《Namasté (Jerrie)》Chapter 6


"Jadey... Wake up..."

It was the morning of their trip. They were due to fly at 3.55am, in nearly 4 hours time.

"Babes please. I know it's only midnight but you can sleep in the car...?" Perrie sighed as she tried her best to stir Jade. Usually it was the other way round. Perrie was like a hurricane in the mornings, to the point you woke her at your own risk.

She giggled at how cute her friend looked at this moment in time, leaning over her and stroking hair from her face. Shejumped slightly at the shadows that appeared in the doorway, seeing Jesy and Leigh. She took in their clothing choices for travelling. Jesy was in a pair of fur-lined black leggings, completed with a hoodie and UGGs whereas Leigh had gone for stone-washed skinny jeans, white Converse and her favourite checked shirt tied round her waist, a white vest top on too. She rolled her eyes at them and sighed. Jesy ushered her out of the room, wanting to talk without being loud.

"Everything is ready to go in the taxi. It'll be here in ten minutes. Can we not just carry her down to the taxi?" Jesy glanced in at the sleeping girl as she finished talking and looked back to Perrie. Leigh frowned and shook her head as she spoke up.

"Depends what she wore to bed. We can't let her travel in pyjamas."

"Oh she went to bed with a sports bra on, an oversized baby blue top and her joggers that she adores. I think she's got fluffy socks on too... Sorry, she was telling me about the new sports bra she was wearing to bed earlier on in the evening, promise!" Perrie went a light shade of pink, noticing the smirks on her friends' faces. She shook her head and giggled.


"Jesy if you follow behind me with the cardigan on her chair and shut the lights off as I carry her out to the car, can you grab her UGGs and wait for the taxi, Leigh?"

They both agreed to Perrie's commands and by the time they'd got a sleeping Jade outside, the taxi had pulled up and helped Leigh load up the boot with the cases. She took the cardi from Jesy so she could lock the door and Perrie safely strapped Jade in, sliding next to her and placing the UGGs on her feet.

"I can't believe the little shit hasn't even stirred!" Leigh chuckled as Jade's head leant on Perrie's shoulder. It wasn't until it was time to go through security that Jade awoke from her strange sleep. She cuddled into Perrie, her head on her shoulder as she was carried like a child would be and rose her head slowly, sighing loudly as she did and rubbed her eyes a little, trying to adjust to the bright lights.


The three girls could hear the panic in Jade's voice and it wasn't until Perrie stroked her arm soothingly that she relaxed a little.

"Good Morning Baba..."

"Perrie... Why are we in an airport?" Perrie chuckled at how cute Jade sounded, her voice raspy and lower that usual.

"We, are going on holiday."

"What?! Perrie... Why?!" Jade didn't want to be ungrateful. She deep down thought it was a lovely surprise but she knew Perrie had probably dipped into her inheritance without her realising. Perrie stopped and let Jade slide from her arms, her feet hitting the ground softly. They kept their arms round each other tightly and Perrie moved hair from Jade's face as she yawned, scowling up at Perrie as she did. Perrie chuckled and cocked her head to one side, taking in the beauty in front of her.


"You deserve this... Don't hate me, Jesy and Leigh don't. They're well up for it." Perrie smirked as Jade looked completely thrown off and confused, moving her head to the left and spotting Jesy and Leigh trailing behind with four handbags. Jade moaned, slightly annoyed and rested her head back in the crook of Perrie's neck, hating how adorable she was finding the whole situation.

"Babes, we need to keep moving... We have ten minutes to get through security."

They were soon sat in the waiting area for their gate, knowing they'd be shortly boarding. It was about two minutes after they'd queued to board that Jade had cottoned on she hadn't the slightest clue as to where they were going. She tugged Perrie's arm gently, leaning into her as she halted her conversation with the other two girls to focus on Jade.

"Where are we going, Pez?"

"Well my friend, all will be revealed on the plane..."

"Ugh, you're so annoying, Edwards..."

"Hm you love me though Thirlwall, right? I think I'm right." Perrie smirked a cocky smile at Jade as she huffed, folding her arms and stomping her foot gently whilst rolling her eyes and looking at Perrie's shoes - a pair of grey Converse.

Jade was completely stunned five minutes later when Perrie led her onto the plane and the girls sat down in their own curtained off section of First Class. It took all of ten minutes before the pilot announced over the intercom that they were about to take off. The three girls looked at Jade as the destination was announced.

"Orlando...? WAIT. We're going to Orlando Disney?!"


"Perrie, wake up... Perrie I'm bored..."

"Poopey go back to sleep..." Jesy muttered quietly from the seat in front of her.

"But Jes I'm too excited!"

"Poopey you're going to be shattered babe if you don't sleep... Then we won't be able to do anything fun..."

Perrie stirred at the silent whispers and the huffs coming from Jade. She knew she was way too hyped to sleep and carefully opened an eye to catch a peek at the older but petite woman that she lived with. A smile found its way to her lips and she reached her hand out, catching Jade's attention.

"Come here..."

Jade did as she was told and got up from her seat, only to be pulled down and onto Perrie's, cuddling into her as she got comfy on her lap, the blanket now over her too. Perrie kissed her cheek and told her to relax.

"How long left, Perrie?"

"We've got 8 hours yet, Jade..."

Jesy turned from her chair to look at the two girls, smiling softly and she caught Leigh's attention. Leigh looked too and grabbed the camera, capturing the moment as Perrie drew patterns on Jade's back, eliciting a yawn from Jade, both with their eyes closed. Jesy closed her eyes again to try get some sleep, Leigh doing the same as she hummed a quiet tune. Perrie sighed softly as Jade rested her hand on her shoulder.

"Nanite Jadey..."

Jade smiled and leant up, placing a kiss on Perrie's cheek before returning to her position and smiling against her.

"Nanite Perrie..."




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