《Unbroken C.B》38


"I can't believe I'm letting you fools be in my maternity photos. You guys better get along" She warned Sam and I, and I rolled my eyes.

Her baby daddy was going to be here today, and based on our conversation two weeks ago, I knew she was mainly talking to me.

"We always behave" Sam smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not kidding. Colby, I swear to god" She eyed me, and I held my hands up in defense.

"We'll behave! Go get changed before Aaliyah kicks our ass" I laughed, sending her away to the dressing room.

"So, what's up with you and the baby daddy?" Sam asked and I mentally groaned. "Nothing is up. I just don't agree with what he's doing" I shrugged, Sam and I walking over to our own dressing room.

"Why? What is he doing?" Sam questioned, both of us stripping off our tops and grabbing our fitted long sleeve shirts.

"He's going to New York for school" I grumbled, doing the buttons on the cuffs.

"Okay, and?"

"Don't you think that's dumb? His baby is due in two months. Why would he start school now?" I muttered, reaching over for the slacks.

"Colby, it's not something anyone can control" Sam said and I shook my head at him, doing the button that rested on my hips.

"I just think it's stupid" I shrugged, reaching for my suit jacket.

"The best we can do is be there for her in the times he isn't. He may know her longer, but we can always know her better. Be the shoulder she cries. Be someone she can turn to. It's all we can do"

"I can't believe Aaliyah got us to wear suits" I laughed, checking my reflection in the mirror.

"She's very persuasive when she wants to be" Sam laughed, fixing his tie.

We left our dressing room, and I saw all of Leighton's family in semi fancy clothing, standing around.

"I feel like we're at a wedding" Sam muttered to me, both of us walking over towards Kat and Cynthia.

"You guys ready?" Aaliyah asked and we all nodded, talking amongst ourselves as we waited for Leighton.

"Leighton and her mom should be out soon, and we'll get started" Aaliyah informed, camera in hand.

The second Leighton walked out, I swear my mouth went dry as she walked over towards all her friends and family.

"Holy shit" I whispered, watching her and her mom walk over towards Aaliyah.

"You look beautiful, Leighton!" Aaliyah smiled, and I swear she was about to start crying.

"Thank you! Let's just hope I don't have to pee anytime soon!" She giggled, "Wow, everyone looks so good!" She smiled at us, giving her brother a side hug.

"You look gorgeous Leigh" Logan kissed the side of her head, Leighton's eyes closing and leaning into his touch.

"Alright, let's start with the parents. That way when Mr. Fox's feet get tired we're done" Aaliyah teased, a few people snickering.

"Aaliyah, If I remember correctly, you were the one complaining as we walked around Disney" Leighton's dad piped up, walking over towards Leigh and Aaliyah.

We watched Leighton do photos with her family, Sam, Kat and I keeping to ourselves.

We sat around, taking our own set of photos of Instagram as we waited, and after about an hour, it was finally our turn.

"You guys look so good!" Leighton complimented, hugging Kat.

"We look good?! You look good! Look at this bump!" Kat rested her hands on Leighton's stomach.


"I'm going to pop soon! This baby is running out of room! I'm officially on bed rest after Halloween" Leigh sighed, her hands resting beside Katrina's.

"Bed rest?" Kat questioned and Leigh nodded. "It's to try and prevent the baby from coming too soon. I've started to get the headaches, which I technically should've gotten early on.. but hey, every pregnancy is a snowflake"

"They said at the next appointment they were going to possibly plan an induction" Sam informed us, and Leigh's smile dropped.

"What's wrong with an induction?" I asked, confused at her change of emotion.

"There's nothing wrong with it.. and it's very common with preeclampsia.. it just kinda sucks. I don't get this dream pregnancy where I'm at home and my water breaks.. I have the doctors give me medication to make my cervix dilate"

"What does that mean?" Kat asked and Aaliyah told us to stand by each other in front of the pretty garden.

