《Unbroken C.B》29


It was July 4th weekend, and on the 4th I turned exactly 18 weeks pregnant which was scary to think about.

The night before we left Minnesota, I was on the phone with Gabriel and we had decided to cancel our appointment for the Amniocentesis. Gabe was very nervous for it due to researching how it can cause miscarriage and uterus infections, plus in some cases the baby had been injured due to careless doctors.

The testing is for genetic disorders, but we figured we'd rather be safer than sorry, and if our baby was born with some sort of disorder, we would handle it the best we could, but we didn't want to have a needle shoved into my stomach, and possibly cause miscarriage, infection and or injury, no matter how low the rate was

When I got back from my birthday getaway, life started to hit me once again. I was grateful for the time I had to get away, but I wish I could've stayed their for eternity.

The rest of that week we went fishing, and swimming and hung out with my extended family, taking Sam and Kat to Mall Of America. It was just nice to hang out in a place I loved with the people I loved, but the second we got back on that plane, it was like reality slapped me in the face.

That next week I had an interview for the art job, I had apartment hunting, and I had to sit down with Gabriel and have some tough talks for our baby.

Things like his new girlfriend have now come into view, and godparents, middle names and even how we are going to plan our nurseries.

I felt like I never had enough time, even if I was still more than halfway to go until the baby was born.

My worst fear was for the baby to be born early, and I was in complete and utter panic by not being prepared.

I at least wanted to figure out the name, if not the nursery.

I was nowhere near the nesting phase, but I was in the phase of What If's.

I was actually getting ready to film a video with Sam before I was off to my parents house. I put on some light makeup, brushing my hair and letting it cascade down my back, throwing on a baggy tee and leggings, wanting to be comfy.

I landed the art job which was exciting because it made it so I could finally sign a lease. I actually was able to find a nice apartment, but I had to have my dad on as a dependent in case I couldn't pay rent, but the thought of finally being closer to being fully independent felt really good.

The apartment was fairly small, but was 2 bed one bath which was honestly more than I could've asked for. I really thought I was going to land a dingey studio apartment, but thankfully I did find a cheaper two bed.

It kind of sucked that I was actually achieving my goal of moving out since I was getting a lot closer to Colby ever since our Minnesota trip, and I'd miss Sam and I's late night movie hangs, or Katrina and I's shopping trips.

I knew I could still hang out with them, it just sucked knowing they wouldn't be across the hall from me anymore.

Colby and I have been hanging out a lot more lately, mainly because he's the only one awake and or home when pregnancy cravings hit. Thankfully he's been a godsend for taking me to In and Out at midnight, or to our local diner at 3am, to get me the best chili cheese fries EVER.


It's been fun to have our late night hang outs and not feel like every time we are in the same room I'm walking on eggshells.

I will say that I am nervous to move out, mainly because who else is going to take me to get chili cheese fries at 3am? My apartment was about 45 minutes from Sam and Colby's new place, so Colby being just a short drive away to go get greasy food was out of the question. But in all honesty, being on my own seemed so scary. I was used to depending on people when it came to living somewhere, and I guess I had my dad as a safety net, but in the big picture, I was all on my own.

I had the dreadful conversation with Sam and Colby last week about how I wouldn't be moving into their new house with them, and how July would be my last month's payment.

I sat them down in the living room, and after a little bit of small talk, trying to naturally transition the conversation, I ripped the Band-Aid off.

"So I have been meaning to talk to you guys since my birthday trip. I will not be moving into the new house with you guys" I spoke kind of quickly, but clearly.

Their laughs got quiet and Colby quickly replied with "Wait, what?"

"You know how I mentioned that I'd be looking at apartments? Well I found one and I was able to sign the lease and put a down payment on it, I move out August 5th" I explained and I could see hurt and confusion in Colby's facial features.

"Why are you moving out? We were finally getting along?"

