《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter twelve


The kids are in the kitchen with their grandparents, eating breakfast when Cordell and Liam come in.

"Hey. Where's Trey?" Abilene asks.

"He had to take off." Cordell says.

"He had to go. He had to go home." Liam says.

"Yeah." Cordell nods.

"You know, he needs to eat more. I hope he knows that he's more than welcome to stay for breakfast." Abilene says.

"He knows." Cordell says. "Mama, we-we've told him. You've told him."

"He starts early at Sacred Heart." Stella says.

"A guidance counselor starts this early?" Abilene asks.

"Oh, he... he's also a parking lot monitor." August says.

"That man's trying to fill a void." Bonham says.

"You know, Cordi? You really should ask James." Abilene says.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I-I know. I'm gonna... I'm gonna talk to James later, mama." Cordell tells her.

"You know, someone bought the Andersons' property." Liam says.

"Andersons have been there forever." August says. "Who was there before them?"

"Uh, Davidsons." Cordell answers.

"Wait. Didn't you break off your engagement to Marv Davidson after you met grandpa?" Stella asks.

"Yes, I did, and it was the best decision I ever made." Abilene says.

"I really hope the new neighbors are cool, you know? Maybe they, like, kids or something." August says.

"You mean a hot daughter you can try and date since Ruby's gone." Stella says, everybody but August laughing.

"Shut up. Like you're gonna be single forever." August says.

"Oh, cause your love life is just perfection." Stella counters.

"Okay, it's-it's early." Cordell says.

"Oh! Uncle Liam, are you going to New York this month to see Bret?" Stella asks.

"Maybe. I don't know, I got to figure that out." Liam says. "Anyway, I got to go to work. It's a big day today, too. You know, they might have another election or an interim D.A."

"Surely, they're not gonna make you go through another election." Abilene says.

"Well, I mean, I doubt votes would make the same decision if they knew what they know now." Cordell says.

"Yeah. All right." Liam says.

"Yep. See ya." Cordell says and the kids get up. "Whoa. What, y'all-y'all heading out already?"

"Yeah. Trying not to start out senior year with as many absents as last year." Stella says.

"Okay." Cordell says. Janie kisses him on the cheek and he goes in for a hug.


"Ew, no. You're sweaty." Janie grimaces, rushing away from him. She grabs her bag, following August outside.

"Love you." Stella calls.

"Love you." Cordell echoes as Stella follows the twins.


Stella pulls into the high school parking lot.

"Walkers in the house!" Todd exclaims.

"Hey, Todd. See you in homeroom." Stella says.

"Still can't believe he has to repeat senior year." August says. "Cautionary tale, huh?" Stella gives him a look. "I..." He holds his hands up in surrender. "Just saying. You don't get your grades back up, you know..."

"Thanks for reminding me, O Sage Sophomore." Stella says.

"Hey, you flunk twice, we can all be in classes together." Janie says.

"Oh, please no." Stella says, chuckling a little. "It's not like last year didn't suck." She defends herself. She goes to pull into a parking spot the same time another person does, both slamming on their brakes.

"Hey, dude, go around!" August yells. "There's spots over there, all right?"

"No, come on, move!" The guy exclaims.

"Hey, I..." August starts.

"It's fine. I'll just go park over there." Stella says.

"No. We were here first, all right? You're--you're not gonna get a late slip because of this creep." August says.

"Can you go?" The guy asks.

"Geez, I don't need another year of Stella drama." August says.

"Well, I think the only way to escape Stella drama is to leave the family." Janie says and both siblings look at her. "I'm joking... kind of."

Stella pulls into the parking spot. They all get out of the car, heading to class.

"You know, calm down the anger or else we might have a year of Augie drama." Janie says.

"Shut up." August says, lightly shoving her head and she lightly shoves him back.


They're walking to the car after school.

"Hey, do you mind if I pick the music on the ride home?" August asks. "I-I think I might start a music podcast."

"What the hell?" Stella exclaims.

"Wait, uh, what's wrong with that?" August asks.

"No, our car." Stella says, the three looking at the scratch on the car. They put their backpacks in the car and Stella rushes in front of the truck from earlier, making him slam on his brakes.

"Hey! You keyed my car because you didn't get your precious parking spot?" Stella asks. "What is your problem?" August is at the passenger window and Janie is next to Stella.


