《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 33: Mission in the Hidden Cloud


The two Akatsuki teams were at the Hidden Cloud Village entrance.

"I really don't like this place." Naruto admitted.

Full turned her attention over to Naruto. "Why is that?" She asked curiously.

*sigh* "The Cloud really doesn't like me. Not after what I did to there Raikage." Naruto admitted and began walking into the village.

They walked into the village and got a lot of curious glares from the villagers. Nobody had ever seen people like them.

"Kisame follow me, I know where the 8 tails is." Naruto and Kisame were about to leave until Fu stopped them.

"What about the 2 tails?" Fu demanded.

Naruto pointed at Itachi. "Just follow him." And Naruto and Kisame left the area and left a confused Fu.

"What was he talking about?" Fu asked Itachi. "Fu, let's go." Itachi ordered.

Naruto and Kisame were jumping rock to rock towards the 8 tails home. "Kisame, don't use your samehada sword. If he gets hold of the handle, the sword will leave you and stay with the jinchuuriki." Naruto warned.

Kisame chuckled in amusement. "What makes you think shark skin will leave?"

"Simple, the jinchuuriki knows how to wield a weapon like that and he has way more chakra reserves than you do."

Kisame didn't say a word, because what he said could be true.

They eventually got to where they need to go. They stood in front of a long stair way. The looked up the stair way and saw a man dancing his way down the stairs. He then flipped off the stairs and landed 10 yards away from Naruto and Kisame.

"Who are you to come and barge into my land. Ya fool." He demanded.

Naruto kept his usual blank face showing. Kisame was grinning like he always does.

"Don't talk much, do ya?" He asked.

Naruto then threw a knife at the man. The man caught it with ease.

"Who uses throwing knives and why would you attack me, Killer Bee?" Killer Bee introduced himself.

Naruto pulled his knife back, surprising Killer Bee. "That was just a test, we came here to give you an offer."


"He's the nine tails jinchuuriki. Or he holds the soul of the nine tails. But still, he was able take down my brother without fighting back." Bee thought. "What is this offer?"

"Will you join the Akatsuki?"

Bee wasn't expecting an offer like this. "Hell no, ya fool ya fool."

Kisame started smiling, hes been itching for a fight for awhile now. "If that is your answer, then we cannot let you live." Kisame aimed his sword at Bee.

Bee put his hands on his blades. "You are the man who humiliated my brother. For that, I will take you down." Bee then threw 8 blades in the air and they all landed 8 different spots of his body.

"What is that stance?" Kisame questioned. Naruto had a surprised look on his face, he had never seen this before. Kisame knew he didn't have any water around, so he has to rely on taijutsu. "Naruto, you stay back and let me deal with him." Kisame told Naruto.

"Alright then."

Kisame attacked Bee.

Itachi and Fu were on there way to the 2 tails location.

"I did not know the sharingan could get info out of someone, looking at them and asking them questions." Fu stated. Itachi didn't say any back.

They walked until they were stopped by a group of Cloud nin.

"From the looks of it, you two are apart of the Akatsuki. What are you doing in our village?" He demanded.

Fu and Itachi didn't say anything.

"ANSWER ME!" He demanded again.

They didn't say anything again.

Out of frustration all of the cloud attack the group of two.

With ease Itachi and Fu took down the group.

Itachi then a lunar with an explosive tag on it, in the air. It exploded in the air. Fu jumped on the roof and hid herself. Itachi waited in the middle of the road.

Then came a single shinobi with long blonde hair and in full gear. "How dare you cause so much trouble in our village."

She then grew out her nails and got in a battle stance. "My name is Yugito and I will take you down."


Itachi then covered his eyes. Yugito was confused, why would he cover his eyes in a fight. She then saw something come across her eye. It looked like dust.

"Secret Tradition: Scaled Sneak Jutsu."

A flashback appeared, blinding Yugito.

Fu attacked Yugito with high speed because of her wings. She did a slash with her wings to knock her down.

When Yugito regained her vision she looked in front of her to see a man with black hair and eyes and a girl with green hair, orange eyes, and bug like wings.

The black haired guy was just standing there while the girl was flying next to him.

"There both Akatsuki. The guy is probably the Uchiha and girl seems to be a jinchuuriki." Yugito analysed her opponents.

"We have a proposition for you." Itachi announced. Yugito was caught off guard from that.

"Proposition?" Yugito questioned.

Bee was in his tailed beast form, a giant ox.

Kisame was injured. He had barely survived tailed beast bomb explosion. He didn't take it head on, but the explosion did damage.

Naruto walked pass his fallen partner and stuck his hand up, pointing at the tailed beast. He had his hand up like it was a defensive stance. Naruto showed his cloak.

Bee knew what he wanted. "You think you can take a tailed beast bomb. Ya fool, ya fool." Bee started up another tailed beast bomb.

When it finished, he shot it straight at an unmoving Naruto.

Naruto jumped at the bomb at super speed and deflected the attack. After that he shot a extended cloak fist at the giant octopus.

The fist hit the ox, knocking him into the ground. Naruto landed on the ground, when he turned around he saw a huge octopus tail about to hit him. Naruto dodged it and quickly cut it off with his machete.

Naruto then put both his hands up and aimed at the Bee. He created his own tailed beast bomb, only this one could kill any tailed beast.

Naruto shot it at Killer Bee and it was a direct hit. When the explosion cloud went away, he saw Killer Bee laying down, bloody.

Naruto killed Killer Bee.

Naruto walked to Kisame and healed him with a healing Jutsu he made. It would allow to move freely without pain, but you still gotta tend to the wounds.

"We're done."

Before Naruto left, he took a quick glance at the octopus he tail he cut off and left the area with Kisame.

Yugito was lying on the ground. Itachi put her under his Tsukiyome (Super Genjutsu Move). She was going to die eventually. But just to be safe, Itachi threw a kunai at her head.

Yugito was dead.

"Let's go." They both left to meet up with the others.

Naruto was sitting in a bar, thinking about the things he has done in life.

He killed his comrades, killed his father, ruined his families life, take the name traitor for the village.

While he was thinking to himself and drinking some sake. A random guy taps his shoulder. Naruto turned around to see a cloud shinobi.

"What do you want?" Naruto carelessly asked.

"Your the Fox. Your the man who embarrassed our Raikage, ruining our village reputation. Other villages don't take us seriously, because of you." He angrily said.

Naruto that all the people around had a kunai in there hands. Naruto knew they were trying gang up on him.

Naruto noticeably rolled his eyes and got up from his seat and stood in the middle of the bar. Naruto then swung his machete out of his sleeve. "If you all think your village is all that. Then, come and get me." Naruto mocked at them all.

They all attacked him and Naruto began taking them all out swiftly.

Kisame walked in and saw Naruto stand above the dead bodies. He was impressed to say the least.

"The others are back, let's go."

Naruto exited the building and saw Fu waving at him. Naruto couldn't help but smile. Though he had a lot of bad memories, he also had a lot of good memories.

Fu noticed something about Naruto. The roots of his hair was blonde. A quarter of his hair was blonde and the rest was black.

"Let's go."

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