《Unbroken C.B》40


"Look how cute!" Amber squealed, holding my hand in hers. "This color is so pretty on you!" She looked down at the dark nude color that she just finished putting a clear coat over.

"Well guys, this has been fun, love the nails.. and the foot rub.. but I think I'm ready to be alone again" I spoke up, my social battery plummeting.

"Kat and Sam put us on Leigh duty" Colby said for the hundredth time, showing some slight annoyance from me trying to get rid of him.

"I don't need a babysitter"

"Your baby will if you decide to go into labor right now" Amber chimed in, passing me my Goldfish crackers.

"I'm not having this baby. Plus, Gabe comes home today"

"Have you talked to him since he left?" Colby asked and I shook my head.

"I have nothing to say to him. He made his choice"

"Alright.. well.. let's take your blood pressure" Colby grabbed the machine, Amber holding it whilst he put the cuff around my arm.

"Do you have your chart?" He asked and I nodded, reaching for my phone. "I took a photo of it"

I felt the cuff tighten around my bicep as we waited for the reading, my hand running over where my baby was moving.

"Okay you're blood pressure is 160/100" Colby read off and I went down the chart, my eyes widening.

"Fuck! Where's my phone?!" I spoke frantically and Colby gave me a really look.

"It's in your hand" He said and I glanced down, quickly opening up my contacts and finding Melinda Hughes.

My fingers tapped as I listened to the dial tone, ignoring their questions.

"Hello?" She answered and my heart raced.

"Dr. Hughes?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Leighton? Everything okay?" she asked and I quickly shook my head.

"My blood pressure is 160 over 100" I told her, tears welling up in my eyes as fear started to ripple through my body.

Next thing I knew, I was being told to grab my hospital bag and make my way there because I was going to have a baby.

I had hypertension stage 2... one of my biggest fears was coming true.

It got worse.

I know a lot of people say a phone call can change your life.. but it's true. Seconds ago I was getting my nails painted, my feet rubbed and talking with Colby and his friend.. and now I was on the way to the hospital because we didn't want my baby to go into distress.

I didn't even bother telling Colby or Amber as I pulled myself up and waddled towards my room in a frantic way.

As I was digging through my hospital bag, making sure I had everything when it hit me.


"Fuck!" I yelled, not bothering to reply when Colby and Amber asked what was wrong.

"I need to call Gabe, what time is it? He might be on his flight" I spoke my thoughts aloud.

"It's 2:17pm, his flight is at 3 isn't it?" Colby asked and I nodded, dialing my baby daddy.

"Leighton, what's going on?" Colby asked in a serious tone, but I was too focused on hearing the dreadful ring sound.

"Hello?" Gabe asked and my heart started to race.

"I'm on my way to the hospital. Dr. Hughes wants to start an induction due to how high my blood pressure is. I just wanted to say I didn't mean what I said. I want you there. Please have a safe flight and I love you" I spoke quickly, Colby's eyes widening as he quickly started walking to his shoes, asking Amber to grab his phone and keys.


"What?! You're not due till the 5th!" Gabe spoke quickly, sounding panicked.

"Inductions take a while. You shouldn't miss much.. just come straight to the hospital. I gotta go" I hung up, slipping my phone into my back pocket.

I felt my body fill with anxiety as I prepared to go to the hospital.

I can't believe I was going to meet my baby soon.

"You said you loved him" Colby said in a monotone, opening my apartment door for me.

"Yeah?" I gave him a confused glance, before waddling towards the elevator.

"Did you mean that?" He asked, and there was something about his tone that I couldn't quite place, but it made everything in my brain feel fuzzy.

"Of course" I replied and he just gave me a strict nod, hitting the elevator button.

Colby, Amber and I all made our way towards the hospital, I formed a group chat with everyone who needed to know the information of my hospital status, and I sent that we were on our way for a possible induction.

