《Black Magic: A Little Mix Musical》3 ► T O W E R S
: When you get to the ► symbol in the text, start playing the video below and keep reading until you get to the lyrics for the girls to start singing.
: Ignore the ► symbol and just wait until you get to the lyrics before the video to start playing.
: You can start playing the song on your phone / computer if you have the song available on iTunes, Spotify, etc. You can follow and download the 'Black Magic: A Little Mix Musical' on Spotify (search for it and you'll find it) to have the soundtrack to this musical right on your phone.
Remember to stop and watch / listen to the song before continuing - the songs are part of the story.
Jesy tapped her foot and dug her nails into her arm. She looked at her phone again; five minutes since she sent that last text. He had better be coming. Snake 🐍, in fact, that's what she would change the emoji to in his name on her phone.
That made her feel better.
She put her phone on a nearby desk in the classroom in Claremont Bridge, room 230. The lock on the door was broken so it was easy for people to use after hours, and she could tell people had used it just before she got there; there was a faint smell of weed that lingered in the room, staining the walls and carpet.
Her impatience was getting the better of her. She picked her phone up again with a sigh and scrolled onto Facebook. She had to speak to one of her girls.
'Jesy!' Hughie called from the doorway.
And there he stood, flustered, with his perfectly straight hair that perfectly flopped over his perfectly-sized forehead. His photos never did him justice, and even though she had his face constantly on her phone all day through several dedicated hours of stalking, seeing it in person made her feel a little differently.
She had been ready to throw a chair at him, but now her heart slowed down and panic set in.
'Why did you do this to me?' She asked without giving him time to close the door behind him.
'I know what you're thinking...'
'Oh you do, do you?' Jesy spat. 'You know what went through my head when I saw the photo you posted on Instagram this morning? You know how I felt when I saw the relationship status change on Facebook with the caption - after months of being with this girl, this was a long time coming, but she finally said yes.' Jesy didn't want to admit that she had the status memorised, as if she had been learning lines for a school play.
'Rachael and I...'
'...have been seeing each other for months. I get it now. So why did you start messaging me on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, asking me out and taking me on a date?'
Hughie finally got a word in. 'Well I didn't specify that it was a date.'
'Oh my God!' Jesy cried in frustration. She unlocked her phone. 'I'll show you the message where you said, can I take you on a date?'
Hughie diverted his large green eyes from hers. 'You don't have to! I get it, I did say that. But at that time, I wasn't sure what was going to happen with Rachael.'
'You had a little fight about how you're not spending enough money on her so you come to me to take your mind off her, is that it?'
'Look,' Jesy said as she looked up, trying hard to keep the tears from ruining her mascara. 'I wouldn't have cared so much if you hadn't of led me on the way you did. You made me feel so special, like I was the only girl you had your eyes on.'
Hughie tightened his lips and put his hands in his pockets. He retreated into himself, unsure of how to respond.
'I knew nobody was going to ask you out, so, I did you a favour.'
Jesy slowly opened her mouth. 'Excuse me?'
'Well, the other guys, they don't really want to ask you out. I was being kind.'
Jesy swallowed. 'And why won't they ask me out?' She knew the answer, but she wanted him to say it. Her anger from before had returned. She stood taller, threatening.
He just looked her up and down. That was his answer.
Jesy laughed. 'I should have known; people like you don't ask people like me out.'
'That's not what I meant.'
'Oh grow a pair of balls you cowardly prick and be honest for once. How much did the guys bet you to do it, to ask me out?'
He swallowed. 'Fifty quid.'
'Wow. Fifty quid. Well mate, I would do the same for fifty quid, you know, mess with someone's life even further, make them feel like absolute shit. Fifty quid. That's the going rate is it? Well if I had of known I would have done the same and saved myself working over the summer.'
'You're blowing this out of proportion.'
Jesy smiled and shook her head. 'Thank you. Thank you for enlightening me, showing me what kind of boy you are.' She started to walk out, and as she passed him, she told him to 'grow up and be a man.'
Blaine, in his football kit, kicked the ball into the goal. Everyone watching on the side of the pitch roared. The shouting almost deterred Perrie from approaching, but when she saw his face with that bright, beaming smile, she knew she had to do it.
He was so happy, yet he was making her unhappy. Where was his compassion? Did he love her at all? Those questions floated around Perrie's head as she neared the edge of the pitch where the least amount of people were. It was only a football match for fun, but the guys on the teams took any victory or defeat seriously.
It appeared Blaine had won the game, yet he wasn't going to win the girl. His dark eyes found Perrie amongst the crowd, the wideness of them revealing his surprise to see her there. Once the shock subsided, he looked annoyed. Perrie started to panic.
He left the boys on the pitch and signalled her to meet him away from the crowd. Perrie put her head down as Blaine tried to be discreet. He dodged the people who patted his back in congratulations and caught up with Perrie out of earshot of everyone else.
