《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 31: Truth Be Told


Naruto and Fu were waiting for Pain and what there next mission.

Fu was looking at Naruto, very intently. She has a lot of questions for him. But she was to nervous to ask and thought he wouldn't answer the questions. She took a breathe and decided to ask one of her questions.

"Why do you those sleeves with the bindings?" Fu asked aloud.

Naruto was leaning against the wall and had his lean against the wall.

Naruto pulled out his knife. "The sleeves are to cover up my tattoos." Naruto used the knife to cut the sleeves and bindings off of his arms. Naruto showed the tattoos on his forearms. They were the top view of a fox, with the head facing the hand and had nine tails in the back.

"Why did you want to hide your tattoo?" Fu asked curiously.

"These tattoos have something to do with my power, you could call it a battle form. I have 3 phases. One, is when my tattoos glow blood red and the tattoos on my forearms spread around my arm and onto my body. Two, my entire body starts getting covered in a "chakra cloak", my entire body changes into a light, bright red. Its just like your tailed beast cloak, but I'm in complete control. My final form is something no one has seen except for two people. Sasuke Uchiha and my twin sister Naruko. The "chakra cloak" disappeared and comes back in more controlled form. You would have to see it to understand maybe some other time."

Fu was awe struck. Naruto seemed like he didn't care if discloses things about himself. He said everything so casually.

"Now that my strength is revealed. I can finally stop wearing these stupid sleeves." Naruto said in relief.

"Do you not care about hiding any secrets?" Fu said stepping up.

"I have a few secrets that I will never tell but no, I don't really care. If people really want to get know me they can always ask and give them a straight answer. If people don't want to ask, I don't want to ask them. I would rather people know who I am before they judge me." Naruto confessed.


"So, are we friends?" Fu hopefully asked.

Naruto looked at her and gave her big, toothy smile.

"Of course we are."

Fu controlled herself from jumping in the from enjoyment.

"I have 2 more questions?" Fu said holding up two fingers.

"Ask away."

"What did you mean when you said 'my soul merged is merged with the kyuubis'?" Fu paused. "And would you like to have tea with me later?" Fu said with a smile.

Naruto was still smiling. "I can't tell you that and I would love some tea."

After he said that Pain came into the room.

"Is it done?"


"Ok, your next mission will be given in 2 weeks. Take this time to rest." Pain then left the room.

When they were sure he was gone, they both sighed in relief.

"That guy is creepy." Fu admitted.

"He really is." Naruto agreed. "I'm gonna go get dressed and we can go hangout." Naruto went to change.

Fu smiled when he walked by, she turned to look at him and saw a yellow in the roots of hair.

"I think I'll do the same." Fu went to change.

Naruto and Fu were sitting at a table with tea in front of them.

Naruto and Fu would talk the good things in there lives and eventually crack a joke. They would both laugh about each other's stories. They enjoyed each others company.

Fu really trusted Naruto. In the battlefield and in general. He was always open and wasn't afraid to speak his history.

"So, why do you want to make so many friends?" Naruto asked.

Fu smiled at the subject. "I saved the chief of my village. When I did that, we talked a lot and he told me I could make a hundred friends. At the time that was the nicest thing I ever heard. So I made that my dream." Fu happily said.

"Is that it? Someone said you could do it and so your doing it." Naruto questioned.

Fu paused. Her smile faded. Naruto notice her mode change and was about to apologize but Fu spoke. "Well, when people know that you're a jinchuuriki. It's hard to live a normal life, when all people do is tell there children to stay away from you and talk about you like your a curse. It makes it hard to live a normal life. So when you hear something like that from a village chief. You finally have goal to achieve." Fu said looking down.


"I'm sorry for bringing up the subject." Naruto apologized.

"It's fine. It only means that you have to tell me your story." Fu said with a grin.

"You little-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Fu caught.

Naruto was silent.

Fu got a interested look on her face.

Naruto began telling the true story of his life.

"You really are a nice guy. You just purposely made your reputation look like you were cold hearted." Naruto looked up at Fu.

"I have too. If it was found out that the leaf village would plan plan such a thing. It would put a bad reputation for the village and it would make the life of my family worse. If they were to think that the hokage my father would allow this, the village would've hated my family. So I took the hit, because the villagers already hated me. I did all this to save my comrades and allow my family to still have a good life." Naruto face turned to a cold look.

"I guess we are a lot alike." Itachi came in.

Naruto shot up from his seat. "What did you hear?" Naruto growled.


Naruto got up and activated his demon eyes. Itachi activated his sharingan. Fu didn't do anything because she didn't want to be in the way.

Naruto walked up to Itachi.

"If you tell anyone about this." Naruto warned.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Itachi assured.

*Growl* "What did you mean, when you said 'we're a lot alike'?" Naruto growled.

"What you did is so much similar to what I did. And the reason is similar too." Itachi turned off his sharingan.

*Growl* "Explain." was all Naruto said.

Itachi why he slaughtered his entire clan and why he didn't kill Sasuke.

Naruto realized he was right, they both had really similar situations.

"Madara helped you too." Naruto asked while deactivating his demon eyes.

"Indeed I did." Madara came in.

"Is there anyone else around that's ease dropping?" Naruto asked aloud.

"Why are you here, Madara?" Itachi questioned, sharingan showing and Naruto demon eyes showing.

"I'm here to tell you, why I have chosen to assist you. And why I want you two to be my allies." Madara sat down.

Naruto and Itachi loosened up, wanting to listen to Madara.

Fu is just sitting there, wondering what the fuck is going on.

"You two are a rare breed of strength and knowledge. Itachi ruined his life for the good normal people. And Naruto ruined his life for the good of the shinobi. You are both great shinobi." Madara complemented.

"Get to the point."

"I have a plan to end the corruption and useless fighting. This world is broken and I need your help." Madara then took off his mask. "Pain plans to destroy all villages without hesitation. And making only one village."

Everyone was shocked at the plan.

"I plan on uniting all of nation's into one. No more fighting and conflict."

"And what if nations don't comply?" Itachi asked.

"Take a guess."

Itachi and Naruto didn't say anything.

"I am gonna send you 3 and Kisame to Cloud. Convince there 2 jinchuuriki to join us." They all nodded.

"Pain plans on destroying the Leaf first. Will you help me take him down and unite the nations?" Madara questioned.

Naruto and Itachi were frozen in place. For once, they didn't know what to do.

"I'll help."

They turned to see Fu with her hand half raised.

"I want to help, I want everything to be peaceful and everyone to be friends." she stated.

Madara nodded at her. Naruto and Itachi looked at each other. They turned to Madara and nodded.

"What do we do?" Naruto asked.

"I will tell when the time comes, until then continue with what you normally do." Madara disappeared in a vortex.

"I need a cup of tea."

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