《Don't Forget You're Mine || Jerrie》12
Jade wakes up to the sound of her alarm. She slowly opens her eyes, reaches for her phone on the nightstand, and is only then reminded of yesterday's events. There is a text from Perrie which reads good morning babe♡. A wide smile spreads on Jade's face as she texts her girlfriend back. Everything changed so much and so quickly since July. They have been through so much, it was so hard - but Jade would not changed a thing. Perrie and her have been spinning in some kind of mad storm, they probably still are, but it was all worth it to get to this current moment.
After staring at Perrie's text and shyly smiling for a decent amount of time, Jade gets out of bed and into the bathroom. She is home, at the flat she shares with Danielle, yet every little thing reminds her of Perrie. The extra toothbrush Jade had brought Perrie that night Zayn and her broke up still lays on top of the sink. Sweaters Perrie had accidentally left after living with Jade for a short period of time are safely tucked in Jade's closet. It feels so nice and so good to have a few of Perrie's stuff just randomly around the house. Jade brushes her teeth, steps into the shower, and this is when worries creep in again. She remembers all of the concerns and fears that come with this relationship. It is not going to be easy, she must remember that.
Since Little Mix are scheduled to perform today at the Apple Music Festival and will be attending a party afterwards, it is clear to Jade that Perrie and her are going to have to tell their bandmates about their relationship soon. Leigh-Anne and Jesy know them well, and trying to hide such information would probably be useless. Jade wonders how her bandmates are going to react. Leigh-Anne knows quite a lot about everything that has been going on, so it will not be a complete shock to her, but Jade is not sure how much Jesy knows.
With these thoughts, Jade steps out of the shower, and after wrapping her body in a towel she wears a white sweater and a pair of black trousers. She goes back into her bedroom, and the sound of an incoming text massage is heard. Jade swiftly grabs her phone, hoping to see a text from Perrie. She unlocks it, and faces a good morning:) from Jed. Disappointed, she shuts her eyes and focuses on breathing. Out of anger, she holds onto her phone so tightly she is afraid it might crack. She silently asks herself whether she should text back, and if so, what is she going to write? Jed and her have not spoken since the beginning of September, when they went on a date in Los Angeles, but they did schedule a second date in January, which Jade completely forgot about. She debates on what would be the appropriate reply to Jed. Is it more of a 'good morning! I bet it's not even morning where you are right now, so thanks:) are we still on for January?' Or maybe it is supposed be 'good morning! If I'm honest with you, I just got into a relationship so anything between us isn't really going to work'.
Jade becomes more nervous with each second that passes. She wants to text back saying that she is seeing someone, but cannot do so. Her relationship should be kept secret, and she cannot just tell people about it, especially people she does not know well and does not trust yet. Jade does not want to lie to Jed, either. He does not deserve a lame excuse as to why she cannot go out with him like she had said. So, she decides to text back positively, but in a rather friendly manner. Good morning! how are you?, she types and sends, then looks at the time only to find out she has spent far too much time wording this text and she really has to go now in order to make it to soundcheck on time.
Jade grabs her small backpack and rushes out of her flat. She gets to the venue just in time, and sees Leigh-Anne and Jesy are already onstage. She greets each of them with a warm hug, then goes to the dressing room to place her stuff. As soon as she opens the door to this room, Jade is faced with a pair of fascinating blue eyes and a bright smile. She melts into Perrie’s arms, then looks around to make sure no one else is in the room and kisses Perrie’s lips.
"I know I've seen you yesterday, but I've missed you. Like, a lot," Jade says and smiles into another kiss.
"I've missed you too," Perrie replies with a soft grin. She does not let go of Jade as she keeps speaking. "I was thinking maybe we could tell Leigh and Jesy today. About us, I mean."
"Yeah, we should do that," Jade agrees with a nod. Perrie kisses her cheek before they break the hug and walk together to the stage, knowing that their bandmates and team are waiting for them in order to begin the soundcheck.
When they are done, all four girls head back to their dressing room. They have a few minutes before their different stylists will come in and start working on their looks, so Perrie decides that now would be the proper time to talk to Leigh-Anne and Jesy. She is sitting on the couch next to Jade, while Jesy is on one the tall chairs in the room, her back towards the mirror as she is facing Jade and Perrie, and Leigh-Anne searches for something in her bag in the corner of the small room.