Everyone was very excited and frantic to get to the hospital, but were all still at work and school.

Aaliyah replied "" Which made me laugh.

Colby helped me out of the car and helped me waddle to the reception desk.

I glanced at the clock near the door, seeing it read 2:15 and I breathed out a sigh of relief, thanking God that I lived so close to the hospital.

"Um.. Dr. Hughes had me come for an exam to see about an induction?" I told the older women who nodded.


"Leighton Fox"


"June 13th 1999"

She handed me a form and we sat down so I could fill it out.

Amber got picked up by someone, leaving Colby and I alone in an almost empty waiting room.

When I handed the form back to the woman, I turned towards Colby asking "Are you mad at me?" which caused him to shake his head, but still ignored me.

"You know, if you don't want to be here, you can go home" I told him and he just shook his head. "Okay, so if you're not mad at me, what's wrong? You know Colby, if you want to keep being my friend, you need to start vocalizing your issues instead of cutting me out. I'm too tired, swollen, hungry and humungous to deal with your issues too" I grumbled, wincing as I felt the baby kick my upper stomach.

"I'm not mad at you" He stated yet again, and to be completely honest I was so uncomfortable psychically, that I didn't want to be uncomfortable emotionally as well, which made me snap at him. "Look, you can either tell me what the fuck your problem is, or you can go the fuck home. There is only room for one whiney bitch in this waiting room, so unless you want to grow a uterus and get pregnant, I suggest you get it together and tell me what's wrong, or leave. I much rather be alone than argue with you"

"I don't have a problem" He groused and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, then get the fuck out. Go home, go hang out with Jake, or Corey, or Brennen or even Amber. You and your non existing problems need to get the fuck out of my face. I'll text you when the baby pops out of my vagina" I spoke in a sharp, but quiet tone, trying to keep others from hearing the conversation.

"I'm not leaving you alone" Is all he said and I just crossed my arms, turning away from him.


I eventually got called into an exam room and I was sat on the exam table waiting for a nurse when I turned towards Colby "It's almost like we're the one having a baby" I snickered, deciding to pretend nothing happened in the waiting room, twisting the anxiety ring Colby got me. It was quiet for a moment and I sighed, "Do you think he'll make it?" I asked quietly, Colby now looking at me.

"Who, Gabe? It's a what.... 6 hours? He should. You said that first time labor is slow, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"That's what the studies say." I replied, glancing around the room. I sighed, looking back over at him. "I'm going to be early... my baby is coming on November 23rd... woah.." I breathed out, letting it sink in.

"We should Google what celebrities have that birthday" Colby said, pulling out his phone.

I looked around the familiar room, waiting for his reply.

"Erm... Miley Cyrus, Nicole Polizzi, Kelly Brook, Franco Nero" he listed and I gave him a confused look.

"I only know Miley" I admitted and he let out a breathy laugh, saying "same"

Eventually a nurse came in and took my blood pressure to see if we got the same reading, which we did, and she checked a few more things like if the baby had dropped, where the baby was facing, if my cervix was dilated or ripened and what the fetal heart rate was.

Long story short, because of the blood pressure, I wounded up in Labor and Delivery, hooked up to an IV and dressed in an oh so flattering green hospital gown.

"You don't have to stay here ya know. I'm okay" I reminded him, watching him sit in the chair across from me, seeming lost in his thoughts.

My parents and Cynthia were currently on their way since they had gotten off work about an hour or so ago depending on the person.

"I'm not leaving you alone Leighton" He told me for the second time today, reminding me of our moment in the waiting room.

"My family is going to be here in half an hour, you can go and hang out with Amber again. I'll text you when the baby gets here so you can meet them" I tried again but he just stared at me.

"Leighton, I vowed to myself that I wouldn't leave you alone. I've made it this far, I'm not leaving now" he said with the most serious tone I've ever heard him use.