"It basically means my vagina is opening to push a baby out of it. I don't get to do it naturally. It just sucks because I wanted to do an at home birth... alright, I'm not crying, so let's change topics. Smile for Aaliyah" Leighton pulled out a fake ass grin, her hands resting on the front of her stomach. All of our hands resting on her stomach.

We took a few serious ones, and a few silly ones before doing one on ones.

"Colby, stand closer to her" Aaliyah directed, my hands rested on the bump.

"This feels like a couple shoot" Leighton laughed.

"Leigh, stop spreading your legs! It looks weird" Aaliyah called out, steading her camera.

"I'm distributing the weight Aaliyah!"

"You're standing like a sumo wrestler!"

"Shut up and take the photo"


We were standing around watching the shoot take place, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, startling me. "How's it going kid?" Mr. Fox asked.

"Alright, how about you?" I tried to do small talk, but we both quickly learned that that was not our style.

"You guys do YouTube don't you?" Mr. Fox asked and I nodded, confused as to where he was going with this. "How is that going? You're quite successful, yeah?" he asked and I desperately looked towards Sam, but he was too busy gawking at Katrina.

"I'd say we're pretty successful. We've made it farther than either Sam and I could've ever imagined. I think it all depends on what you define as success" I replied, practically shitting my pants out of fear.

What did he want?

"That's true. I used to think I wouldn't get anywhere with my art. I never really did it for monetization though. I think having my little Leigh be into art showed me success" He said, sitting down next to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Leighton has loved art since she was little. We couldn't keep her out of the paint or the crayons for the life of us" he laughed. "It's always something we shared together, and I think that showed me what my purpose was with my art. It gave me something to do with my little girl. Some way to spend time with her. I wish she did it more, she truly is talented, but I know it isn't her true passion"

"What is her true passion?" I asked, intrigued now since I thought Leighton was all about art.

"You know, I'm not too sure anymore. When she got swept up in things that weren't good for her, we drifted apart. I stopped getting to know her.. I will say.. you guys changed her. Just want to say thank you" Mr. Fox gave me a small smile with a nod before looking back over towards his daughter.


"What do you mean we changed her?" I wondered aloud, extremely confused.

He let out an exhale, looking over towards me. "You didn't hear this from me, but there was a period of time in her life where we didn't exist. She didn't want us.. we didn't want her.. it sounds bad.. but we had good intentions. She told you, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"About the drugs, is what you're talking about, right?" I questioned and he nodded, seeming relieved that I knew.

"When we found out, it was really hard. You never get the full story. Everyone has different memories of what happened.. but I think Logan's purpose in life was being there for her. Yes he has many purposes in life.. but I truly believe him being born first, was to be her best friend. I know I didn't handle the problem the way I should've, and I regret it every single day.. but with my wife diagnosed with cancer, and my daughter taking part in things she shouldn't be.. it was all too much. But here we are today, watching her take photos carrying my grandchild.. and I have you two to thank"

"I'm sorry, but I still don't understand" I squinted my eyes, confused as to how we did this.

"She met you guys, and she picked up her life. You guys took her in, and she figured things out. She's worked on her sobriety, she's gotten a job, she's out of her shitty relationship, she's hanging out with her younger siblings more, she is talking to her mom and I more.. she's more of herself. She's the girl I used to know. If it wasn't for you guys letting her stay in your home, I don't think there would be a grandchild to meet. I don't think she would've stayed clean.. and I think instead of getting a congratulations you have a new grandbaby call.. we'd be getting I'm so sorry for your loss call. It keeps me awake at night.. but here you guys are, at her maternity shoot. I'm just.. I just wanted to say thank you. I'm not a very touchy feely guy.. but if I've learned anything over the past few years with my children.. I love you means a thousand words, and sometimes you need to let go of your pride and let people know how grateful you are for them. If you ask me if we ever had this conversation, I will deny it till my deathbed, got it?" He asked and I nodded. "Good. Thank you Colby" He gave me another nod, before standing up and walking over towards his son and daughter.


