《HOME FOR MY HEART |KL Rahul Fanfiction|》2. First meet.


Yesterday was a hectic, plus, an awesome day.

Well, I scored a hundred, and won the man of the match too.

It was amazing.

Now, here I am, in my hotel room, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, my phone went off.

It was Athiya.

I smiled, grabbing my phone from the bed side table.

"Hellooooo!" I heard her speak.

I chuckled. Same old Athiya.

"Hi there!" I said.

So fun fact. Athiya and I are childhood bestfriends. We went to the same school and college too. People always thought that we're a couple, but no. Athiya was secretly dating my bestfriend, Ayush. And well, only I knew about this.

"Where are you? What're you doing? Oh! By the way! Congratulations for yesterday." She spoke.

I laughed at her excitement.

"Well, right now, I'm in my hotel room, doing nothing. And, thank you!" I gushed, chuckling slightly.

"Oh then, do one thing! Come over to my place. Even Ayush's here. Also, I want you to meet Shyra."

"Who Shyra?" I asked.

"Shyra Iyer!" She exclaimed.

"Oh! Shyra Iyer, the singer?" I asked.

"Yes, her! She's one of my closest friends here in Mumbai." Athiya explained.

"Well, okay. Will be there in a few minutes, cool?"

"Done. Buh-bye!" She hung up.

I reached her house within fifteen minutes.

I rang the door bell and expected Athiya to open it, but instead it was Ayush.

"Rahul? What a surprise!" Saying this, he hugged me.

Before I could say anything, Athiya beat me to it.

"Well. Well. You can thank me." She said, standing at a distance.

Both of us smiled at her.

"Long time!" I exclaimed.

"Very long. Come on in. We've got to catch up on so many things."


We came in and sat on the couch.

I saw a girl in the balcony, speaking on the phone, her back faced to me.

Well, she was definitely fit, if I might add.

"Is she Shyra?" I asked Athiya.

"Yeah." She smiled.

Shyra got off her phone and suddenly turned around.

Shit. She caught me looking at her. She smiled at me, but for some reason, her smile turned to a confused face.

"Wait! Wait! I might've seen you on T.V last night, but I'm not sure if it was you or just another person that looks like you. Uhm... I guess his name was.. uh.."

She had this cute face on while she was trying to remember my name.

I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

"He had a very clichè name! Ugh! I don't remember." She said, getting irritated.

"It's Ra-" Before I could complete what I was going to say, she spoke up again.

"Rahul! His name was Rahul. Is your name Rahul by any chance?" She asked me, with hope in her eyes.

I chuckled, nodding my head.

She smiled, but again her facial expressions changed, but this time to a shocked one.

"Fuck. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it when I said clichè, I mean I did, but.. I.. ugh.. I'm sorry." She chuckled nervously, fiddling with her fingers.

Ayush and Athiya started laughing while I had a smile on my face.

"Chill, it's okay. I guess, not a huge cricket fan?" I asked her.

She was now seated on the couch too.

Before Shyra could speak, Athiya interrupted.

"Huge cricket fan? Strike that off, she dislikes cricket." Athiya laughed.

"Actually yeah." Shyra laughed too, but soon slapped her hand over her mouth, shaking her head, as if saying a no.


"No! No! Not dislike, but, you could say, not interested." She shrugged, having a nervous smile on her face.

I laughed at how she tried hiding the fact about her not liking cricket.

The girl is definitely cute, I thought.

Soon, we got along really well.

We spoke about everything. Her career, my career. I caught up on things I was missing too with Athiya and Ayush.

All in all, it was a fun day, today.



So, guys, on a very serious note, please stay indoors, don't step out of your home. It's a really crucial time for the world, and hopefully, we'll get done with it very soon.

Stay safe.


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