'Are you crazy?'
Perrie gulped. 'I need to talk.'
'Could you not wait until after this weekend? You know it's a huge weekend for me.'
'Your party?'
'Yeah, my party. Are you trying to ruin me?'
The constant stabbing of his words wounded her more than she wanted to admit. 'Why do I like you so much?'
Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'What?'
'I wasn't asking you... I was asking myself. Why do I like someone who is so self-involved that he doesn't pay attention to anyone but himself? I told you my aunt is going in for chemo this weekend, and that was why I asked to go to your party, to take my mind off it. Do you remember anything I said to you while we've been together?'
Blaine moved around uncomfortably. 'Yes, I remember, but I already told you why I didn't want you at the party.'
'What's my birth sign?'
'That's yours. What is my favourite TLC song that we sang in the car?'
'You seriously can't even remember that? Were you drunk, or high, the entire time? No Scrubs, Blaine, No Scrubs!'
He sighed. 'That's not important.'
'I remember everything about you, even the unimportant things. Well, you can take your broke ass 'cause I don't want no scrub.' Perrie had to force herself to not sing the rest of the song as she said that.
Leigh-Anne looked through the bookcases once she heard Jade's voice.
'What do you want Kyle?'
She felt bad for eavesdropping, but considering there was barely anybody else in the library, it was hard for Leigh-Anne not to hear. Kyle's mellow voice soon followed. She couldn't see either of them very well. It broke her heart to hear how sad Jade's voice was.
'I just don't think we're going to work,' Kyle said. 'Two separate worlds and all that.'
'You haven't really given us a chance. You've kept me at such a distance, we may as well be in different countries. But you're right, this isn't going to work because of you.'
'Yeah, you. You don't even try. You blank me every single day at school. You've never brought me flowers or held me when I needed you. I think I deserve better than that. I'd get more affection out of a mannequin.'
Kyle stormed off, enraged by Jade's candour. Leigh-Anne was about to go to her friend until...
'Leigh-Anne?' Gary's voice snuck up behind her.
She spun around to face him. Her poor heart had jump-started and pounded inside her already anxious body.
'Gary, Jesus!'
'My middle name is actually Edward. What are you doing in the library at this time?'
Leigh-Anne allowed the silence to help her brainstorm what to respond with. Once her breathing slowed somewhat, she managed to formulate her words. 'This is going to sound really stupid, but I didn't know you were gay.'
'But I thought you were joking yesterday?'
'I wasn't.'
Gary looked a little crushed. 'Are you saying you don't want to hang out with me anymore because I'm gay?'
Leigh-Anne shook her head violently. 'Oh God no! Not that at all, oh God, please don't think I'm homophobic or anything!' She knew she had to come clean now or he would have the worst impression of her. 'I really, really... and I mean, really... fancied you.'
Gary laughed. 'That's all?'
'Oh please don't laugh, I feel stupid enough as it is.'
Gary stopped laughing. His face quickly turned a little sour. 'So what is it you're trying to tell me? What did you want to meet here for at this time?'
'I just need to get over my crush is all and I can't exactly do that when I'm reminded of how I fell for you. Please understand that I...'
'I understand perfectly. You only wanted to be my friend because you fancied me. Now you know you can't have me, you want to throw me away.'
Leigh-Anne wanted to stop him from speaking, from saying things that weren't true, but she knew deep down that's exactly how it looked.
'I don't want to be friends with someone who would throw away a friendship like that.'
Gary started to walk away. Leigh-Anne tried to grab his arm, but he pulled away. She couldn't see that Jade was now watching her through the bookcases. Perrie was still walking through the field outside the school while Jesy walked with her head down in the corridors of the Claremont Bridge building. A text from Jade told them to meet at the library.
Leigh-Anne watched as Gary sped past a couple of people by the exit, and they watched him leave in a frantic hurry.
► She smacked her hand to her forehead, then dropped her arm by her side. A sickening, plague-like feeling spread through her internal organs. Her fingers went numb.
'You turn, and I learn that the wall comes falling down...'
Immobilised, Leigh-Anne couldn't take her eyes off the exit.
Jesy and Perrie bumped into each other outside of the library. They didn't have to say anything before they threw their arms around each other. After a passing minute, Perrie wiped the tears from Jesy's eyes. 'Come on, let's get inside.'
The pair of them walked into the library. Jade was now consoling Leigh-Anne, and once the pairs of girls saw each other, they gave consolidating smiles and re-assuring hugs. All of their eyes glistened under the spotlights above them.
'Single all the way girls,' Jesy finally said. They all laughed; not because it was funny, but it stopped them from crying. 'How did it go Leigh-Anne.'
'He thinks the worst of me, I feel awful.'
