《Unbroken C.B》31


That week I spent a lot of my time hanging out with family and friends, getting their help on meal ideas and having Katrina and Aaliyah be my exercise buddy. I also talked it out with Silas about why he was mad at me, which turned out to be because I put me and the baby in danger on July 4th, and it scared him.

Lexi and Aaliyah went with me to the hospital this morning so I could be monitored and they could check for any more developing preeclampsia symptoms. They also helped me get ready for my date with Silas whilst I facetimed Kat getting her opinions on the outfit.

"I always forget Leighton has a sleeve" Kat said out of nowhere as we did the finishing touches to my makeup.

"How? It literally takes up my whole arm" I laughed, reaching for my eyebrow pencil as Aaliyah worked on my hair.

"You're always in hoodies!" 

"They're comfy, and they don't press in on my stomach. Speaking of wearing hoodies, do you know why Colby is mad at me?" I asked her, grabbing my eyeshadow palette.

"He's feeling sorry for himself" She rolled her eyes making my face scrunch up.

"What do you mean?"

"Leigh, stop being oblivious!" Katrina scolded and I glared.

"Sorry I'm not babying him! I'm too busy worrying about my literal baby!" I snapped, Lexi and Aaliyah staying quiet.

"Why don't you ask him?" She lectured and I rolled my eyes.

"So you're telling me that on top of all my own bullshit, I also have to worry about him?"

"Leigh stop" Kat spoke in a monotone and I flipped her off, grabbing my highlight.

"Wow, real mature"

"Hey, let's all get along, yeah?" Aaliyah suggested, setting down the straightener.

"Look Kat, I get you're used to having an easy going life, but that is not my story right now. I can't be bothered to constantly worry about my roommate, when I have a high risk pregnancy, okay? It's not my fault he's acting like a child. I'm not in charge of him, or his feelings. I need to make things right with Silas tonight, and I need to focus on my own family. At the end of the day, they're more important" I explained and Katrina scoffed.

"You're literally so stupid" 

"Did I fucking ask? I don't think I did. All I asked was if you knew why he was mad. Not to be lectured about how I don't fucking pay attention every time he cries wolf! Look, it's whatever. I need to finish getting ready. I'll let Sam know that I probably won't be home. Bye" I ended the FaceTime before groaning, then shaking my head and grabbing my lipstick.

"So, what was that about?" Aaliyah asked hesitantly and I grumbled.

"Ever since I told Colby I was moving out, he's been distant. I thought we made progress back in Minnesota ya know? But I guess not"

"Is there a reason you haven't asked him?" Lexi wondered aloud and I sighed.

"I haven't had time. I still need to show him the finished artwork. I've been busy monitoring my body with this baby, trying to meet the requirements so I don't get preeclampsia and god knows what else. Plus I have everything with Silas, and I've been neglecting him lately, along with Logan being gone and not having him to talk to right now. Then there is everything with Mom, and yeah she's getting better, but I'm still fucking terrified something is going to happen. Plus, Gabe has a new girlfriend and it's kind of hitting me that my baby will have a stepmother. There is just so many life changes right now, that I can't pay attention to my fucking roommates and what's going on with them. None of this is including what is going on next week. I'm just swamped, and now I'm annoyed that she's blaming me for his bullshit. Does it look like I have room on my plate for another full course meal of emotions? No" I ranted, both of them staying quiet. "Can you hand me my dress please" I asked quietly, Lexi leaving to go get it.



"I'm so glad you didn't choose a booth. I probably wouldn't have fit" I giggled, twisting so I could sit down without falling over.

Silas and I had some small talk before ordering, but his next question caught me off guard.

"Have you figured out a baby name yet?" He asked and my eyes widened a little, shaking my head.

"Gabe and I have only touched on it a few times. Why? Do you have any ideas? I'm all ears. Is it okay if I grab my phone to write them down?" I asked and he nodded.

"Boy or girl?"

"We don't know. Just tell me whatever comes to mind"

"I mean, I think Silas is a great name" He cocked an eyebrow and I laughed.

"I only have room for one Silas in my life, sorry"

"How about Cordelia?" He asked and I scrunched my face, shaking my head.

"That is not my vibe" I let out a breathy laugh.

