《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 32: The Merging


Naruto, Fu, Kisame, and Itachi were heading to the Hidden Cloud Village to "talk" to the jinchuurikis.

"So, what's our plan?" Fu asked.

"I think I know who does." Kisame joked, while looking at Naruto.

*chuckle* "I do have a plan." Everyone turned to Naruto. "Me and Kisame will go after the 8 tails and Fu and Itachi will go after the 2 tails."

"Why not use our actual teams?" Fu questioned.

"The Raikage and the 8 tails are brothers. So me and Kisame are will do perfectly against them. And you and Itachi can easily take down the 2 tails and the cloud nin that are defending her." Naruto explained.

"Is there anyone thats smarter than you." Fu joked.

"I can only think of 2 people." Naruto admitted.

"And who are they?" Kisame asked.

"That's for you all to find out."

Later they decided to set up a camp for the night. Kisame was sound asleep and Fu and Itachi were eating in front of the fire.

Naruto was alone sitting against a tree. Naruto showed showed his forearms to where he could see his tattoos.

"This all came at a very big cost."


Naruto was running to his secret training ground, so he could get away from his parents.

It's been 2 months since Kushina and Minato found out the truth about Naruto. And they were trying desperately to get to know Naruto.

They tried taking him out to dinner, giving him presents, and just talking to him. But everytime they tried, he just kept quiet and walked away.

Naruto stopped and looked around to see if he was followed. He activated his demon to eyes to see if there were any heat signatures. Naruto didn't find anything.


*sigh* "Finally, I can relax." Naruto plopped on the ground.

Kyuubi joked.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." Naruto actually considered.

Kuruma said with a irritated tone.

"I know, I'm just messing with ya."

Kuruma instructed.

"Ok...?" Naruto listened and sat down criss cross. He closed his eyes and entered his mindscape.

*Naruto's Mindscape*

Naruto looked up to see Kuruma laying down, like he always does. But what caught Narutos eye was that Kuruma was...

"Your fading." Naruto said with a sad look on his face.

Kuruma grinned.

"Why is it happening and how do we stop it?" Naruto instantly asked.

Kuruma explained.

Naruto was trying make sense of what he said. He was scared of losing Kuruma, he's been there for him his entire life.

"Will I still be able to talk to you?"

"Like what?"

"Then, why did you call me?"

Kuruma paused a little bit.

Naruto didn't know how to react.

Kuruma explained.

Naruto looked down and clenched his fists. Tears went down his face.

Naruto looked up at Kuruma and nodded.

Naruto nodded.

Kuruma shrunk down to Narutos size.

Kuruma walked to Naruto and sat down next to him. He closed his eyes and went to sleep next to him. Naruto sat with him and put his hand on his fur.

"Thank you so much, Kuruma."

After he said that Kuruma flew into Naruto.

They were now merged.

Naruto was out of his mindscape. He just lost his greatest friend. Naruto was about to cry, but stopped himself.

He can't think of this as a loss, he needs to think as a knew begining.

Naruto got up and went home.

When he got home he saw Kushina and Minato sitting on the couch talking.

Naruto was about to head upstairs but was stopped by his mom.


"Hey Naruto. Me, your dad, and your sisters are going to Ichirakus for some ramen." Kushina said happily.


Naruto turned around with bright blue eyes and big fox grin. "I would love, too"

Kushina and Minato weren't expecting that.

"Yay." Mito cheered.

Kushina smiled. "Ok then, let's go."

*End Flashback*

Naruto snapped out his thoughts because a fox sat down next to him and took a nap. Naruto smiled at the fox and went to sleep.

Fu looked over at Naruto in admiration. He was such a strong guy, but so peaceful at the same time.

"You're staring at him again." Itachi caught Fu.

Fu shook her head looked at Itachi with anger. "Shut up, no I wasn't."

"Ok then." Itachi went back to eating.

"So, do you know if he's single." Fu nervously asked.

"I don't know about now, but his last girlfriend died." Itachi admitted.

"What was she?" Fu sadly asked.

"His girlfriend was Hinata Hyuga, the heir to the Hyuga clan. They were together for 2 years. Naruto cared deeply for her, he even threatened the entire Hyuga clan, that if anyone hurt her. He would kill them all. Nobody in the Hyuga clan wanted to deal the Fox, so they all stopped." Itachi explained.

"The entire Hyuga clan feared him. And he dated the Hyuga heir." Fu said in shock. "What happened?"

Itachi put his food down, knowing this gonna take awhile. "She was sent on a mission and never came back. Nobody knows who killed her or her team. Some say that was one of the reasons why Naruto murdered all the Leaf ANBU."

Fu was really surprised. She looked back at Naruto who was asleep with a fox next to him. He is caring guy, even if he doesn't show it.

She was curious how the Uchiha knew all this. "How do you know all this?"

"When you've live the life that I live. You gotta know these things. Info goes around fast. You know things like Narutos reputation and your's." Itachi tried to go back to eating but Fu wasn't letting up.

"Wait, hold on. You said my 'reputation'?" Fu got worked up.

*sigh* "I'm surprised you don't know. You're one of the few shinobi in the world that can fly. You've defeated opponents without even moving, like the last Uchiha of the Leaf. And you're a jinchuuriki." Itachi said while trying to calm down.

Fu was really surprised that she a reputation. But in all honesty, she didn't want that type of reputation. She wanted to be known as a friend to all.

"What about you and Naruto?" Fu asked.

Itachi really to eat his food. "You're a rogue ninja now, find out about my reputation. As for Naruto you'll find out about his reputation once we enter the Hidden Cloud." Itachi picked up his food.

"The Cloud?"

"Thank you, Itachi. I know, I get talkative when I'm interested in something. Sorry." Fu admitted while scratching the back her head.

Itachi nodded while taking a bite of his food.

"So, tell me about yourself?" Fu asked Itachi, trying to make a new friend.

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