《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 29: The Fox vs. the Legendary Sannin


Jiraiya found the entrance to Orochimaru hideout.

Jiraiya opened the hatch and saw Orochimaru and Kabuto race out.

Orochimaru and Kabuto were staring at the team of four. Jiraiya and Tsunade were in front of Sasuke and Mito.

Out of nowhere someone in a black cloak punched Jiraiya in the gut and did a sweep kick knocking Tsunade on her butt. He then attacked Orochimaru with a knife aimed for the head. The snake barely caught his arm. The mysterious person jumped away.

Everyone looked at the person and he was wearing a Akatsuki cloak. He had black spiky and marks on his cheeks. It was obvious who it was.

"Naruto." Tsunade said in surprise. "What are you doing here?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto said nothing.

"Blank expression as always." Jiraiya joked.

Out of nowhere again a person in a black cloak. Jump kicked Sasuke, he went flying into Mito sending them away the 2 sannin. The sannin jumped towards them and was standing in front of them.

They looked at her and she wore an Akatsuki cloak. She had green hair with bright orange eyes.

"Who is she?" Tsunade asked

Neither of them said anything.

"This is annoying." Tsunade said with tick on her forehead.

"I think there here to kill you Tsunade. This would be a perfect opportunity." Orochimaru stated.

Naruto then attacked Tsunade with machete out. He did a overhead swing aimed for the head but was caught by Orochimaru snakes from his arm.

Naruto jumped away to get some distance.

"I would be glad to help you two take him down. He did kill the Hokage, so he is more important than me." Orochimaru said the facts.

Much to Tsunade's disliking she agreed.

"The legendary sannin are back for a one time deal." Jiraiya said happily.

All three turned to Naruto. They all stared at him and watched him as he showed his fox cloak. His eyes were glowing and his tails were waving behind him.

Mito was about to run and join them but was stopped by Fu. She threw some poison dust in the air to keep them leaving.

"Your fight is with me." Fu declared.

*Back to the real fight*

Orochimaru shot out of his own mouth and had no legs, but had a snake tail instead. The snake instantly attacked the unmoving fox. He threw a fist aimed for the head but it was caught by the cloak.

Naruto punched the snake in the gut and swung blade towards Orochimarus neck but was caught by Jiraiyas hair.

Orochimaru shot a sword out of his mouth towards Narutos head. Naruto easily dodged it but saw Tsunade in the air aiming a full powered punch at Naruto.

Naruto let go of his machete and caught Tsunades arm in mid air and swung her around and threw her at Jiraiya. She hit Jiraiya and his came back to him, letting go his blade.

Naruto picked it up and engaged Orochimaru in a sword fight. Orochimaru was on the defense from his overwhelming strength in his attacks and his tails were also attacking.

Orochimaru quickly escaped the fight to join his team.

"You can't fight him by yourself. He is to skilled and deadly for a one on one. We have to work together." Orochimaru told the others.

Tsunade and Jiraiya stood back up ready to fight.

"Is this all the Legendary Sannin has to offer. To be honest I expected more out of the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju. I wonder how he would feel if he saw how bad you doing right now." Naruto mocked.


Tsunade instantly attacked Naruto.

"Tsunade what are you doing? That's what he wants you to do." Jiraiya yelled.

Tsunade didn't listen.

"Don't you dare speak of him." Tsunade said with rage. She aimed for Naruto but missed and hit the ground below Naruto causing blocks of rock to form.

Naruto did a axe kick on Tsunade head knocking her on the ground. Then all nine of Naruto tails grabbed a rock from Tsunades punch and slammed them on her. It caused a huge smoke screen.

Naruto jumped away.

When the smoke cleared Tsunade layed on the ground unconscious.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru stood there shocked. They watched how Naruto just took down Tsunade easily.

Naruto picked up Tsunade with his tails and threw her out of the way.

"Jiraiya, we're gonna need complete cooperation in order to take him down. You do know why they call him the "Fox", right?" Orochimaru warned

"He's called that because of how easily he lures into a trap and how it looks like he barely tries when you face him. He'll trick you just like a fox." Jiraiya assured

Naruto held his hand up and one by one, three scorch came out of his hand. One of them went into his machete. The other two floated around Naruto.

Jiraiya without hesitation summoned two smalls on his shoulders and went into sage mode.

Naruto didn't let Jiraiya tell his toad sensei about what was going on. So he instantly attacked the two remaining sannin.

