《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 28: Search


Sasuke and Naruko are heading to the Hokage tower.

*knock, knock*

"Come in."

Naruko and Sauce the Hokage's office.

"You requested us Lady Hokage." Sasuke said.

"Yes, I am going on a mission and Sasuke, you are going with me on this mission. Naruko you are staying here to watch over the village." Tsunade told them both.

They weren't expecting this. The Hokage was going on a mission with Sasuke.

"What's the mission?" Sasuke asked.

"We have found the location of where Orochimaru is. Our mission is to go kill him." Tsunade said sternly.

Sasuke and Naruko were taken back from this.

"Why not take Jiraiya?" Sasuke asked.

"He will meet us at where Orochimaru is. I am making sure this mission will not fail. That is why you are coming with me." Tsunade told Sasuke. "We leave in 2 hours."

"I have a request." Sasuke announced.

"What is it?"

"I want to bring my student Mito Namikaze."


"I believe this is a perfect opportunity for her to go on a real mission. She has potential to be stronger than anyone alive today. And I think this mission will help her greatly." Sasuke explained.

Tsunade sat there thinking.

"Do you really think this will help her?" Tsunade asked.


"Go tell her about the mission and meet me at the gate in two hours. Your dismissed." Tsunade ordered.

Sasuke turned around to leave but his arm was caught. He turned to see Naruko holding his arm.

"Promise me Mito will return home. I can't lose her too."

"I promise."

*Namikaze Household*

Mito is sitting in her room and Kushina is sitting on the couch still mourning the death of her beloved husband.


Kushina could hardly believe that her own son would kill his father. She didn't want to believe it, but the more she thought about she truly believed he did it. She thought Naruto was a heartless brat, but deep down she still loved him and wanted to find out why he did it.

*knock, knock*

Kushina opened the door and is surprised to see Sasuke.

"What brings you here Sasuke?" Kushina asked

"I'm here to take Mito on a mission with me and Tsunade." Sasuke said what he was doing.

"A mission with Hokage! What's the mission?" Kushina asked with seriousness

"I can't tell you that."

"If you don't tell me, Mito isn't going."

"Why not?"

"Mito isn't going anywhere without me knowing."

*sigh* "We are going to go kill Orochimaru. I requested Mito to come on the mission, because I think this could help her get stronger." Sasuke explained.

Kushina was surprised at what he said. She was about to say no but stopped and thought about it.

"Do you really think this can help her?" Kushina asked looked at Sasuke with sad eyes.

Sasuke nodded.

"Mito! Sasuke is here." Kushina called for her daughter.

Mito ran down the stairs to see her sensei.

"Hello Sasuke-sensei." Mito happily greeted.

"Start packing. We're going on a mission with the Hokage. I'll tell you the mission on the way." Sasuke told Mito.

Mito instantly ran to her room to start packing.

"Promise me one thing. Make sure she comes back alive."

"I promise."

*Outside the Village*

Tsunade is leading the way to where Orochimaru is while Sasuke and Mito is following.

"So we're to kill one of the sannin." Mito repeated the mission.

"While we're on this mission, I'm going to teach you some things." Sasuke concluded.


"We heading to the border of the Sound and the Leaf. That is where he is." Tsunade told them both.

The team of 3 eventually made there way to the border and waited there for Jiraiya to show up.

"Hello Tsunade." greeted Jiraiya. He looked at the other 2 people. He expected Sasuke but not Mito.

"Hello Sasuke and Red." Jiraiya mocked.

Just before Mito could say something, Tsunade interrupted.

"No time for greetings. Jiraiya where is he?" Tsunade demanded.

"Calm down Tsunade. All that steam in your head will make things worse for us." Jiraiya mocked.

Tsunade took a deep breathe.

"Ok then, he is that way." Jiraiya pointed.

Jiraiya led the way.

What none of them knew, was that Naruto and Fu were following them. They had no idea where to look so they figured they would know and they did know.

"When are we going to show ourselves?" Fu asked.

"Only when we need too. Remember our mission is to kill Orochimaru, so we don't have to kill them." Naruto reminded Fu.

"That's good." Fu said in relief.

"When they reveal where he is, Tsunade and Jiraiya will probably be the ones to go in and take him. So they'll leave Sasuke and Mito to deal with Kabuto or someone. You will deal with Sasuke and Mito and I'll deal with the sannin. Fight with the intent to kill, because if you don't you'll die." Naruto said the plan.

"Are you sure you want to fight all 3 of the sannin, alone? That's really risky." Fu asked.

"Don't worry. I already know how to deal with them. Why do you think they call the Fox." Naruto said with a smile.

They both followed them until they found the snake sannin hideout.

"I think they found it. I can smell the snake from here." Naruto said. "You ready."

Fu nodded.

"Ok let's go."

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