《Madara x Oc》Chapter 4


When we got back Hashirama delivered the news and everyone seemed happy that the was was finally over. That night everyone drank and laughed together now we had no more fights to be waged in the morning. Instead of going out and partying with the others I made dinner with Ami and listened s she described what she wanted our house to look like when we started building the village. After that we went to bed to the sounds of people cheering and laughing outside. The next few days seemed to fly by, Hashirama met with Madara and they officially signed papers for peace, after that we all started contributing to creating the perfect village. I had heard Hashirama's dream more times than I could count and I was happy to see his vision unfold in front of my eyes with each passing day. It was interesting to see both Senju and Uchiha working together to simply build houses and not argue or fight. Lucky for Ami and I, Hashirama built our house easily.. Making sure to accommodate all of Ami's preferences. Our house was right next to where Tobirama and Hashirama were to live, at least for the moment.

(Time skip four months)

Although building the village became a tedious job, it was definitely more enjoyable than being at war. I got to help Hashirama design some of the village structures and since Ami and I could manipulate nature we were put in charge of creating the training grounds. Being so busy I didn't even really see Madara, I may have passed him a few times when he was with Hashirama but I never stuck around long enough to talk.. Partially because it made me nervous.. I could easily take someone's life but I couldn't talk to a guy...

"Hey Ami I have to go talk to Hashirama" I called up the stairs and I immediately heard quick footsteps

"Wait wait wait" She said hurriedly and I laughed slightly when she came down with a hairbrush and bows in her hands. She held the items out for me and I set down my pile of papers to take them

"Bows now? You find a boy or something?" I asked as I started to pull her hair up

"No.. I just think they are cute" She said and I smiled slightly as I tied the red and black bows into her hair

"You look cute no matter what" I said as I finished up the second bow

"Thanks mom! I am gonna go look for Uncle Tobirama, he said he would meet me at the training grounds and show me a new water jutsu" She said excitedly and I smiled

"Okay sounds like fun, maybe you could teach it to me when I'm done" I said and she grinned

"Nah! I gotta stay ahead of you" She called as she ran over to the door. I laughed slightly as she sprinted out and down the small road.

"Goofball.." I muttered as I grabbed my papers and walked out of the house in the opposite direction to where the large main meeting building was.

Ami's Pov:

I ran quickly down the street and when I turned the corner I felt two hands quickly fall on my shoulders to stop me

"If you don't slow down you are going to hurt some poor old lady" I heard Uncle Hashi say and I looked up with a little laugh

"Sorry I forgot how old you were, are you alright granny Hashi?" I asked teasingly and I heard him boom with laughter. To his left was Madara and I was slightly surprised to see a content smile on his face.


"Hi Madara" I said cheerily

"I haven't seen you around the village, where is your mother?" He asked curiously and I looked to Hashirama

"She is supposed to be meeting with you" I said and his eyes widened slightly

"OH yea" He muttered as he quickly side stepped me

"I have to go Madara, we can continue this conversation later. See you Ami" He said giving me a pat on the head but I quickly caught his wrist before he could touch me

"Not the hair Uncle!" I scolded in a dark voice before pulling him down next to me. He made a odd grunting sound but laughed as he wrapped me up in his lanky arms.

"You should come to dinner tonight!" I cheered as I squeezed him

"Alright, I will tell Tobirama too" He said cheerily as he broke away

"Better go or Naria will kill me" He said before taking off at full speed

"So what have you been doing?" I asked curiously looking up at the tall man

"I have been working with Tobirama and Hashirama but also keeping my clansman informed.. building a village is no easy feat" He said and I nodded

"Me and mom got put in charge of the training grounds" I said and I started jumping up on my toes

"Have you seen them yet?" I asked quickly and he shook his head

"No, unfortunately Hashirama has had me cooped up in an office trying to find other clans we can bring into the village" he said and I smiled and clapped my hands really fast