Naruto threw a throwing knife at Orochimaru which he easily dodged. Naruto held his hands together.

The knife then exploded like a scorch ball leaving the right side of his face burned. Orochimaru fell to the ground clinging to face.

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and did hand signs.

"Shakuton: Burnt Slash."

Naruto swung his machete side ways and a flaming slash was heading towards Jiraiya.

The toad sage did a limbo to dodge the attack. When it went by, he stood back and turned around to see the damage the attack did. The attack scorched everything in its path.

Before Jiraiya could turn around Naruto had already punched him the gut. Naruto then held his blade up and was about to swing but Orochimaru came in and blocked Naruto machete with blade. Orochimaru was shocked to see that Naruto machete had cut through half of the sword.

Orochimaru then did a side kick to Naruto gut but was caught by his cloak. Naruto pulled back his machete roughly which broke Orochimarus sword. Naruto then did a left cross to the snake head and he fell to the ground.

"Katon: Flame Bullet."

Jiraiya shot a fire bullet at Naruto and it surprised him that it went threw his cloak and hit his body.

Naruto flew back a bit, but it wasn't much.

Orochimaru was about to do a summoning jutsus but Jiraiya stopped him.

"I want to test something before we do that." Jiraiya said with a big grin on his face.

"Raging Lion's Mane Technique."

Jiraiyas hair separated and got thicker. It all attacked Naruto. The hair couldn't touch Naruto because of the cloak.

Jiraiya then clumped up all of his hair and it formed a lion head. It attacked Naruto with full force. But it stopped instantly when it hit the cloak.

"Jiraiya-boy, you know every attack you do gets caught by his cloak." Pa stated

"Yeah, I know. Now get ready, I've got the toad oil." Jiraiya ordered.

Jiraiya put his hands together and Jiraiya, Pa, and Ma took a deep breathe.


"Senpou: Boiling Oil Bath."

Ma shot fire, Jiraiya shot toad oil, and Pa shot wind.

Naruto was to close to Jiraiya to dodge the attack. So he had to take block even though it would hurt and reveal his weakness.

The attack hit and a giant fire explosion appeared.

When the fire went away, Naruto stood there in a blocking stance. Then to everyones surprise he fell to the ground on a knee and his cloak was gone.

"The only thing that can go through your cloak are jutsu's that involve the 5 chakra natures. Wind, water, earth, lightning, and fire." Jiraiya proudly stated.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya slowly walked towards Naruto. His Akatsuki cloak was burnt off and his hoodie in shreds and you could see a lot of his body.

Naruto showed his cloak and his tails moved on there own and moved Naruto body out of the way. Naruto stood back up and ripped off his torn hoodie.

Naruto looked up at the 2 sannin with a big crazed smile.

"The last time someone did any damage to me in a fight, was when I fought Sasuke a year ago. Its time to get serious." Naruto said with a grin.

Naruto opened his arms and red marks started coming out of his sleeves and spiraled around his arm. They went to back and arched over his back. The tattoo on his back glowed red.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto in surprise, he was trying to figure out how Naruto doing this without the Kyuubi chakra.

"How are you able to these things without the Kyuubi chakra?" Jiraiya blurted.

Naruto grin got even bigger and his legs start glowing red.

"My cloak doesn't need chakra and my soul is merged with the Kyuubi and with that the chakra that I produce isn't normal chakra, Naruto said in deep dark voice.

After Naruto said that his entire body turned dark red and his tattoos turned light red, making them very see able. The cloak around faded a little bit but was still there and see able. His face changed too. Naruto face wasn't visibal, it was covered in red and had really sharp teeth and had big white eyes. Naruto still had his black sleeves with red bindings and had big sharp claws.

Tsunade came in from behind and try to sneak attack but failed. Naruto tails caught her and threw her at the snake and toad sannin.

Naruto let out a scary, deep growl, giving off so much killer intent making everyone there flinch, except for Fu.

Sasuke and Mito are having trouble trying to land an attack on Fu. Sasuke had his Mangekyou Sharingan on but it couldn't do anything because Fu immune to genjutsu. Mito chains were useless. Fu dust kept them from reaching her. Sasuke and Mito were also poisoned from the dust and were running low on chakra. Sasuke currently had his Susanoo ribs showing with Mito inside. They were both struggling. Then they heard a scary growl and felt so much killer intent Sasuke took a step back and Mito fell down on her butt.

