《I'm falling for my Ex Fiancé - (BOOK 2)》Part 9 - Wedding day


I woke up in the morning by my mom waking me up, i told her to wake me up cause if I didn't tell her to i would keep sleeping and missed dian's wedding since i still felt so jet lag.

I put my stuff inside of my bags then wore my sneakers, i also told Mr Dillon to drove me anywhere today since i was going to be so busy and tired today.

Thankfully everything was ready, Mr Dillon was already waiting for me right at the lobby. It was Saturday evening and i had to be on Diana's side, that day was her big day.

Mr Dillon opened up the door for me and closed it as i got in. The car started to move to the main venue. Diana was going to get married at a church in the city and the reception was going to be held in a big venue tonight.

I began to text sarah where was she and also tell her that i was on my way, i looked at the clock and thank goodness I wasn't late.

it was going to be my favorite day and also emotional day since my best friend was getting married, she would walking into another level of life and i was so happy to see her happy.

And also nervous like I had said everything was going to be there today, the wedding was more like a reunion.

My phone was suddenly ringing and i looked into the phone screen, and it was Ayden.

"Hello?" I said.

"Morning" his raspy voice said.

"Good evening" i said.

"Oh what time is it?" He asked and it made me laugh.

"It's 1pm Ayden" i said laughing.

"Oh you're right, by the way when should i be there babe?" He asked.

"Before 7 Maybe around 6 and don't forget to bring the black suit and the invitation too" i said to him.

"Got it" he said.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" i said.


Diana was sitting in front of the mirror while the make up artist and the hair dresser were doing theirs job. She wanted me to be on her side all the time, so i kept sitting there next to her wearing a rob with my hair being curled, while my make up is ready.

The speaker inside of the room playing her playlist, which was full of a happy playlist. It made me feel so emotional, not knowing why but I was a sensitive person so yeah.

"It's done Miss Alley" the make up artist said.

"Your hair too but lets put on your dress then put your veil" she said and Diana was smiling.

She got up from the chair and turned around to face me, she looked so happy and also nervous. She flashed me a smile while jumping and it made me smile while shaking my head.

Sarah should be here, it is the time.

I walked out of the make up room and called Sarah who was standing next to Diana's cousin with her robe and well done make up and hair.

"Sarah" i called her and she seemed got it what i wanted to say to her.

A smile appeared on her face, she walked inside of the room then we waited for her to walked out of the curtains with her dress.

"Oh my god is this make up waterproof?" She whispered and i laughed.

She slowly puts her hand on mine feeling so nervous and happy to see Diana to walk out of the curtains with her dress.


After a while she walked out with her dress looking so gorgeous and pretty, she looked like a real princess. Sarah and i stand in a silent while looking at her who was ready to get married.

"Oh guys" Diana said and I really wanted to cry.

"Come here girls" she said asking for a hug.

We gave her a group hug while I was trying so hard not to cry,

last time we were getting ready for our prom and now we're getting ready for her big day, her wedding day.

"It feels like we were just going on a prom yesterday and now look at you" i said.

"Oh, don't make me cry" she said.

"You look gorgeous Diana" sarah said to her.

"Awh baby" she said hugging sarah.

"Come on girls it's time for you to put on a dress" the make up artist and the hair dresser said.

Sarah and i put on our bridesmaid dress, we wore the cream one for this evening while the pink one for the reception tonight. It was a sleeveless body fit and we're matching which was very cute.

We walked out of the curtains then found Diana with her bridal veil on her head, she was also holding a bouquet of flower. I couldn't believe that was the day that She had been waiting and talking for.

"You look like a princess" sarah said.

She looked so beautiful, i wondered what was in Nathan's mind when he saw her walking down the aisle next to her dad.

"Okay girls get ready you have to walk down the aisle first" one of Diana's aunt walked in with her mom behind her aunt.

I saw her mom's eyes were sparkling and there was the moment where sarah and i decided to walk out of the room to give them some time.

Both of us walked out of the room with Diana's aunt while grab our flower. Sarah was busy checking everything on her phone, and she looked calm i could tell everything is going well.

"This is the time, Everyone is ready." She said.

Diana walked out of the room with her mom helping her with her dress, there was only 5 of us left. Diana, her mom, her aunt, me and sarah the black limousine was ready to take her, the five of us were going to be in one car with Diana.

We helped her to got inside of the car first cause she was going to be the last one who's walking out of the car. The limousine was going to take us to the church, Which not so far from her house.

Sarah and i were sitting next to each other facing Diana who looked super nervous, she kept blinking and playing with her flower that lays on her thigh. I realize that both of Sarah and I were keeping our eyes on our precious best friend who's nervous for getting married.

The black limo finally stopped right in front of the lobby, i could see the big wooden door was being closed. Sarah and i walked out first followed by her aunt then we helped Diana with her white ball gown to walked out of the car.

She began to walk up the stairs with Sarah and i next to her, Diana was holding on both of Sarah and i with a smile on her face. We walked inside of the wooden door then stopped in the room before the aisle,

Her mom kissed her on the cheek before leaving her with sarah and i, once they got in Diana turned around then face us. She pulled us into a hug,


"Guys this is the time, thank you so much" she whispered.

"I'm going to walk out of the room as a wife of Nathan and i want to thank both of you for always being there for me" she said with both of her eyes ready to spill the tears.

"We want you to know, Married or not that isn't going to change anything from us" Sarah said while looking into her eyes.

"We love you so much, forever and always will" i said then the three of us hugging again.

The main door of the church suddenly cracked open, a tall figure man with a navy blue suit suddenly walked in. He walked in while fixing his watch on his wrist,

"Ezra" I said.

