《Dark Poetry》(V) Metaphorically Speaking


Anxiety and depression:

Imagine walking down the stairs,

Except the stairs behind you are rapidly disappearing.

And for each step that disappears from behind,

A new one set fire in front.

The room starts to boil,

The stairs are crumbling.

You hear screams but you don't know whom it belongs to.

( but you found out later - it was you ).

It still doesn't feel bad enough to match the feelings of a crowded room.

You are now left on a single stair,

That has no support underneath.

Your mind is screaming, begging you to move.

That's your anxiety talking.

But your depression allows the fire to consume you,

And convinces you to stay.

Anxiety VS Depression:

Imagine walking down the stairs.

Except the stairs behind you are rapidly disappearing.

And for each step that disappears from behind,

A new one sets ablaze in front.

The room starts to boil, the stairs and crumbling.

You hear screams but you don't know whom they belong to.

The screams ~ you don't realise that they are owned by you.

It feels agonising like a crowded room.

You feel the heat flickering on your wrist,

Blood screaming to escape.

But you are now trapped on a single stair,

With no support underneath.

Your mind is screaming, begging for you to move.

That's you anxiety speaking.

But your depression allows the fire to consume you,

And convinces you to stay.

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