I was quiet for a moment, before glancing over at him, "You know... you're the last person I expected to be in my delivery room"

"You and I both, but a lot has changed since you moved in. We've stopped snapping at each other, and ignoring each other. We've hung out more.." He trailed off, glancing over towards the door that was opening.

That's ironic

"Hey baby, how's it going?" My mom asked, my dad, Cynthia and Lexi trailing behind her.

"Just hanging out. They're going to come in and start the induction process soon. I'm on some sort of drug to try and lower my blood pressure. The baby isn't in distress or anything, so they don't think I need a c-section. I just need to calm the fuck down so I can deliver this baby safely, and not as a medical emergency" I explained, repeating what the on call doctor had told me.

"Leigh, language" My dad gave me a look and I gave him a fake smile.

"Dad, I love you, I really do... but there will be no filtering during labor. I'm sorry" I said honestly and he just sighed, and nodded.

Dr. Hughes was on her way, but she lived about half an hour from the hospital, so as of right now, we had an on-call doctor named Mike Fringley.

"Do you have contractions yet?" My mom asked, setting a bag down by my feet.

I shook my head, mentally groaning at the slow process. "Once I'm given Pitocin they should start, but the nurse said it's about an hour a centimeter. So we are in this for the long haul" I grumbled, not looking forward to a long labor.

"Well hopefully once it kicks in things will move quickly. You got this Leighton" She smiled at me and I turned towards Cynthia, asking "Where's Logan?" taking in her appearance.

Her hair was in her gorgeous natural curls, tossed up in a high bun on her head as her sun dress flowed down her knees.

My brother really won with this one.

"He's at some sort of meeting for the Military. Something to do with the plan for the recruits or something. I don't remember what it's called. He should be done around 6, and I think he's going to try and call you or stop by" She said and I nodded, taking in a quick breath at the mention of him going into the army.

"If you ever have a baby, they better get all of your genes. The stunning dark skin, the beautiful brown eyes, the gorgeous curls.... Please lord, don't let your child get my brother's nose. Or his eyebrows. Cynthia, you might as well get a sperm donor" I joked and she rolled her eyes smiling at me.

"Are you already planning our children before we are?" She asked and I smirked, placing my hands on my stomach, feeling the slight movements from my baby.

"A girl can dream, right?" I asked and she laughed, nodding and I noticed my dad was talking to Colby.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked, looking over towards them.

"Nothing" My dad said a little too quickly.

I eyed him suspiciously and gave Colby a look, silently asking if he was okay.

Colby nodded, turning to look back at my dad.

"I can't believe I'm going to have a niece or nephew" Cynthia said, Lexi pulling out Uno which made me smile. "Have you heard from Gabe?" She asked and I nodded.

"He won't be in till around 10 or so" I sighed, kind of glad labor was going to progress slowly.

Colby, Cynthia, my mom and Lexi played Uno with me for a little while as we tried to pass time and after about an hour Dr. Hughes walked in with my chart.

"Good afternoon Leighton" She smiled at me, walking over towards the fetal monitor that was resting on my stomach. "You've got an active little one in there" She grinned. "I'm going to press in a little on your lower abdomen, are there any sore areas I should know about?" She asked and I nodded.

"Up near my ribs is pretty sore. I've been getting kicked a lot lately. Feels like a bruise there" I muttered, still in a bit of discomfort.

"I'm going to do a cervical exam to see if you're dilated and or effaced at all. Have you had Braxton Hick contractions previously?" She asked, glancing up at me from her medical chart. "I've been in so much pain in general, that if I have, I haven't noticed" I admitted and she nodded.

"Would you like them to be in the room for this exam or out?" She asked and I looked over towards Lexi and Colby. "Do you want to stay? If you stand behind me you won't see anything" I laughed and they nodded, moving.

After a few moments she said I was 10 percent effaced and 0 centimeters dilated.

"What does that mean?" Lexi asked, Dr. Hughes looking up over at her.

