《Black Magic: A Little Mix Musical》6 ► T O U C H


: When you get to the ► symbol in the text, start playing the video below and keep reading until you get to the lyrics for the girls to start singing.

: Ignore the ► symbol and just wait until you get to the lyrics before the video to start playing.

: You can start playing the song on your phone / computer if you have the song available on iTunes, Spotify, etc. You can follow and download the 'Black Magic: A Little Mix Musical' on Spotify (search for it and you'll find it) to have the soundtrack to this musical right on your phone.

Remember to stop and watch / listen to the song before continuing - the songs are part of the story.

After what felt like a lifetime, Monday morning arrived. The anticipation had built to a climax all weekend and the girls, for the first time, were excited to go to school. All weekend they planned their outfits, the shoes to walk in (classy yet comfortable), how they would do their make-up, what breakfast they would have (because they didn't want to walk in feeling bloated) - every possible detail they could think of was covered, right down to the rings on their fingers.

They had been at Leigh-Anne's that morning helping each other out. Despite having been up since 5am and felt tired, they made sure to get a timed photo before leaving:

It wasn't exactly worthy for the Insta, but they loved it regardless, and knew it would be the first magical day of their makeovers. They ensured to take plenty of selfies, though, just in case.

Jade sported an intellectual look; she wore a red cardigan and a textured leather hem skirt she didn't realise she had. She didn't want to totally lose her look, so she kept the knee-high socks to complete the outfit. Jesy wanted to be a little more exotic and went for an embroidered bracelet top with shorts, despite the cold, and accessorised with pearl skull hoop earrings and a drape chain choker. Leigh-Anne spent a lot of her time braiding her hair; the length of it flowed right down her back. She wore a bomber jacket that she kept open, revealing her stylish bralette and glowing skirt. Finally, Perrie went for a bit of a tribal look with her feather accessories, and rounded off the look with a lace bralette and a ruffled mini-skirt.

They looked gorgeous.

Ten minutes before school was about to start, they each arrived outside. Most students were already inside waiting by their lockers, talking about their plans for Christmas break and how they couldn't wait for the final week to be over. The girls were glad they would all be inside - it was windy outside and it was making it harder for them to strut and own the place with their hair blowing into their mouths.

'I still can't get over your look,' Jade told Jesy with a wink. 'You still look as good as when we left the house.'

Jesy gave her a twirl and kissed her on the cheek. 'Thanks darling.'

Leigh-Anne and Perrie agreed with a smiling nod, though their hearts pounded in rhythm with each other in anxious excitement.

'Think we should go in?' Leigh-Anne asked.

'Definitely,' Perrie answered as she pushed her hair from her shoulders to reveal her earrings. 'I don't know why we're so nervous. We cast a spell to ensure people would see us differently, with some admiration.'


'It's just all new to us,' Jade theorised. 'I know we cast the spell but it's a lot to take in.'

'Do we all still have the potion?' Perrie quickly remembered. She reached into her bra and pulled out a vial.

'You kept it in your bra?!' Jesy gasped.

'Yeah, why is that so shocking?'

'Shocked because I didn't think of it,' Jesy said, pulling hers out of an inside pocket in her shorts. 'I'm gonna put mine in my bra too, easier access.'

Leigh-Anne and Jade confirmed they carried their potions, and without waiting any longer, they walked to the entrance of the school. Someone they barely knew, a guy in one of the years above them, glanced their way as they approached. They observed him as they neared and watched his mouth fall slightly.

The girls smiled. The boy, who seemed fixated at first, quickly opened the doors for them. They walked past him with a thankful smile and then walked around the corner into the main hallway.

The girls were in formation. They strutted straight down, their hips swayed in time with each other, their heels resonating in the now silent hallway. Everybody, everybody, turned to look at them. Conversations came to a screeching halt as the girls' presence became bigger and vastly more important. They left everyone speechless.

They continued to strut all the way down, heading for the lockers of the men who broke their hearts. The guys' usual daily routines meant they would be at their designated lockers collecting their things last minute. The first to break off was Jesy, who found Hughie at his locker.

His eyes were already fixed on her. 'Jesy?'

'Hughie, how was your weekend?' Jesy asked, though she played it cool and her voice displayed a tone of apathy.

'I... I didn't do much,' he said. She knew he was lying and he was covering up the fact that he took Rachael Parker to the same place he took Jesy on their first date - where they shared their first kiss.

Now Jesy didn't feel as guilty for what she was about to do. 'Meet me outside, behind the science building on first break.'

'Why?' He asked.

'Don't question it,' Jesy told him sternly. 'Just meet me there.' Before he could reply, she walked away.

During the first break, which was between second and third period, Perrie had convinced Blaine to meet her in an empty classroom of a teacher who was now on maternity leave. Blaine didn't question her when she approached him at his locker, and now he waited there before she showed up, his heart beating incredibly fast.

Perrie soon walked in after waiting outside, just to make him suffer a little bit.

'I don't know what to say Perrie,' Blaine told her. 'I'm sorry I told you I didn't want you at the party.'

'Did you have fun without me?' Perrie asked rather seductively. Seeing his face confused her. She felt like she loved him, yet he hurt her so much that the love spell she was about to exact on him would be her perfect revenge.

