
The last couple of days I haven't been able to sleep much knowing that Mr Kennedy is getting his lawyers involved. I am walking towards the park so; Kenna could have some fun playing on the swings and the slide. I placed her in the swing then start to slowly push her. She is giggling. "Aster". She says in her sweet little voice. I made out I pushed her faster but really didn't. She is really enjoying herself. Every time she comes close to me, I would try to kiss her, she giggled. "I see she likes the swing". I hear a male voice. I turn to see my ex-boss. I stop the swing then take her out.

"Are you following me now?". My voice is harsh. I placed Kenna on my hip and pushed her buggy.

"Savannah, please". I stopped, looked back at him. He looked so out of place, stood with his expensive suit on.

"Please leave me alone". I carried on walking back home. I held my daughter tight in my arms. Now they are following me. I get back to my flat let myself in when I hear a familiar voice. "Chanel. It's good to see you". My sister is sitting on the steps waiting for me.

"Hey little sis, it's good to see you too". I opened the door, then pick up the mail from the floor. We walk into the lounge where I placed Kenna so, she could play with her toys. "I was hoping I could stay for a bit". I smiled.

"You know you can. You will have to sort the other room out. I have used to store Kenna's baby bits". She smiles.

"No problem". She sits on the floor with Kenna playing with her toys with her. I made coffee then look at my mail. I had reminders for a couple of bills. I took a deep breath then sit with my sister. A while later we had dinner then sit watching TV for a bit. There is a knock at the door. My sister looks at me.

"I will get it". I stand then walk to the door. I open it to see Mr Kennedy stood there. I went to close the door again but, he puts his foot in the way.

"I haven't come to fight. I just want to talk like adults". His hands are in his pockets I open the door wider for him to step in. My sister looks at him with wide eyes. I shook my head.

"Well, hello". My sister climbs over the sofa to shake his hand. "I'm Chanel, Savannah's older sister". She says I roll my eyes.

"Mr Joshua Kennedy". He shakes her hand then looks at me. Even my sister is looking at me making eyes then nodding discreetly to Kenna. She is asking me in her subtle way if he is the father. I shake my head she sits back down on the sofa. I made him a coffee. "Could we talk in private?". I nod.


"Chanel, could you take Kenna to my room for a few minutes please?". She nods picking up Kenna.

"Hey, sweetie". Mr Kennedy says to her she giggles. I watch them, enter my room the door close I turn to him. "I do not want to get lawyers involved. It would not be fair on you of my niece. All I want to do is take care of my brother's responsibilities. I have talked to him he doesn't care but, I do. He is wrong to leave you as he did he should have spoken to me about it but, he chose to carry on being a playboy. Savannah, I know you will not take any money but, all I ask is that I can be part of her life and if you do need anything I will get it". His calm approach is better than the way he acted a couple of days ago.

"I want to know just one thing?". He nods. "Why do you feel it's you need to pursue this, I mean she is only your niece". He runs his fingers through his hair.

"She is my niece, she is my brother's daughter. Cole wants nothing to do with her, I cannot sit back letting him get away with this. All through his life, he has never faced up to his responsibilities. He treats his life like a joke. I will not stand back knowing he has a daughter who is part of my family. My rage took over I got annoyed with you so, I did threaten you. I have spoken to the lawyers they advised me to try and keep it out of the courts they also said that if it is true and Cole is the father they would have to do a paternity test". I fold my arms...

"So, you are saying that your lawyers want to keep it a low profile because of the media plus you want Kenna to have a paternity". My god, these people are fucking animals...

"Yes. That is what I am saying. All I am asking for is to see her a couple of times a week to get to know her". I lean back on the counter staring at him. "My other brothers know what is going on they feel the same way too. They know Cole has gone too far this time".

"If I say yes, that is if do. I don't want her getting hurt in any way. She stays here unless you have asked otherwise. I can't believe I am saying this to you. You can visit her twice a week". He smiles.

"I can live with your demands". He smiles showing his dimples.


"Chanel, could you please bring Kenna out". I shout. She steps into the kitchen handing me Kenna. "Kenna, this Uncle Joshua". She looks over at him while holding me tightly.

"Hey, Kenna. It's finally nice to meet you". He tickles her stomach she laughs which echoes through the rooms. We sit in the lounge. Kenna kept getting her toys to show him. My sister looked at me with a frown. I looked on watching my daughter trying to talk to Mr Kennedy. I did feel a sense of relief that I wouldn't have to go to court but, I will not let my guard down, I don't trust them.

It has been a few weeks; my sister is still staying with me which is helping me out while I work. I managed to get a job in a restaurant working shifts. I have worked here two weeks so far and had a few gentlemen chatting me up, I would just smile act politely they would tip me big so, this job does have its upside. Mr Kennedy is coming around twice a week to see Kenna, she likes seeing him. She does ask for him when she gets up in, the mornings. When I tell her that it's not his day to come, she makes a sad face then plays with the toys he had bought her. He does bring her something every time he comes which she loves. I wish he did not spoil her that much because I cannot get her everything, she is going to ask for. I get back home to find Mr Kennedy sitting with Kenna. "Where is Chanel?". I am confused to why he is here, it's not his day to visit.

"She tried to phone you but, couldn't get through so, she rang me instead. She had an emergency to sort out". He places Kenna on her feet then stand to look at me.

"I can't answer my phone when I am working. My boss has already fired a girl for using her phone". I tell him then walk towards Kenna. I pick her up to give her a kiss.

"I didn't mind watching her. We had fun playing with her jigsaw puzzle. I hope this doesn't mean I have to give one of my days up?". I had Kenna in my arms.

"No, thank you for being there". I tell him.

"Savannah. We are having a staff party this Saturday I would like it if Kenna and you would come?". I look at Kenna then back at him.

"I have work but if you wanted you could take Kenna. Just make sure Cole doesn't hurt her". He kisses Kenna on the cheek.

"I will see you in a couple of days sweetheart". He tells her.

"Okay". Her soft voice is heart melting.

"I will sort out about this Saturday". He walks towards the door then leaves. I look at Kenna her beautiful little smile is making me smile.

"Uncle Joshua will be back to see you". I hug her then place her with her toys while I cooked dinner. "Kenna, I really cannot understand your Uncle. I have no idea why I am telling you this, I know I am talking to myself. Hey baby you have a birthday coming up soon". She looks over the sofa at me with her zippy cup. I smiled then carried on with her dinner.

My evening went quick, my sister never returned so, I am now stuck for the morning for work. I put Kenna to bed then thought how the hell am I going to work tomorrow if my sister isn't back. I picked up my phone got up Joshua's number. I hesitated then put my phone back down. I couldn't ask him because he had to be at the office. I will just have to call work to tell them I cannot make it. I poured a glass of wine then curl up on the sofa. I sipped my wine then stare at Joshua's number on my phone. I down my wine and call him.

"Savannah, this is an unexpected call. Is Kenna all right?". He asks.

"Yes, she is fine she is in bed sleeping. I am calling to ask a favour about tomorrow". I am heating up. I really did not want to ask him.

"You want me to watch Kenna while you work". He took the words out of my mouth.

"If you wouldn't mind". I am nervous about asking him.

"Bring her to my office in the morning. I love spending time with her". He sounds caring towards her.

"Thank you. I wouldn't ask but my sister is not back". I tell him.

"I will see you tomorrow". We hang up. I rub my face hoping I did the right thing in asking him. I pick my glass up then wash it up. I have a shower then get in bed. Look over at Kenna she is sleeping soundly I close my eyes then fall asleep.

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