"You have to come see them" I said and I quickly snatched up his gloved hand and dragged him towards the grounds. He seemed surprised at first but quickly fell into step with me as I tugged him through the streets. When we got to the grounds I remembered why I was already on my way there because Tobirama was sitting cross legged on the grass

"Hey Uncle Tobi!" I called as we ran up to him.. Well I ran but with my short legs Madara could just take long strides to keep up

"Tobirama" Madara said briskly from my side

"Madara" Tobirama said with the same, slightly annoyed tone

"Do you guys not like each other?" I asked curiously looking between the two men. Their silent staring contest continued and I sighed

"Anywayssss" I called and they both looked down at me

"This is training ground one, one through three are similar and fairly basic but the fourth one we built so that stronger shinobi like you, uncle Hashi and Tobi could battle without worrying about the village or about disrupting the environment too much. Mom and I developed this jutsu that makes trees grow faster so if anyone knocks down a tree or anything like that, as long as the roots are intact the tree will regrow to its original height in two days tops" I explained and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Are there just four?" He asked curiously as he sat down in the grass in front of me

"No, there are two more but they are more for specific skill sets, one has the river going through it to make learning waterstyle easier and to practice focusing chakra and stuff like that while the other has boulders and stuff all over the place and targets on trees so you can practice with shuriken.. But you could do either of those things on any of the other training grounds too" I explained excitedly and a smile spread across his face


"You and your mom have really thought this all through haven't you?" He said and I nodded really fast

"Ami did you still want to learn a new water jutsu?" Tobirama asked and I thought about it for a moment

"Hmmm can we do it tomorrow?" I asked making a pouty face up at him

"Sure, but I am only free in the morning" He said and I nodded raising my hand to my forehead in a salute

"Yes sir" I said and he chuckled

"Okay then I better go meet with Hashirama" He said and I nodded. He sent a wary glance at Madara before turning and walking away

"Uu I have so many questions" I said as I turned back to Madara and sat down in front of him

"You do?" He asked curiously and I nodded

"Okay so Uchiha obviously are strongest with fire style but do you know any other natures?" I asked and he nodded

"I can also manipulate wind and lightning" He said and I grinned widely

"Those are two of the ones I can't do" I said excitedly

"The third must be fire, you use earth and water to manipulate and grow trees and nature correct" He said and I nodded

"I tried fire one time but it didn't work out so well, mom can do fire and a bit of lightning too but it just blew up in my face" I said with a pout and he smiled

"You must have added too much chakra. Have you tried using fire since you learned your medical ninjutsu?" he asked and I thought for a moment.

"Uhh no" I said finally and he smiled and held out his hand, without making any signs a ball of fire appeared above his palm

"Try it now that you have gotten more chakra control...keep this fire the same size and form as it is right now" He said, holding out his hand so it was in front of me. I let out a little breath before reaching both of my hands out to cup the fire in between them and take the fire from his palm. I let out a little surprised squeak when it got bigger suddenly but Madara just chuckled

"It is not as easy to manipulate as other nature types because it naturally wants to grow on it's own but simply focus on making it the size you want it to be" He said and I nodded. I closed my eyes and focused on an apple and tried to make the fire the same size. When I opened my eyes it was the exact size I wanted it to be and I let out a little laugh.

"Fire is so pretty" I said absently as I looked at the dancing flame

"Beautiful but destructive" Madara said with surprising lightness to his voice.

"Okay so what do I do next?" I asked as I stopped focusing my chakra and let the fire die in my palms

"Well the most basic fire jutsu is the fire ball jutsu" Madara said as he got to his feet and offered me a gloved hand. I took it and watched carefully as he made six hand signs then raised his hand to his mouth and blew out a big ball of fire that I recognized from battling Uchihas.