Blaine started to stumble over his words. 'Erm, yes, I mean no, I don't know. It was my party so I guess it was good.' Perrie reached for the potion inside her bra. Blaine gulped, noticing the movement. 'Do you forgive me?' He asked.


'No, but I could,' Perrie said, and revealed the vial. The liquid inside was a deep red. Blaine moved back a little.

'What is that?'

Perrie whispered in a seductive melody. 'Take a sip of my secret potion, I'll make you fall in love...' She pulled off the cork on the vial. 'For a spell that can't be broken, one drop should be enough...'

Blaine appeared entranced by her singing. With a swift motion, Perrie pushed him to the ground. He fell to his knees. She put the vial to his lips. 'Boy you belong to me, I've got the recipe...'

The liquid emptied into Blaine's mouth and he swallowed it all. 'And it's called black magic.'

Blaine scrunched his eyes and gasped. Perrie became a little worried by his reaction and moved backwards slightly. She put the vial back into her bra and then knelt down in front of him. It looked like he had tasted something extremely sour.

'Blaine? ... Blaine?!' Perrie repeated, trying to get his attention.

He eventually opened his eyes and the bitter look from his face disappeared. His frown transformed into a smile and his big eyes looked at her with the affection of an adoring puppy. He flashed his bright teeth.

'You okay?' Perrie asked.

'Never better,' he replied. He buried his hand in her hair, took her by the neck, and pulled her in for a kiss.

'Boy you belong to me, I've got the recipe, and it's called black magic.'

Jade finished pouring the contents of her vial in Kyle's mouth and sealed it with a kiss. He moved past the sour stage instantly and kissed her back, more passionately than she had ever felt by him. How could the spell be bad, she thought, when it made her feel so good.

It was a risky place to give him the love potion as people walked up and down the corridor. But they didn't much care for what Jade did, instead they just admired her presence without question. She could get used to that.

'Wow,' Kyle said after Jade pulled away from him, otherwise they would have kept going. 'I love you.'

Jade widened her eyes, not expecting a confession of love quite so quickly and intensely. 'Likewise,' she said, though she knew she wasn't sure about that. But she enjoyed his face and dove back in for round two of kissing.

Her phone beeped.

Jade smiled and responded with a couple of thumbs up emojis, then returned to Kyle.

'How about I watch your football match tonight?' Jade told him.

'Yes.' He replied without delay.

'Perhaps even sit with your family...'

'Yes.' He replied quickly again. Jade smiled. He would do anything she told him.

'Give me your phone.' He gave her it. She logged into his Facebook and changed his relationship status instantly - it was now public for the world to see.

Leigh-Anne had a harder time tracking down Gary before school started. He wasn't at his locker, so she had to resort to sleuthing through the theatre. She had never been in this part of the school before, everything was so foreign to her. Yet this is the world that Gary loves, and she would probably have to get used to it.

She found him in one of the dressing rooms. He was sitting in front of one of the mirrors with light bulbs surrounding the glass. The lights highlighted the chiselled perfection of his face. She couldn't help but fall for him all over again.

'Can I talk to you?' Leigh-Anne asked. Gary caught her in the mirror, then spun around to face her. He was shocked - not just to see her standing there, but by how she had changed.

'Leigh-Anne, you look... incredible.'

She smiled and looked to the floor, unsure if she could take the compliment. 'Thank you.' She looked back at him. He was smiling at her. 'Are you still mad at me?'

'Not at all,' he told her. 'In fact, I wanted to find you and tell you that I'm sorry I over-reacted last week. I didn't mean to go off on you like that.'

'Don't apologise! It's okay. I should apologise to you for how I phrased things. I... I...' Leigh-Anne tightened her grasp on the vial she hid in her hand. She was starting to doubt her plan.

'I really like you,' he told her. 'And you know, if circumstances were different, I would totally ask you out.'

'You would?'

'Absolutely! You're gorgeous, you're fun to be around, you have a huge heart - I would be lucky to call you my girlfriend. Sometimes I wish I was straight, it would be so much easier.'

'It would?'

'Yes! I wouldn't be picked on or teased anymore. People wouldn't look down on me and call me names behind my back, and to my face. There are many times I thought I should end it all...'

Leigh-Anne gasped. 'You're not...'

'It would be the easy solution, right?'

Leigh-Anne was stunned, then she opened her hand. 'There's a better solution.'

'What's that?' Gary asked.

'Trust me,' she replied. She opened the vial and started singing. 'Take a sip of my secret potion, I'll make you fall in love. For a spell that can't be broken, one drop should be enough. Boy you belong to me, I've got the recipe, and it's called black magic.'

The enchanted Gary absorbed every last drop. He reacted as Blaine did, his sour expression terrified Leigh-Anne until his face turned into adoration. Forgetting what they had been talking about, he swept in for a kiss, which Leigh-Anne gladly accepted.

It felt incredible and warm. The sensations on her lips tingled through her entire body and she found herself falling into his charms, just how he had fallen into hers.

► The whole world died away and it was just the two of them. He turned her around and started kissing her neck. Leigh-Anne succumbed.

'You and I and nobody else. Feeling feelings I've never felt. The way you got me under your spell. Don't you keep it all to yourself...'

For the first time in their lives, the girls got the guy.

They were unstoppable.

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