"I want to be independent! I need this for myself, and for my baby. I don't want you guys hating me for having a crying newborn" I explained and Colby's face fell.

"Leigh, we would never hate you" Sam tried to explain, but I just shook my head.

"You guys didn't sign up for a newborn to be crying all day. It's not like you'd never see us again. We just won't be down the hall disrupting your sleep or your videos" I explained and Colby was quiet. Very quiet.

"Leighton, we never said you had to move out?" Sam asked, confused.

"I think this will be good for everyone. Plus, Silas and I are getting closer, and I'd like to hang out with him and not have to worry about being in the way. I'm doing this for all of us, but mainly me. It will be good for me, and like I said, we will still see each other.. hopefully. I get if you want to cut off ties, but I'm leaving it open here that that is not my intention. I'd love for you guys to meet my baby, and for him or her to have so many aunt and uncles"

"It sucks that you're leavy, but we all want the best for you, and if this is what you think the best for you is, I support you" Sam said and I nodded, thankful.

"Colby?" I asked and he still was quiet, lost in his own world. "Colby?" I tried again and once Sam touched his shoulder, he snapped out of it.


"How do you feel about me moving out? We're okay, right?" I asked and he nodded slowly, but there was some sort of unknown thoughts holding him captive.

He never did tell me what was on his mind. He just nodded, and that was that.


That night when I asked Colby if he wanted to go to the diner with me, he told me no, which was confusing. I instead picked up Lexi and Macy and we went to the diner together, meeting up with Aaliyah and Aaliyah's sister Monica.

I ended up spending the night at Aaliyah's, and that next day we went out and I had bought some maternity pants, and new bras since things were starting to get tight in all the wrong places, so that was about a month's worth of rent out of my pocket.

I have also been wearing the ring Colby had gotten every day since he gave it to me to the point where I think it would just look odd without it on my finger.

"Leighton! Are you ready to film?!" I heard Sam shout and I grabbed my phone, heading down the stairs.

"Let me pee, grab some water and I'm ready" I told him, heading towards the bathroom.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw our counter was lined with plastic cups which made me slightly confused, but once Sam started his intro, everything started to make more sense.

"Okay guys, today we are going to play beer pong with a twist!" Sam told the camera. "It's basically beer pong & hot ones except we have apple juice on the side for Leighton since she can't drink '' Sam showed the red solo cups sitting next to an Apple Juice container. "Joining me today is Mr. Colby Brock himself, Leighton our friend and Aaliyah, Leighton's best friend"

"So what, are we doing shots of hot sauce?" I asked and Sam shook his head.

"That's hot ones, Leighton!" Aaliyah told me, Colby, Sam and Aaliyah laughing. "Sam literally just said you're doing apple juice shots" she teased.

"I'd love to see Leigh take a hot sauce shot" Colby snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"You know some pregnant people love spicy things" I cocked an eyebrow in a challenging way, Colby and I ignoring Sam who was talking to his camera. "You wanna take a shot right now? Make up for not being able to on your birthday?" Colby asked and I shook my head, not feeling like dying on camera.

"Okay, so basically we all posted on our Instagram's besides Leighton, since she doesn't have one, and assumption card post for you guys to reply to. We put on our Sam & Colby page to make assumptions about Leigh for a video, and on our personals did ourself. That way there is a fair game for everyone. ANYWAY, basically if you get it in the cup, you have to answer an assumption. If you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." Sam explained and everyone nodded.

"Bring on the spicy water!" Aaliyah cheered and the boys joined her whilst I stood awkwardly.

"We can't really give Leighton a punishment, and I don't want to accidently bring on early labor" Sam told the camera and I felt Aaliyah's body radiate with excitement.

"Bring on the labor! I want to meet my niece or nephew!" She declared and I glared.