"Okay.." I muttered and he let his fireball die down so he could watch me. I made the hand seals and raised my hand to my mouth but what shot out was not the same as his. A little baby ball of fire came out and it was about the size of my body.. Tops.. I heard a chuckle and puffed out one cheek before looking at Madara

"It was my first try it's not funny" I said in a whiney voice and his chuckle just got deeper. I crossed my arms and looked to the side away from him

"It's funny because I have seen you fight in your element and you are incredible for your age, it is just amusing to see you not immediately great at something" he mused and I pouted

"You just watch I will have this down in no time" I said firmly as I made the hand signs again and blew fire out of my mouth but it was the same size

Naria's Pov:

I finished talking to Hashirama and I walked out of the building ready to go pick up groceries but I saw a particular white haired shinobi walk past me that should have been with Ami.

"Did she learn it that fast" I whispered to myself and I changed direction to go to the training grounds to see what Ami was doing instead. When I got there I froze mid step when I saw Ami laying flat on her back, panting and slightly scratched up while Madara Uchiha sat near her

"Uhh hi" I greeted lamely as I walked up to the odd duo

"Oh mom mom check this out!" Ami cheered immediately bouncing up to her feet. I raised my eyebrows at her as she made familiar signs but I was surprised when a fireball that was as big if not bigger than mine shot from her mouth.

"Nice job sweetie" I said as her fire died down

"It seems you have a knack for getting the best teachers" I said as I glanced over at Madara who got to his feet

"Right!! I got the best water style and earth style users in the Senju and now I got the leader of the Uchiha to teach me fire style!" She cheered as she jumped up and down with her fist in the air.

"Nice to see you Madara" I said as calmly as I could.. I was silently thankful that throughout the years I had gotten enough control over myself to stop my stutter and calm my blush.

"You too, you have quite an energetic daughter" He commented as Ami once again did the fire ball jutsu

"Yeah I know... it takes a lot for her to tire out" I said with a little chuckle

"So how did she rope you into teaching her? Surely the head of the Uchiha has better things to do than teach random girls ninjutsu" I asked curiously

"Ah well I was with Hashirama but then he went to meet with you, Ami brought me here to show me the training fields you two built. Quite impressive" He said and I felt my chest swell with a bit of pride

"Thank you.. For that and for teaching her" I said and I saw a smile twitch at his lips that I didn't expect

"She is smarter than half of the adults in the Uchiha clan I really didn't need to do much other than show her the signs" He said and I smiled

"Yeah, same with the Senju" I said lightly as Ami flopped back on her butt again to catch her breath

"May I ask a question" Madara asked kind of suddenly and somewhat awkwardly. I glanced to the side to see him already looking at me

"Sure" I said as I turned to face him a bit more

"Who is her father?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow in surprise

"Oh, his name was Kouta, he fell in battle the day I found out I was pregnant" I said and he nodded his head

"I'm sorry to hear that...You know I thought she was your sister when I first spotted you two fighting, then when you said daughter I thought Hashirama might be the father.. You too look almost uncomfortably similar" He said and I snorted with laughter and quickly raised my hand to my mouth to shut myself up.

"Hashirama is basically my brother but he and Tobirama did save my ass with helping me raise her" I said and he nodded. I giggled childishly as Ami stood up again with her back to us. I did a few quick hand signs and shot a itty bitty fireball from my mouth to just graze the heel of her foot, not enough to cause damage but just enough to startle her. She immediately let out a yelp and jumped three feet in the air before turning to glare at me.