"Neveah?" He suggested and I shrugged, writing it down.

"It's not bad, but I don't know if I love it"

Silas pulled out his phone and then asked "How do you feel about historical names?"

"Um, I guess I don't mind? What's the name?"

"Cleopatra" he said and I could tell he was trying to keep a straight face.

"Maybe the second baby can be Cleopatra" I chuckled , biting my bottom lip.

"You could call 'em Cleo for short?" 

"Cleo is cute" 



"Griffith?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Reminds me of my roommates friend named Griffin" 

"Emmett?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Gabe's last name is Bennett. It can't be Emmett Bennett" I laughed, Silas cracking a smile as I spoke the name together.

"Why not? I think he'd be a fun guy"

"Caspian? Casandra? Conrad? Coven? Cora? Callie? Christina?" He listed off and I tilted my head to a few, saying no.

"Conrad is the dumbest name ever. I'm sorry if you know a Conrad, but what kinda name is Conrad? Conrad Bennett? Hard no"

I ended up googling some of my own, and a few made the list, but for the most part, it was just us passing time as we waited for our food to arrive.


"Queens don't hate, queens don't fight, queens don't stay unless their kings treat them right!" I yelled along to the radio, my hands in the air as Silas laughed at me. "Every jewel on my crown, you better believe I earned it, won't keep people around that don't believe I deserve it!" 

"You're so cute" He laughed and I grinned, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"Oh shit!" I laughed, reaching up to wipe the lipstick mark off.

"Could've left it" He said without looking at me, paying attention to the road.

"You want to walk around with my lipstick mark on your cheek?" I laughed and he shrugged.

"All yours baby" He turned to smirk at me and I smirked back.

"I better be" 

He went back to focusing on driving, so naturally I started singing along with the radio again.

"No, I don't need the tallest tower to prove to anyone I ain't weak. I turn my pain into power, every tear's a diamond on my cheek" I sang along and I felt Silas take my hand, lacing our fingers, causing me to smile as I looked down.

It was quiet for a bit, myself humming along to the radio when Silas out of nowhere said "I'm really happy" In a content sigh, causing me to turn to look at him.


"Yeah? I'm glad you're happy. You deserve to be happy baby"

"The happiest" He said when he turned to look at me, squeezing my hand and I felt my cheeks warm up.


"Hey babe, do you have a spare shirt I can borrow?"

"You look gorgeous, but I guess I can give you a t-shirt" He grabbed one from his closet, tossing it at me.

"AH!" I yelled, quickly catching it before it hit me in the face. "I didn't bring fucking makeup wipes. I'm going to look like a racoon when I come out of that bathroom" I sighed and Silas laughed.

"You're the prettiest racoon I've ever soon"

"I hate you" I grinned, closing the bathroom door.

I took a quick shower, washing my makeup off.

When I went to get dressed, I quickly found out that that wasn't happening.

"Hey babe?!" I yelled, cracking open the bathroom door.


"Erm... we got a problem" I muttered and I watched him get off the bed, walking over to the door.

"What is the problem- oh my god" He laughed as I opened the door and I frowned.

"This is bullshit" I grumbled, looking at myself in the mirror.

"You look cute" He noted and I rolled my eyes.

"It doesn't fucking fit. This isn't helping me not feel fat right now. I can't fit in my boyfriend's clothes!" I grumbled, seeing my little baby belly poke out at the bottom of his shirt.

"I mean, you fit, just your baby doesn't"

"I don't even have a bra!"

"I'm not complaining" He smirked and I glared at him.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're not! Now what?"

"I mean, it still works" He said, eyeing me over and I huffed.

"Do you have sweatpants so I can at least cover my ass? This is ridiculous" I grumbled, turning to the side, seeing the stretched out shirt.

"Hey, come here" He grabbed my hand, pulling me into him. "You look cute. I get it's annoying, and frustrating, but I think you look adorable" 

"You just like that my thong is exposed in this ensemble"

"It's a perk, but I spend more time looking at your pretty smile than your ass" He smirked and I glared.

"Yeah, sure. Can I have sweatpants please?" I asked and he nodded.

He walked back in with dark gray sweatpants, handing them to me.