"If my baby is born prematurely, one, you're paying the hospital bills and two, I want your head on a platter if my baby dies" Aaliyah shot her hands up and apologized but it still left a slight sour taste in my mouth. Even if she didn't mean any harm, it still felt hurtful. I knew she was excited to meet my baby, but early labor was a touchy subject for me. Especially since I wasn't totally able to bring my blood pressure down.

"This is the last video we are filming in this house before we move in with all new roommates. This is kind of sentimental" Colby noted, the thought dawning on him.

"Dang dude, you're right. We are moving soon huh" Sam shook his head, like he couldn't believe it, playing along for the video since we all knew the thought of moving was sitting in the back of our brains twenty four seven.

"If I have to drink too many times, I'll have to switch to water so I don't intake too much sugar" I quickly explained when Sam went to grab the tripod from the sun room.

"That's a thing?" Colby asked and I nodded.

"Having too much sugar is bad for you, even when you aren't pregnant"

Sam set up the camera, and then Sam and Colby went on one side, Aaliyah and I on the other and Colby & I did rock paper scissors for who went first.

Sam & Colby won, so Colby took his shot at landing the ball in a cup, but missed.

"AH LOSER!" I yelled, grabbing the ball.

"FUCK!" Colby yelled, hearing the ball bounce on the floor.

Aaliyah threw the ball and got it in, so Sam and Colby did rock paper scissors for who had to take the assumption, and then they'd switch off from there, that way it was fair on who was getting exposed.

Colby lost, so he grabbed his phone and handed it to Aaliyah.

"I'm just going to scroll and stop, and whatever it lands on that's what I'll ask" She said and then mad man scrolled through the assumptions.

"Okay! Colby!" She poke in an assertive, catching his attention.

"Yes!" Colby replied loudly, making my ears hurt.

"Colby secretly hates Fan Pages" She read off and all of our eyes widened, turning to Colby as if he had done something unfathomable.

"Damn, um.. no. I don't. I don't really like the ones that spread rumors and stuff, but no. I don't secretly hate fan pages. I think all of you guys are cool and a lot of you make some sick artwork, and funny edits. I've been meaning to follow a couple of them" he chuckled.

Sam tossed the ping pong ball and landed it in a cup.

"Fuck yeah!" He cheered, doing a silly dance.

I ended up losing and had to go first so Sam grabbed his phone and scrolled through assumptions.

"Okay Leigh, this person assumes you secretly hate living with us" Sam said and I bit my lip.

"Damn, a lot of people think we secretly hate stuff!" Colby laughed.

"Do I answer bluntly? Or do I explain?" I asked and Colby's mouth parted in surprise.

"Answer however you'd like Leigh, or we can pour you a cup of the good ol' AJ" Sam said and motioned towards the apple juice container.

"I'll take the apple juice" I spoke up and all their eyes widened.

"DAMNNN!" Colby yelled as Sam poured the juice.

"Leigh is the first to drink!" Sam gasped and I drank the juice, setting the cup on the counter.

Colby tossed it and missed, making all me laugh, Aaliyah yell and Sam groan.

"FUCK! I suck at beer pong, sorry man" Colby shook his head, his hands gripping the edge of the counter top.

I scrolled through Sam's phone, landing on a question. "Why are so many about me? The fuck? Okay, Sam, this person wants to know if you guys have filmed videos with me"

"That one I can answer! Yes we have! We took Leigh to Hotel Coronado with Amanda, and Brennen. What happened was insane and I wish we could post the video, but most of the evidence we got that would fill the video was personal information about someone we can't put out. So after talking about it with that person and Colby, we decided not to. We hopefully will film with Leigh again, but Leigh doesn't believe in ghost stuff, so comment down below if you want to see Leigh in a video! Maybe we can change her mind!" Sam pointed towards the ground and then Aaliyah went.

"You're ignoring the part where I don't love being on camera in general" I raised an eyebrow at Sam but everyone ignored me.