"What is that?" Mito asked out loud.

"That's Naruto, he's finally gotten serious." Fu announced.

Mito looked to where Naruto was and looked in horror at what he looks like. Skin red, red aura, nine tails, big white eyes, and sharp teeth. He had a scary smile on his face.

Naruto got on all fours and started laughing.

rejoiced Naruto.

Mito was shocked at how primal Naruto was. He was scary and looked like a . . . "demon."

Jiraiya was already in sage mode and Orochimaru emerged from his mouth again and had a snake tail for legs.

Tsunade undid the seal on her forehead and it started spreading around her body. Strength of a Hundred Seal.

Naruto continued to growl. He was happy to fight the legendary sannin.

Naruto pounced at the three with his claws in the air.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru got into there defensive stance.

Naruto engaged the three in a taijutsu battle. Naruto held his own against three people.

The sannin were struggling to land a blow on Naruto because of his speed and skill. Let alone his cloak catching all of there attacks.

Naruto jumped in the air and shot all 9 of his tails like an air strike. One of them stabbed Tsunade, Jiraiya barely dodged some of them, and Orochimaru dodged them with ease.

Tsunade grabbed the tail and slammed Naruto in the ground, making a crater. Jiraiya and Orochimaru jumped over Naruto. And in unison.

"Katon: Fire Bullet."

"Futon: Wind Scythe."

A fire blast and wind slash came hurling towards Naruto. Narutos tails deflected the attacks and he jumped out of the crater. He was staring at the sannin.

Naruto pulled his arms across his body. The toads on Jiraiya shoulders we're yanked off his shoulders and into Narutos clawed hands. He started to squeeze his hands and that made the toads scream in pain.

"YOU BASTARD." Jiraiya yelled while jumping back and doing some familiar hand signs.

Orochimaru and Tsunade noticed what he was doing and did the same.

Naruto smile got even bigger.

All three of them slammed there hand on the ground and yelled.

"Summoning Jutsu."

A puff appeared and when it disappeared. There was a giant toad, giant slug, and a giant snake.

"The Three Way Deadlock, a once in a life time opportunity to see this." Naruto thought with a smirk.

"Why did you summon me Jiraiya." Chief Toad asked.

Jiraiya pointed at Naruto. "He has the Pa and Ma." Jiraiya growled.

"What?" Chief Toad yelled while looking the Fox.

Naruto laughed and jumped back to get distance. His cloak hands were holding the two toads. Naruto sat down criss cross and his tails waving around behind him. Naruto began doing a series of a lot of hand seals.

The red form around Naruto began disappearing and all you could see is Naruto and his cloak.

The toad and snake were about to attack Naruto but paused to see what he was doing.

Naruto stopped the signs and his hands up towards the sannin.

"Shakuton: Lake of Fire."

A giant beacon of fire appeared in the middle of all the sannin. The origin of the fire was spreading a lot of fire and it was hitting all of the summonings. The heat was so great the giant slug almost lost of its moisture. The Chief Toad was getting burned all over over his body and eventually fell unconscious. The giant snake had died because it was closest to fire and it burned right threw his body.

When the fire went away. All of the summonings poofed away and that was left were burnt sannin.

Naruto began walking towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru willed himself to get up and try to defend himself. Naruto pulled his arm across his body and Orochimaru legs went up in the air. Orochimaru was on his back and then out of nowhere a whole appeared in his chest. Naruto hid a scorch ball in the ground and used it on the snake sannin.

Orochimaru fell limp on the ground, with a whole in his chest.

Orochimaru was now dead.

Fu appeared next to Naruto.

"Did you do it?"

"Yes, what about you?"

Fu pointed at Sasuke and Mito unconscious bodies on the ground.

"They're poisoned, they'll eventually die soon." Fu sadly said.

Naruto kept a blank face and was about to leave but heard a yell.


"You bastard, is that all you have to say. That's your sister, she about to die and you don't care." Tsunade yelled at Naruto while struggling to stand.

Naruto kept a blank face.

Tsunade walked up to Naruto and just stood in front of him.

"She is the only person in the Leaf Village that believed you still had a good heart and you don't care for her." Tsunade yelled

Naruto picked her up by her throat and whispered something in her ear and threw her towards Mito and Sasuke bodies. Naruto then threw the 2 toads at Jiraiya body.

Naruto and Fu left the battle field.

The Fox had single handedly defeated the Legendary Sannin.

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