Jade checks her phone, as usual, and is surprised to find another text from Jed. This one is much longer. I'm great!, it reads. I was thinking about that date we said we're going to go on in January. We both don't get much time to travel outside of work, so maybe we could spend the weekend in Paris? The city of love, you know. Could be really cool if you're down to an unusual date. Jade turns off the screen without texting back, as she sincerely does not know what to reply. A whole weekend as a second date seems like a lot, perhaps too much. So much time away with Jed is not really how she would have liked to spend her time off. This text continues to weigh on her throughout the rest of the day.
"Jes? Leigh?" Jade asks and clears her voice. She is already writing a long speech in her head and preparing herself for a possible negative reaction. She opens her mouth in in order to begin speaking, but Perrie’s voice is heard before hers.
"Jade and I are together," she says, as if it is not that big of a deal, and leaves Jade shocked and panicked. They did not prepare the ground for this announcement yet, they did not even present the idea to Jesy. This is the ultimate way for a disapproval.
"Oh my God," Leigh-Anne excitedly replies as she slowly moves her gaze towards her bandmates. "Officially?" She asks in disbelief.
"Mhm," Perrie assures and squeezes her girlfriend's hand. Jade is still unable to speak due to the sudden reveal, which happened too fast in her opinion. Leigh-Anne sees the stress in Jade's eyes, and goes to hug her from behind with a soft smile.
"I'm so happy for you," she whispers in Jade's ear. Jade loosens up a bit, and allows a small smile to appear on her face. She turns her eyes to Jesy, who, in response, rolls her eye while smiling.
"What do you think?" Jade asks Jesy, finally managing to use her voice.
"I already knew," Jesy replies with a reassuring nod. Jade, however, feels the opposite of Jesy right now. She is not calm at all. She does not understand how it is possible for Jesy to already know. She might have guessed that things between Perrie and her were becoming more serious, but there is no way she could have known that they are officially together.
"How?" Jade asks.
"Because Perrie told me that you liked her, so I figured-" Jesy begins explaining, but Jade cuts her off.
"Pez?" She turns to Perrie with a suspecting look. Perrie never told her she had already revealed this to Jesy.
"Yeah, I talked to her on the phone a couple of days ago. I was really confused and I needed some advice," Perrie says. Before Jade has the chance to reply, the stylists enter the room greet the girls. Jade stays silent as Leigh-Anne goes to do the final fitting of her outfit for today's performance, and Jesy turns to the mirror as Aaron works on her hair.
Without any warning, Jade stands up and exits the dressing room. She goes into the bathroom, and tears appear in her eyes as she watches herself in the mirror. Her feelings towards Perrie are the most personal thing, and she hates how Perrie just revealed them to someone. Jade had poured her heart out that day in America, she was very hurt afterwards, and it is not fair of Perrie to share everything that went on there.
A quiet knock on the door is heard before Perrie steps into the bathroom, and her gaze immediately saddens at the sight of crying Jade.
"What is it?" Perrie softly asks as she pulls Jade into a hug and strokes her brown hair. "We need to talk, otherwise this isn't going to work," Perrie says after a few moments of silence.
"You told Jesy that I have feelings for you, and I... I don't know, I guess it's not okay. This is something that is between just the two of us, you can't go and tell it just like that," Jade explains, trying to stay calm.
"It's not like I told some random stranger, this is Jesy we're talking about," Perrie replies, a bit confused. She does not see the reason why Jade is so stressed out about this. "Besides, you have all of these heart-to-hearts with Leigh-Anne so how is that any different? I know you two are probably talking about you and I, and it's okay. We all need someone to consult with."
"My conversations with Leigh are nothing like this, Perrie! It's not the same as you telling Jesy that I liked you! I talked to Leigh-Anne about my feelings, how I felt. I didn't share anything personal about you," Jade says.