I mentally cursed, shaking my head.

An immense amount of guilt started to hit as all the memories of us fighting, and me wanting to kick her out replayed in my head...

She truly was a fighter.. but what if she wasn't? What would her story be then?

I caught myself looking at her gorgeous smile, her stunning dress that hugged her beautiful bump..

This girl was struggling in some of the worst ways imaginable.. and somehow she stood here, in front of me with the most gorgeous smile.

Thank you Colby


"Come on, go as a mummy! It's Punny!" Aaliyah held out a mummy costume and I shook my head. "I'm handing out candy this year"

"You're such a party pooper!" She whined and I mentally rolled my eyes. "No, I'm carrying a literal pooper. I'm 34 weeks pregnant, Aaliyah. I'm in no place to party." I explained, not wanting to ruin her fun, but the idea of standing around a bunch of drunk young adults whilst every bone in my body hurts sounds like a nightmare.

"Please! Kat invited me to their Halloween party. It's our last hurrah before you go on bed rest. Please Leigh" Aaliyah pouted and I sighed. "You can go without me. You know I don't want to be around drunk people whilst I'm pregnant. I'm clumsy as it is. Why is it so important that I attend this party? You went to the Fourth of July party without me?"

"Leigh please" She begged and I groaned. "Do we not remember how the Fourth of July party landed me in the hospital? I'm trying to keep this baby inside of me, remember?"

"Leigh, it will be fun! Please, if you don't like it, we can leave.. but please, for me?"

"Fine, but can I not be a cliché please?" I asked, not wanting to wear a dumb costume.

"Leigh, you're 21, single and pregnant. You're a walking birth control advertisement"

"HEY!" I yelled, a little more offended than I should've been.

"I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. Please" Aaliyah begged again and I groaned, "Give me one reason why I should go"

"Because I want to party with you! Now please, will you pick an outfit?" She motioned to the rack of clothes and I sighed, deciding to play along.

"How about a cow?" She asked, holding up a cow costume.

"You want my stomach to have utters, Aaliyah?"

"What, it's cute"

"Aaliyah please"

"Fine, what do you want to wear?"

"If I agree to the stupid mummy costume, can we get out of here?"

"Why do you hate this so much?" She laughed, grabbing the costume and checking the sizing.

"Because I'm in pain. I love you so much, but I much rather be sitting on the couch watching Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef with you, than wandering around malls. Plus, Gabriel told me last night that his dean said he could attend online courses till January, and now I'm worried about how the fuck I'm going to handle this baby whilst he's in New York"

"Wait, he's actually going through with it?"

I nodded, walking towards the register with two costumes in hand. "If this doesn't fit, I will cry"

"Shut up, you're stunning"

"What is with you guys and paying me compliments. I didn't say I was ugly. I said I was fat"

"You're not fat" She muttered and I rolled my eyes. "Tell that to my elephant stomach"

"You're not an elephant. She's not an elephant right?" Aaliyah asked the lady at the checkout counter and I smacked her arm.

"Don't answer that. Aaliyah shut up. I'm so sorry" I apologized and Aaliyah scoffed.


"This looks stupid, and it doesn't fit" I grumbled, trying to stretch it a bit.

"Maybe it looks stupid because it doesn't fit" Aaliyah said bluntly and I narrowed my eyes at her "Ya think"

"Shut up. I thought it would be cute!" Aaliyah argued, clearly over my complaining.

"I look like an elephant wearing a tutu" I grumbled, trying to push the outfit off my chubby legs, Aaliyah snickering at me. "Shut up! You have to be nice to me! I'm carrying your godchild" I pouted, my feelings starting to hit about not being able to fit into the costume.

"I'm sorry! You look adorable!"

"Shut up. I'm not going anymore"

"Leighton please!" She begged, tears streaming down my face as I tried to get the skintight leggings off of my swollen chubby caves. "Why are you crying?" She asked and I glared at her.