"Did you just try to light me on fire!?" she asked harshly and I chuckled

"Oh sweetie if I wanted to light you on fire I would start with your hair" I said with a laugh

"I would just do it back to you" She said and I smiled

"Why do you think I keep my hair so short in the first place, I used to have long hair but it just got singed and burnt so often I cut it short" I said and her mouth fell open slightly

"I thought it was just because you look cute with short hair" She said and I smiled

"nupe" I said, tugging at the ends of my hair

"We should go, we have to go to the store to get stuff for dinner" I said and she grinned

"Hashi and Tobi are coming" She said and I rolled my eyes

"Then you are helping me cook too" I said and she pouted as I turned to Madara

"Would you and Izuna like to come too?" I asked and he looked surprised by the question

"Yessss you have to come!!" Ami said loudly and I rolled my eyes and flicked her forehead

"He's the head of a clan he may have important stuff to do, not everyone gets to play around and grow trees all day like you" I scolded as she rubbed her forehead

"I actually do have a clan meeting" He said and I nodded

"You gotta come some other time then" Ami said and I flicked her forehead again

"Sorry" I muttered but Madara smiled slightly

"I will have to take you up on that" He said lightly and I smiled.

"W-well see you around" I muttered and as soon as I turned my back to him I raised my hand to pinch the bridge of my nose

"Did you just stutter? You only stutter when you're nervous? Does Madara make you nervous?" Ami asked, basically skipping next to me

"He has since the day I met him" I muttered and she looked at me with wide eyes

"You shouldn't be nervous, he is super nice" She said, emphasising the 'super'

"Yeah he seems that way huh.. That was interesting, I haven't really seen him off the battlefield other than a few times when we were children.. He is a interesting guy" I muttered as I led the way to the store. Once we collected what we needed we went home and had a little too much fun cooking and a minor food fight took place. We had just finished cleaning up when Hashirama and Tobirama wandered in the front door.

"Almost done" I called and I heard a grunt of approval. When we were done I brought out four plates of food and set them in the right places at the table before taking my own seat.

"So how was your training today Ami, Tobirama said Madara was helping you today?" Hashirama asked halfway through dinner

"Oh it was so cool! I learned a fire jutsu" She cheered and she looked like she was about to try it but I was thankful for Tobirama's long reach as he laid his hands over hers

"Let's try not to burn down the house" He said and I laughed slightly as I picked up my water.

"Soooo... mom is in love with Madara" Ami said and I immediately spat out the water I had drunk and stood to my feet, knocking my chair back from behind me

"What?!" I asked a little louder than I meant to as I glared daggers at the little girl sitting in the chair to my left who was snorting with laughter

"Are you really?!" Hashirama asked excitedly and I choked on my breath for a moment

"No I barely even know him" I growled

"But he makes her stutter" Ami argued and I reached over to grab her but she dodged away from me

"You are such a little brat" I muttered as she stuck her tongue out at me. I let out a little sigh and picked up my chair before righting myself again

"I stuttered once, that doesn't mean I am in love with anyone.. I thought I loved you but that might just get thrown out the window" I muttered and she just laughed harder

"Come to think of it you stuttered a lot around him when we were kids too" Hashirama said thoughtfully and I let my chin rest on my palm to give off a bored look even though my heart was beating out of my chest.. I didn't love him... I didn't even like him.. Right?... But age did fit him well, he was definitely handsome..

"I stuttered a lot when we were kids.. I still sometimes do it when I am nervous okay.. He is the head of the Uchiha clan and an intimidating person" I said trying to drop this topic

"He isn't really that bad, and obviously Ami seems to enjoy his company" Hashirama said around a bite of fish

"Yeah you might just have to get over that" Tobirama said and I sighed. I ate the rest of my fish as fast as possible and stood from the table to wash my dish. Soon enough Hashirama and Tobirama had to leave and as soon as they left I glared at Ami

"What was that about?!" I asked harshly as she dodged away from my grasping hands

"It's so obvious I haven't heard you stutter in years and suddenly you do it around him.. He is different to you" She said jovially and I added chakra to my feet to pin her to the ground

"That doesn't mean I am in love, and if you run off telling him that you are sooo in trouble. I don't really know him that well other than the fact that he is his clan's leader" I said and she pouted slightly under me

"You know that he loves his baby brother" She offered and I sighed

"That is not enough to make you love someone" I said as I helped her to her feet

"Fine.. whatever" She said rolling her eyes and I sighed

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