'Fortunately I think I made Hughie feel awful, but in doing so, I feel worse,' Jesy said, sorrow infecting her ability to speak without faltering.
'This was never going to be easy,' Jade told them. 'But look at us. We look pathetic. We fell so hard for these guys, we accidentally put them first, above ourselves. That's not right. Our relationships were not right.'
'We know that's true,' Perrie agreed, 'but it doesn't lessen the blow. We really need to blow off steam. I recommend getting absolutely mortal at Leigh-Anne's tomorrow.'
'I'm pretty sure we have accumulated enough vodka to go around. We always leave some in the bottle, so if we just add it all together, we'll probably fill a good two bottles,' Leigh-Anne informed them.
Jade leaned on a bookshelf. 'This is exactly what we need, to move on, forget about the shit we've just been through. Only one week left before Christmas break so we need to have a night to ourselves. Tomorrow cannot come sooner.'
As she finished her sentence, a book from the top shelf fell and smacked her on the head. She fell to the floor, not because it was too heavy, but because the impact was unexpected. The other girls gasped and scurried to help her up.
'Oh my God, are you okay Jade?' Jesy asked. Six hands grabbed Jade around her arms and pulled her to her feet.
Jade seemed a little dazed but managed to nod. 'I'm fine.'
Once they stopped moving, they all laughed.
'I'm glad you're laughing Jade 'cause I was dying to when I saw you fall to the floor,' Leigh-Anne said.
'Oh thanks bitch.'
'What even was it?' Perrie asked as she knelt down and picked the book up. As Jade rubbed her head, she looked over Perrie's shoulder to get a closer look. The girls surrounded her.
'That doesn't look like one of the library books,' Jesy observed. 'There's no number on the spine.'
'There's no name on the cover either,' Perrie said. 'It's really pretty though.' She ran her hand down the crimson red cover, bordered in gold lines and swirls.
She turned to the first page. 'Black Magic.'
All of the girls looked at each other. 'That can't be good,' Jesy said, almost in a whisper.
'Well if it isn't the Little Freaks,' said a malicious voice from the end of the aisle. Perrie quickly slammed the book shut.
'Rachael,' Leigh-Anne said as she looked at Jesy. Jesy looked back at her, worry painted her face.
'I've been looking for you Nelson,' Rachael spat as two girls joined her. They all placed their hands on their ridiculously non-existent hips, in sync with one another. Their flat, straight hair were all similar, yet boasted different colours of red, brown and blonde. It was hard to tell if they were human under all their make-up.
'What is it Rachael?' Jade spoke for Jesy, who seemed lost for words.
'Hughie told me about the bet,' she said. A moment passed where she looked at Jesy with narrowed, angry eyes, before she burst out laughing. Jesy felt her heart plummet. Perrie, Jade and Leigh-Anne stood erect, blocking her from Rachael.
Once the girls stopped laughing, Rachael continued speaking. 'Look. I'm not going to hold it against you - Hughie's a hot guy, I know the bitches next to me look at him and want what they can't have. I get it. I feel like this experience has helped you though, hasn't it? It's helped you know your place here. Just don't get any funny ideas, okay love?'
Jesy still couldn't respond. Rachael gave the girls one last condescending look before ordering her posse to follow her. They walked away from them, leaving the library so the four girls were left.
'I don't think I could feel any worse than I do right now,' Perrie said.
'Girls,' Leigh-Anne mumbled, a little afraid that maybe someone else would appear out of nowhere. 'Sleepover is official, tomorrow night, don't bring anything - I'm going to get a lot of supplies. I don't think I could just spend the weekend alone. I still can't get Gary out of my mind.'
Everyone smiled and nodded. 'Absolutely,' Jade replied. 'We need to forget this day and get those boys out of our hair.'
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"Don't you dare come any closer.""And who are you to tell me that, sweetheart ?" A mocking reply comes. I gulped when he stood right in front of me, towering over me like a giant. A good looking giant. He pushed the stop button on the elevator. It shook for a second. Now only our breaths could be heard and I could feel his smell engulfing me all around. Suddenly every hatred was forgotten and just desire and hunger stirred across the surface of temptation. "Just give in, Juliet." He whispered scrupulously. His lips touching my ear, skin meeting skin caused a strike of fire sear through me because I knew at that moment I was done for. I moaned out, "Touch me, Owen. Touch me once more."---------------------------------------------------------------------Two rivalrous families wanting nothing more but to prove the other less efficacious. With every gait, when one thought the other was ahead, they would zealously try to match the other. When both the families face a similar financial crunch, they decide to endeavour hand in hand but their only hurdle from stopping them to work peacefully is their children.Owen Melon and Juliet Rosseta have a lot of hatred towards each other. On hearing that they have to work with each other, their whole universe turns upside down.Find out if they end up falling for each other ? It is a story to remember.Mature content.Completed.
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