"Uh am i late?" His voice said.

"We'll give you 5 minutes" Sarah said then grabbing my wrist to walked away from them.

We walked away from them as i watched Ezra and Diana were talking to one another, While sarah pulled out her phone then began to check everything inside.

Suddenly a woman that i saw from yesterday got in with a paper on her hands, i could see an earpiece connected to her ear and i could tell she was the wedding organizer.

"Hey sarah" she said with a smile.

"Amber, everything is ready right?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah Mr Alley is on the way here" she smiled.

"Thank you Amber" sarah said as the woman began to walked near the aisle door.

I watched Ezra who was talking to her ex girlfriend Diana. I still remembered when we were a teenager, when they were in a relationship. He used to have his arm around her shoulder all the time and Diana always the one who could stand the goofy Ezra. But god had another plan for their future, Diana was getting married with another guy. And it was sad to know that there was a big possibility for not ended up with the person you loved.

The conversation ended up after the door cracked open and revealed her dad walked out of the big door behind sarah and i.

"Sarah, Avalana" he greet us.

"Hey Mr. Alley" i said.

"Amber?" He smiled.

"Sir" she smiled.

"Hey Avalana, it's been a long time." He said and i smile.

"So is my daughter ready?" He asked us.

"She'll be ready in a minute" sarah said before throw a glance to Diana who was talking to Ezra.

Her dad turned around to see her daughter who was talking to her ex boyfriend, she looked fine and calm even a smile and a laugh slipped from their lip.

"Is that Ezra?" Her dad asked us.

Both of them finally realized that Mr Alley was there, both of Ezra and Diana suddenly took a step back away from one another as her dad walking closer.

"Good evening Mr Alley" Ezra greet Diana's dad bu shaking his hand.

"Hey brooks" Mr Alley said then shaking his hand.

"It's been a long time" Ezra said and it made Diana smiles.

It was a really touching moment, cause I had been there since they started dating until they ended up until Diana was getting married to another man while Ezra was coming to talk to her and her dad before she walks down the aisle.

After a few chitchat Ezra bowed her head then walked into us, he walked closer to us then stop right in front of us.

"Hey Lana it's been a really long time" He said.

We hug each other,

"Hey Ezra I missed you" i said then he smiles.

"There are so many things that i want to talk with You and sarah plus the guys" he said while standing in front of me and sarah.

"But your best friend is getting married in a minute, so i guess i'll see you after" he said.

"We'll see you" sarah smiled.

He left us then walked into the main church calmly, I watched him in a frown. It felt like he still had a feeling for the woman who was ready to get married, but there was no use to cry over a spilled milk.

Diana was standing next to her dad, she looked so ready to walk down the aisle. She sent us a smile, her left hand was on her dad's arm while the other was holding a flower.

"Come on babe let's get you married" I said then she smiled.

"The bride is ready" Amber that had been standing there the whole time, finally informed our situation through the earpiece.

The wooden door slowly being opened, Sarah and i were holding into each other hands with a flower on our other hands. Both of us started to walked down the aisle slowly, i could see Nathan was standing perfectly at the end of the aisle looking so nervous and happy.

Once Sarah and i reached the front seat Diana walked down the aisle with her dad next to her, i could see both of Diana's and Nathan's eyes were sparkling since the first step Diana took when she walked out.

Nathan you had better taking a good care of her or I'm going to make your life miserable.

Mr Alley gave Diana's hand to Nathan's, both of them kept looking into each other's eyes like they meant to be together.

I felt like I was about to cry while both of them saying their vows, when the priest pronounced them as husband and wife a tear slipped from my eyes.

Everyone was cheering in happiness while a big smile appeared on the bride and the groom's faces. They turned around then walked out together with everyone thrown them a flower petals as they walked out together.

Sarah and I followed them until she got into the limo safely,

"She's Married" sarah put her arm on my shoulder.

"Well done" i said as both of sarah and I watching the car started to drive away with a cheer and clap from people around.

"Heey" Floyd suddenly hugged Sarah from behind.

"Everything went really well" Floyd said to sarah with a big smile.

"Thankfully" she smiled.

"We better get ready for the Reception lets go" Sarah and Floyd were holding hands then they left me alone.

"Lana lets go going to meet Ezra inside" sarah said as both of them were walking inside.

I smiled then walked inside, the church was pretty empty after the married couple left. I saw Jace was sitting next to Ezra with her girlfriend next to him.

"Jace!" I said.

He walked up then hugged me,

"Abigail! It's been a long time" i hug his sweet girlfriend too.

"Hey Ezra" i said.

"That's okay man, you'll meet another one" Jace said while tapping on Ezra's shoulder.

"Don't worry you look way more handsome and cool now" Floyd successfully making Ezra laughed.

"At least she's happy with her husband now" Ezra said and i didn't know why but it broke my heart to saw him like that.

"Hey Avalana i heard you got a lot of beautiful British friends in England didn't you?" Jace said like he was trying to cheer Ezra up.

"Oh i have plenty!" i said rolling my eyes and trying to cheer him up too.

Ezra looked up at me with a smile on his face, I didn't want to see him regretting everything like that, I didn't want to see him sad.

"By the way where's Justin and Apollo? I miss them" Ezra finally talked.

"They are a busy man now" Floyd said.

"One is a worldwide model and the other is the world youngest CEO" Jace said.

He's not here.

He's busy, i hope he's not going to come.

"But they'll be here tonight cause Diana told them that she's going to be so mad if they're not coming" Floyd said.

"We'll see" jace said.

Oh crap.

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