"We should go back to Hotel Coronado now that we know. Honestly hindsight really is twenty, twenty. Like if we had known what was going on whilst it was happening.. it was crazy" Colby shook his head.

"Cut this out, but like for me, being the one who had to go through with it made it even scarier. Like I don't believe in ghosts. I think talking to the air is wild, but the concept of what had happened is still kind of creepy. I dunno" I shrugged.

We went a few rounds, a lot of us missing but then Colby landed the ball in the cup finally, and I had to have an assumption read out.

"Um..." Colby kept scrolling, and eventually Sam got annoyed and told him to pick one, making me nervous. "Does Sam and Colby force their team to wear their merch?" Colby asked and Sam, Colby laughed whilst I just bit my lip nervously.

"Um, yes and no? They bring merch with to shout out or they wear old merch. They do actually wear their merch around the house. It isn't like promo stuff, but like at the hotel, I wore either Sam or Colby's hoodie and it was merch. I think they purposefully bring merch in case you want to wear it, but they don't force you to. It's not like Sam or Colby packed an all black hoodie to toss over. Something always has their logo on it" I chuckled and Sam pointed to Colby who was literally wearing one of their merch pieces.

"Get the merch down below guys" Colby smirked, grabbing the fabric between his hands and then pointed towards the ground.

"Smooooooth" I laughed.

"Take a shot anytime Leighton says merch" Aaliyah laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Leighton is our tell all. She'll spill all our secrets for some air time" Sam joked.

We started playing again, and eventually were just playing for fun to see what people wanted to know about us, and Sam would edit the footage he actually wanted to use.

A couple times people drank, like Colby and what his recent photo was in his gallery, Aaliyah and her last text with River, Sam on what their future video was and myself on who my favorite roommate was, which somehow offended them.

"Colby, someone wants to know why you were across the country with Leighton, with a smirk emoji" Sam glanced up from the phone and Colby's lips tightened.

"Do I say?" Colby looked over at me and I shrugged.

"Why are you looking at me? It's not like anything happened" I laughed. "Tell your truth Brock" I saluted him and he shook his head, a small smile on his face as he turned towards the camera.

"I went a few days early before her birthday, so we hung out for a bit. The day of her birthday, which was three days into the trip everyone else came. Sam and Kat were a surprise since we originally said they were busy. We had fun. We explored, we filmed a little, I don't think I ever shared that stuff. I don't know. We are still learning about Ms. Leighton here, so it was fun to see her hometown. Right guys?" Colby turned towards Sam and Aaliyah desperately, who nodded.

"Leighton's been my good friend for years, so it was fun to have Sam and Colby come see the notorious places we talked about" Aaliyah chimed in.

"Some of my favorite photos and videos are from that trip. If Leighton sends me the picture, I'll insert me with a bass I caught after Leighton and Sam mocked me that I couldn't catch shit" Colby spoke cockily, smirking to himself out of pride.

"We had been fishing for like 2 hours and everyone had caught shit but you" Sam laughed and my nose wrinkled.

"I literally vomited in the fucking lake because of the smell. Like Colby smelled like fish and cannonballed next to me, I swear my food became fish food"

"Leighton caught some fish by the way! Let's not forget how Colby kept telling Leighton she could do better, than proceeded to do worse than Leigh the next time he casted!" Aaliyah laughed.

"We will insert some videos from that here" Sam told the camera.

We played for about 15 more minutes before we got bored and ended the video.

Some of them tweeted off of each other's phones, replied to fan dms or fans dared them to do weird things but all in all it wasn't a bad video. I don't think too many juicy details were spilled, but the boys acted like they were a big deal. That saying something like "Colby wears the same sweatpants for days in a row" was jaw dropping news.

Who's going to tell them I put on the same bra I wore yesterday?

I was kind of interested to see what made it in the video and what didn't, but I never watched their videos so I guess I'll never know.

My free time was spent learning about baby stuff, so searching Sam's name on YouTube wasn't really in my radar.

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