigh's car to the max. Jade had then called Jesy, telling her to join them for a fun evening, or as Leigh had called it, a 'Mid-Year Christmas Day' full of toy building and organising the unoccupied room next to the office with just a simple rug within it - now becoming the play room. Jesy had come straight from 'Lee's', bringing a tray filled with Carbonara for their tea. She'd sat Skyla on her lap in the kitchen, feeding her a small bowl of the pasta, giggling as the toddler wolfed it down, rubbing her belly, telling the adults it was yummy.

Perrie looked over as Jade as she sat furthest away, a frown soon forming as she noticed the blank expression clouding her face and the hint of tears surrounding her breathtaking hazel/green orbs. She stood between her legs and blocked her view, gaining her attention as she whispered to her.

"Jadey? Baby what is it?"

"I'm sorry Pez... I'm just feeling slightly overwhelmed... It's um... Today marks 10 years since my Mam passed away... I can't help but think about how far I've come... I mean... I never imagined I'd have been so content and settled within life... Jesy and Leigh were the only constants in my life since she passed... My Dad hasn't necessarily been there... You're the reason I've overcome such a traumatic experience with love... You've brought happiness and love, real love, to me Perrie... I feel complete... I don't feel this empty void in my life anymore... We've got our little girl... I'm part of a family... Thank you so much..."

"Oh Jade... I love you..."

Jade giggled slightly and Perrie kissed her passionately, pushing her away gently and scolding her for being inappropriate whilst their daughter was witin a close vicinity to them. Leigh and Jesy simply shared a look with each other as they entertained the hyper 3 year old.



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