"Well, I'm sorry then," Perrie tells her girlfriend as they let go. "I guess it's complicated with the group and us... I'm used to share everything with Jesy and Leigh. So we're going to have to learn how to do everything right from now on. What stays between us and what we choose to share," Jade nods and wipes the tears from her eyes. "But Jade, we've been together for less than twenty four hours and we're already having a mini fight. This is still the honeymoon phase, we're supposed to be having fun, okay?" Perrie says and laughs lightly. She kisses Jade's cheek before continuing to talk. "Why are you so stressed? It's not like you to be so dramatic over a little accidental miscommunication. Is there something else that's bothering you?"
"No," Jade lies, looking away from Perrie’s eyes. The truth is that this text she received from Jed earlier is stressing her out, because she cannot give a real answer and she really needs to text back already after leaving him on read for so long. She cannot tell any of this to Perrie, because how is she supposed to ask her girlfriend for advice about a guy who is asking her out? It sounds as messed up as it really is.
Perrie can tell that something is off, but Sam calling them back to the dressing room distracts her. She takes Jade's hand and leads them both back to the dressing room, where they get their hair and makeup done, and then leave to go onstage.
As soon as the performance is done, the four girls rush back into their dressing room and change. After quick fixes to their looks, they are already on their way to Mahiki nightclub in London. Today, Wonderland Magazine is hosting a party, and since the girls were on the cover of this magazine once and are scheduled for another photoshoot with them in a few months, they have been invited. Jesy is quite tired after the long day, so she chose to go home instead. Leigh-Anne, Jade and Perrie are stepping out of the vehicle and into the club as camera flashes are blinding them.
Perrie laughs as Jade gets progressively drunk throughout the night. She is dancing most of the time, next to Perrie, with a drink permanently in her hand. After a while, Jade seems a bit tired and Perrie pulls her aside, to the bar, in order to give her some water. She replaces the cup in Jade's hand with a new one, and makes her drink it all, saying that it is going to help her potential hangover tomorrow.
"Pez," Jade starts after finishing her cup of water and placing it on the bar. She is reading the comments on her latest Instagram post, and all of them say something along the lines of jerrie is real. She made it plainly obvious that Perrie and her are together, with the photo and the caption, and everyone believes it. Jesy's suggestion does not seem to be working. "I don't think that Jesy's strategy is going to work. It's too risky."
"What are you talking about?" Perrie asks.
"Jesy said that we should make our relationship so obvious that no one will believe it's real," Jade replies.
"Oh, right," Perrie remembers. "Jade, don't worry about that now. We'll figure it out when you're a bit more sober."
"No, Pez, we need to build a strategy before people will start noticing." Jade says, and Perrie smiles at how even when Jade is drunk, her thinking is quite reasonable and logic. "Please promise me that we're going to try and hide it for as long as we can, and we're not going to tell anyone about it. Let's try to keep it between the four of us."
"Alright," Perrie replies with a smile, wanting to satisfy her girlfriend. "Don't worry, we're going to be fine."
"You can't be sure of that," Jade disagrees. She orders another drink, and while waiting for it, she looks around and finds a rubber stamp which says DRAMA laying on the bar. Jade has heard about a club with this name, it will open in a few weeks in London and is managed by the same company who owns Mahiki. She places the rubber stamp on her right arm, so it says DRAMA in bold blue letters.
"What are you doing?" Perrie asks and laughs at her girlfriend's actions. Instead of answering, Jade takes Perrie's hand and places the rubber stamp on it as well.
"Now everyone knows you're mine. We're matching," Jade seriously says.
"I think you've had enough alcohol for tonight," Perrie replies with an amused smile.
It is getting late, and Jade and Perrie are getting ready to leave. They thank the hosts for the party, then say their goodbyes to the people they know, most of them which are a part of the Little Mix team.
"Can I come over to your place?" Perrie asks as she helps tidy Jade's clothes to make her appear more sober.
"Yes," Jade replies. She places her hand in Perrie’s as they exit the club.
Getting to Jade's flat, Jade collapses on the bed, exhausted after today. She laughs as Perrie takes her shoes off and brings her a set of pajamas to wear. Jade changes into them and tucks herself under the covers. She feels horrible due to the amount of alcohol she consumed tonight, but Perrie cuddling into her instantly makes everything better.
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Writer's Room: Nicole Knight
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