"Oh, you're Stella, right? And, uh, what, Janie? And you're Arlo or whatever. Yeah, the Walkers." The guy says. "Hear you guys always blame other people for the messes they make, so this tracks. Now just go home. Tell your ranger daddy to arrest me and just get out of my way, okay?"

All three siblings head towards the driver's side of the truck, August staying near the back door.

"You stalk my family online or something?" Stella asks making the guy laugh. "Who are you?"

"Well, I-I'm Colton." He says, sticking his head out the window a little. "And I've heard enough about you to know that you're an entitled little princess, so, please, just get out--" He's cut off by August punching him in the face.

"Back up." August tells his sisters, pushing them backwards, both resisting.

"Hey!" Stella exclaims.

"It's my problem." August says.

"Dude, how?!" Janie asks.

"No! August." Stella says.

"Back up. It's mine." August says.

"August. No!" Stella objects.

"Hey, you want to talk to my sister like that?" August asks Colton who got out of his truck. "Talk to me right now. Let's go." Colton shoves August.

The two start fighting, mostly just shoving each other, until Trey comes over, breaking it up. Janie and Stella hold August back.


"They started it." Colton states, him and the Walker siblings sat in the principal's office. Cordell, Colton's mom, and Trey are also there, as the principal needed to call the parents in.

"What? No, no, no. He's lying!" Stella exclaims. The three siblings continue to object, talking about what Colton's done.

"Enough!" Cordell orders. "August, did you punch him?"

"No, I got this on my own. Is this guy really a Texas Ranger?" Colton asks.

"Are you really always such a jackass?" Janie asks.

"Janie." Cordell sternly calls.

"Colton Davidson, zip that mouth, or you're going to military school." Colton's mom, Denise, threatens. The three siblings share a look after hearing the last name. Colton quietly scoffs.

Cordell looks at August for an answer to his earlier question.

"Yeah, I... I-I-I punched him, but only because he was--"

"Stop." Cordell cuts his son off. "Apologize."

"A-Are you serious?" August asks.

"What does he have to apologize for? He was defending Stella. The dude doesn't deserve a freaking apology." Janie says.

Cordell looks between the twins sternly. Janie resists rolling her eyes and August sighs.

"Fine." He mumbles, inhaling deeply and clearing his throat. "You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I beat you up. You know what I mean?" August chuckles, holding his hand out for a fist bump from Cordell. Both Janie and Stella laugh a little.

August sees the look on his dad's face and lowers his hand. Janie holds her fist out and August fist bumps it.

"What did you say to her? Clearly, he's sticking up for his sister, so what'd you say?" Denise asks her son.

"Well, I just said she's an entitled princess and their family blames other people for their problems." Colton says.

"Wow." Denise whispers.

"What, am I wrong?" Colton asks.

"See, don't you wanna punch him?" Janie asks her dad.

"Janie." Cordell lightly warns.

"He has been talking to his grandmother again. I'm so sorry." Denise says, looking at Cordell.

"So, your families know each other?" Trey asks.

"We-we-we... we-we did." Cordell says. "Uh, do. Did. Did."

"Yeah, uh, kind of." Denise says.

"Yeah, uh..." Cordell mutters.

"Uh, yeah, we did." Denise says.

Janie and August share a weird, confused look.

"We, um, we're neighbors." Denise says.

"It was, uh... a long time ago." Cordell says.

"Right. Okay, but for now, is this gonna be a problem while your kids are in school together?" Trey asks.

"No, sir. It will not." Cordell says, giving his children a look. Janie slightly rolls her eyes.

"Well, there's still the matter of an appropriate punishment." The principal says.

"Uh, yeah. That's usually my arena. How about detention?" Denise suggests. "For all three of them."

"What did I do?" The two Walker sisters question in unison.

"Sounds fair." Cordell says. "But your son should pay for the damages."

"Mom, I-I didn't do it." Colton says.

"Stop." Denise whispers to him. "Uh, no witnesses, but we'll split the repairs."

"Deal." Cordell says.

"Good. I'm glad that could be worked out. But let me end by saying this. Whatever history you all have. Work it out. Now." Principal Healey orders. "Before this gets any worse. All right?"

"Thank you, principal." Cordell says.

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