"I DON'T FIT IN THE DAMN COSTUME! I'm going to look like a fucking dumpster truck after this kid is born, and I'm barely twenty one!"

"What do you mean barely?" She laughed and if looks could kill. "Okay.. why don't we just go back and get a bigger size?" Aaliyah asked and I scoffed. "Because I'm fat"

Aaliyah rolled her eyes, standing up from her previous crouch position. "Let's go, come on, get up" She tugged my arm but I just stayed laying on the floor, the outfit stuck on my thighs.

"I don't want to get up. I'm fat, and ugly, and my baby is like a hundred pounds in my womb" I grumbled and she pulled her lips into a tight line, her cheeks reddening. "Is this where I compliment you?" She mocked and I sighed "Help me up please" I held out my hands. not having any energy to argue with her.

"Come on you big lug" She giggled and I rolled my eyes, not being able to wipe the smile off my face.

"You're not helping my confidence" I grumbled, Aaliyah helping me up.

"Yeah well you're not helping my fun meter"

"Your fun meter? Bitch I'm the best thing you got" I smirked and she rolled her eyes, a smile on her face. "How about we call your friends, see if they want to get food and then we can go back to the costume store?" Aaliyah suggested and I sighed, my hands pressing against my lower back.

"Look, I really don't want to go walking anymore. Things aren't how they used to be. Did you know I peed my pants the other day? Like full on peed my pants Aaliyah!" I groaned and she started laughing. "Aaliyah! It's not funny! It's only downhill from here!"

"You have it better than others. You're at least almost done. Now, what do we want to do about your costume?"

"Why do I have to go?" I huffed, my nerve system feeling like it's going haywire.

"Leighton I'm not asking again"

"Aaliyah, I love you very much. Truly. But I'm so fucking pregnant it isn't even funny. You're young, and have the body of a college girl... my feet look like I'm 600 pounds, my back feels like I'm carrying 600 pounds and god, my boobs Aaliyah. My boobs feel like they weigh 2 tons. Everything. Hurts. I don't want to party."

"Okay. What do you want to do?" She asked, tears falling down my face.

"I dunno! I'm.. god I'm in so much pain. I'm trying, I really am. I'm not trying to ruin your fun, or whatever... but it really hurts" I cried and she wrapped her arms around me. "I know, shh, it's okay. We can do this. We can stay home" She said and I quickly shook my head. "No. You wanna go, so go"

"I don't want to leave you alone! It's our last hurrah before this baby comes!" She squeezed my bicep and then she gasped. "What if we did a horror movie marathon?" She asked and I pursed my lips, unsure. "But you wanted to go to Sam and Colby's party. Aaliyah Irene Johnson. I am not having you put your life on hold all because I don't want to go. I want you to go. I want you to have fun, and make memories"

"But I want to make memories with you!"

"We have a lot of time to make memories, and you can't make this same memory twice with them" I spoke with certainty.

"Leigh" She started but I just shook my head. "Aaliyah shut up and just say yes" I laughed and she grinned, nodding her head. "Alrighty then, let's go find you a costume"

"I thought you said you didn't want to walk-"

"Aaliyah what did I just say?"

"That you didn't want to walk?" She asked and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"No, that you need to shut up. Come on, let's go find you something cute or sexy"


"I can't believe Halloween is on a fucking Monday" Aaliyah groused, her and River having been over at my apartment for a few hours. "Like I had to go to work on fucking Halloween! It should be illegal. Why isn't it treated like any other Holiday?" She grumbled, making her way over to my bathroom mirror.

"Maybe because in a lot of cultures it's considered the Devil's holiday?" River mentioned and Aaliyah sent him daggers, causing me to laugh.

"That's fucking stupid! What's so wrong with wanting free booze and candy?" Aaliyah asked, River chuckling. "You're something else babe"

"Is it weird that I'm kind of nervous to go over to Sam and Colby's?" She asked, turning around to apply some red blush to River's cheeks.

"Why would you be nervous?" I questioned, wincing at my reflection in the mirror.

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