"Oh god what if they don't fit" I groaned, afraid to put them on. "What if they're like jeans, and I move and they rip? Oh my god, take them back!" I threw them at him and he just started laughing at me.

"Leighton, just put them on" He opened them up and crouched down. "C'mon, one leg first"

"Not shit sherlock! What did you think I was gonna do? Fucken jump into them?" 

"C'mon!" He laughed and I braced my hand on his shoulder, stepping into the sweatpants.

"There you go baby, look, you can even tie them. You look perfect" He smiled at me in the mirror, tying the drawstrings.

"My stomach still sticks out" I grumbled, tracing the bottom of my stomach with my finger tips.

"That's a mood" He laughed and I smacked his arm.

"Silas! I'm only gonna get bigger!"

"At least I know you won't steal my hoodies" he cocked an eyebrow and I punched the side of his arm "Ow!" He laughed, holding his arm.


"If it really bugs you, you could just take the top off?" He suggested and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't have anything on underneath"

"Leigh, I don't care what you do, I just want you to be comfortable. I'm sorry, but I don't have any bras for you to barrow" He teased and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"If I take my shirt off, do you promise not to look?" I asked and he chuckled. "Baby, I'm a guy. I can't help but to look. I promise you're stunning, and I won't do anything inappropriate to you, but I can't promise to not look" 

"Fine, turn around"

"What, just so I can turn around and see you topless? You're not hiding anything Leigh"

"Oh my god! I hate you. Fine" I grumbled, pulling his shirt over my head, and when I opened my eyes, he was staring at me. "HEY! It's rude to stare! I know, my nipples look weird" I frowned, looking down.

"What?" He laughed and I pouted.

"They're bigger. Like my nipples grew. I talked to Dr. Hughes about it, and apparently your nipples become larger and more pronounced as your boobs grow, getting ready for milk and the baby. And like the middle can darken. Ugh my boobs are gonna be so ugly!" 

"I don't notice anything weird Leigh, you're perfect" 

"I'm far from perfect!" I laughed, cupping my boobs and wincing. "Yeah, you're sticking to first base. These bitches still fucking hurt"


"I'm excited to see it. You've spent a long time on it" Colby said as we climbed my parents' stairs.

"God, I can't get any bigger or I'm going to need one of those stair chairs the old people use" I panted, stopping halfway up the steps.

"Our new house has an elevator" He laughed and I breathed heavily before meeting him at the top.

"Good for you. My apartment does too. Anyway, lets go look at it" 

I opened the art room door, and I saw my dad was sitting at the desk, sketching.

When he heard the door squeak, he looked up at us before looking back down at what he was doing.

"Sorry to bother you. Just wanted to show him the art piece" I told him and he nodded, getting back into the zone of his sketching.

I walked over to the piece, turning the easel around so he could see it.

"YOOOO! THIS LOOKS SICK!" He yelled, my dad chuckling.

"You like it?" I asked and he quickly shook his head.

"This is insane! You out did yourself! Oh my god! It's going to look sick in our living room!"

"I'm glad you like it"

"Like it? I love it Leighton! I might make you do all the artwork in our house" He laughed, getting closer to the piece.

"God no, this thing took me months. You'd have a bare house for a long time" I laughed.

"Do you care if we keep it here till we move in?" Colby asked and I turned to look at my dad, asking him.

"That's fine, Leigh, can you hand me the charcoal?" My dad asked and I nodded, grabbing the bin.

Colby and I ended up going to Chick-fil-a and we sat down at a table outside and I decided now was a good time to do what Kat suggested, and ask Colby what was going on.

"So.. erm.. I've been meaning to talk to you" 


"Uh.. is everything okay? Between us, I mean. You've been.. distant.. again?" I asked and he sat up straighter in his chair.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just... what happened back on the fourth?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well uh.. like.. you were.. mad? And you said that I was moving out, and uh... when I asked you what you meant.. you uh.. kinda ignored me?" 

Colby sighed, dipping a french fry into ketchup, almost seeming like he was trying to figure out how he was going to answer this.

"Please don't lie to me" I begged and he threw his head back, turning it from side to side before looking at me.

"I guess I'm just disappointed"

"Disappointed? Why?"