"So when you start to dilate, your vagina is opening to make room for the baby. To be effaced is the cervix widening so the baby can make its way through. There is an um..." She stopped, spinning around and grabbing something off the counter. "Photo of what it would look like. It's a drawing. Nothing graphic" She handed it to Lexi.

"Is an induction more painful?" I asked her, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

"It can be, you still want to go through with the Cervidil correct? That and then the Pitocin if needed?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay I'm going to order you Cervidil around 8pm. I suggest you eat something now if you'd like. Keep it light. Don't eat a five course meal" She laughed, grabbing my medical chart again, marking something down.

My parents left with the girls to go pick me up some food, so it was just Colby and I again.

"Can I ask you a question?" he said softly, almost like he was afraid to disrupt the silence.


"What are you most afraid of?" He asked, taking me by surprise.

"What do you mean? Of life? Of having a baby? Of what?"

"Of giving birth" He clarified and I shifted a little, wincing.

"Um.. tearing... I guess"

"Tearing?" He asked and I nodded, "What do you mean?"

"Well if the baby is too big or whatever, your vagina can tear. They sometimes have to make a cut on the side so it doesn't tear to your asshole" I informed him and the look I got was priceless.

"Excuse me?"

I giggled, nodding.

"That's... that should be illegal. That's a thing?" He asked, clearly baffled.

I nodded again, still quietly laughing at the look on his face.

"You know, a lot of pregnant women poop whilst pushing the baby out, because it uses the same muscles"

"That's too much information" He shook his head, walking away from me.

I laughed, grabbing my cup of water. "I said you could leave" I reminded and he turned around.

"Leigh, I'm not leaving unless you tell me to. I told Sam I would be here for you.......no, I want to be here. I want to be with you, I want to help you. I want this. I don't want to leave you alone" He said firmly and I nodded slowly, feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

He wanted to be here.

"If you can't handle the idea of pooping and tearing, how are you going to stay in the delivery room?" I asked, kind of curious as to why he was so persistent on staying.

"Have you ever thought about having a baby?" I asked, Colby now standing in front of the hospital bed.

"Leighton I don't exactly have the right parts" He joked, and I rolled my eyes. "In all seriousness, no, I haven't... I mean.. I don't know. I told you I didn't see myself getting married. I think meeting you has made me think about these things a lot more. You're going through life stages I never imagined going through.. but watching you do them I guess has made me a little curious"

"Yeah? Do you think kids are something you would want? In the future I mean. Like.. do you see yourself doing the whole marriage and kids thing?"

"I don't know. I think I'll be perfectly fulfilled just watching you go through it. You know... you feed and change the baby and we just get the laughs and the birthdays" He smirked and I laughed, shaking my head at him.

"They'll love their Uncle Sam and Uncle Colby, and Auntie Kat so much" I cooed, daydreaming a little bit.

His nose wrinkled, eyes squinting as he replied, "I don't like that. It sounds weird"

"What? Uncle Colby?" I asked and he nodded, which made me laugh a little, "Why does that sound weird?"

"I don't know.. it's a weird thought" He admitted, almost seeming uninterested in the topic.

"Why?" I laughed, shifting a little bit to look at him. "You've never thought about being an Uncle? You have a brother" I pointed out, seeming confused as to how he's never thought about any of these life milestones.

It's all I thought about growing up, all the way through High School with Gabe. Marriage, love, a baby, a house, a family, grandkids.. I wanted it all.

How could he never let his mind wander to the even hypothetical idea of it?

Colby stayed quiet, the machines next to me filling the uncomfortable silence.

"I think it's interesting that you haven't. Not that it's weird, it's just that like.. I've always thought about it. Of course, I thought I'd be doing it all with Gabriel.. I never imagined... not" I whispered at the end, my emotions starting to take over.

"You are doing it with Gabriel though" He pointed out, walking over towards the sink and plugging in his phone.

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