Colby groaned, looking off to the side before back at me, slouching back in his chair again.

"I guess I just... I thought we were becoming friends? Like.. we were starting to hang out together.. and get along and now you're leaving. I guess I just feel like it was for nothing. Like we went through all of this.. for nothing"

"How was it for nothing?"

"It just feels like everyone was on our necks about getting along, and now we finally are, and you're leaving. Like.. the things I've learned to love doing with you.. won't happen anymore. I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself, I don't know"

"Just because I'm moving into my own place, doesn't mean we still can't do stupid stuff. I get it. I felt the same. It does suck knowing I can't text you at 2am and ask you to get cheesy fries with me.. but that doesn't mean we'll never get cheesy fries together again."

"Why did you want to move out anyway?"


"But you have independence?"

"It's not the same"

"How? What is independence to you?"

"Being on my own"

"But you are on your own. So what, does that make Sam and I codependent because we live together? Like.. we still do our own thing? You don't have to be alone to be independent Leighton" Colby tried to make a point and I groaned.

"You're sounding like Aaliyah!"

"Aaliyah is a smart girl" Colby chuckled and I rolled my eyes, chucking a french fry at him.

"Why do you want to be on your own?" He asked and I sighed, my stupid little brain giving me stupid little flashbacks of my stupid life.

"I just do"

"Now don't lie to me Leighton" He mocked and I glared.

"Shut up. I want to be on my own because I never have before. I've never been on my own. I've always been with my parents, or Gabe or Aaliyah's and I spent some time at Stephens.. I just.. I want to be alone. I need to be alone"

"How does being alone prove your independence?"

"It's just.. I've always depended on someone y'know? Like.. when I was kicked out.. I had someone to go to. I know that sounds dumb, but like.. there always is a safety net, and don't get me wrong.. it's nice.. it's just.. I have a lot to prove. And like, even my dad is the second signer on my lease in case I can't pay rent. Like I said, safety net"

"What's wrong with having a safety net?"

"I will never not be looked at as the girl with a drug addiction. You know what tomorrow is, right?" I asked and he looked down at his phone.

"Uh... the 13th?" He asked and I nodded.

"Tomorrow means a lot to me. It's the day I'm starting over, and I'm going to prove to everyone that I can do this. I need to do this"

"What's tomorrow?" He asked and I sighed, knowing I shouldn't have brought it up.

"I don't want to talk about it"

"You can't just start and not finish"

"YOU DO THAT ALL THE TIME! We WERE talking about you!"

"Okay, but what's tomorrow? Your birthday was a month ago? It's not your due date... is it your anniversary with Gabe?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Tomorrow is a year ago that I vowed to start over"

"What does that mean?"

"On July 13th 2019, Aaliyah picked me up from prison, and brought me to her house.. and I started my recovery journey"

"Wait, you went to jail? We both went to jail in 2019? Hold on-"

"Cole Brock, did you just make this about you?"

"No! I just... it's weird we both went to jail in 2019, anyway, continue" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"I went for drug possession. Look, I don't really want to talk about this, okay? That's just what tomorrow is, and that is part of the reason I want to be on my own. There is a lot to prove, and Aaliyah told me I should look into getting it expunged" 

"What is that?"

"Like wiping it from my record"

"Can they do that?"

I nodded, grabbing one of my chicken nuggets.

"It just can't be for something serious y'know.. like a serial killer or podophiles. I don't know. It would make it easier to apply for jobs and such. It was such a dumb crime too! Ugh, still annoyed about it"

"I mean, Sam and I were busted for trespassing on a construction site near a school, so we are both dumb criminals" he laughed and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"Can I say something controversial?" 


"McDonalds chicken nuggets are better" I took another bite of the chicken nugget and Colby laughed. 

"So, going back to you being upset that I'm moving out, why don't we try to hang out more often? You could always join my family and I? Or my friends? We could go see Nova at Cynthia's? We could do our late night diner things too. I don't move out till the beginning of August. We have time. Just tell me when you want to"

"What if before you gave birth, you moved back?" Colby suggested and I gave him a weird look.

"That defeats the purpose of me moving out" I laughed and Colby shook his head.

"Hear me out. You're on your own, you feel that independent life, you move back"

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