《His Unexpected Marriage》Chapter Nineteen


Kaycee almost made it away without incident!

She made it all the way out to her car before someone stopped her, and it was the one person that she had been dreading seeing.


He was leaning nonchalantly against her car as though he had somehow known that she would be going away. Which made complete sense, she realised considering that Sarah had probably text him to say she was on the move.

“You ran off before we got the chance to talk,” he said in that deep timbre of his that made her heart flutter even though she knew it shouldn’t. He just looked so good in that suit.

“I didn’t think we had anything left to say to each other,” Kaycee said coolly trying to remind herself that he was cheating on her and that she had no reason for her heartbeat to be quickening.

“I assure you, cara. There are a lot of things that need saying. But not here,” Jake said firmly as he grasped her arm and before she could protest he had mover her away from her car and in to his own, sliding her case effortlessly in to the back seat.

“I have somewhere to be,” she complained and Jake spared her a glance before he started the engine and began driving, to where she had no idea.

“Wherever it is, I’m sure it can keep until we’ve had our little chat.” Jake said calmly and Kaycee frowned for what could they possibly have to talk about? Unless he was going to confess his secret relationship with her sister, or else Sarah had found the pregnancy test and knew the truth. Which would mean that Jake knew the truth and that didn’t bear thinking about.

“Where are you taking me?” Kaycee asked after twenty minutes of driving in silence. She was too exhausted to argue and had decided to just go along with it, after all they both knew that Jake would get his own way in the end. That was the reason she had decided not to tell him about the baby until she knew what she was going to do. He would either insist they stay married and raise the baby together or he would end up married to Sarah and raising her child. Either way it would all be his decision and she would have no say in it whatsoever.


“There’s something I want to show you,” he said in answer and they lapsed in to silence again. Kaycee’s exhaustion caught up with her and she was almost asleep when the car suddenly stopped and when she opened her weary eyes she found that they were outside a large flashy hotel.

“Where are we?” she asked looking round in confusion and he grinned down at her.

“My newest hotel,” he told her proudly and Kaycee frowned but didn’t have time to dwell on it as Jake opened her door before handing his keys over to a valet. He ushered her straight in to the hotel past the reception and over to a private elevator where he materialised a key that let them up to the penthouse suite.

It was an amazing suite! Even for someone whose father owned a hotel chain. His hotels were nowhere near this amazing and Kaycee could say without a doubt that she had never been in a more incredible room in her life.

It was bigger than her entire apartment and just from the lounge area they walked in to she could tell that this was not just a run of the mill hotel room. The carpet was black and so soft that it felt like you were walking on air while the walls were painted a soft white that made the room seem more friendly. The furniture consisted of a matching sofa and chair that looked so inviting in her current exhausted state. A few other pieces of furniture were littered around making the room look more homely and there was a laptop and some papers out suggesting that Jake had been spending a lot of time here.

“Wow!” Kaycee breathed as she looked around and her gaze went straight to the large windows across the room. Going over she gasped in delight at the sight of Vegas stretched out below her.

“You like it?” he asked as he slipped an arm around her slim waist and Kaycee stiffened hoping he wouldn’t feel anything different.


“It’s alright,” she replied coolly not wanting to admit that she was enchanted by it.

“Just alright?” he teased as he turned her round to face him and before she could utter a word his lips closed over hers and his tongue began a leisurely exploration that had her arching against him.

His kiss deepened and Kaycee was barely even aware when he unzipped her bridesmaid dress that she hadn’t yet changed out of and let it fall to her feet in a pool of silk leaving her in just her underwear and a disadvantage to him. Pushing his jacket off him Kaycee pulled him closer as she ripped open the buttons of his shirt needing to feel his bare skin.

“We were supposed to be talking,” he said as he pulled away for a second while his eyes roamed leisurely over her slim body. He frowned at the realisation that she had lost weight since he had been away. Her stomach was a little bigger but the rest of her was barely skin and bones. It made him wonder what she had been doing to herself.

“Talking’s overrated!” she murmured as she noticed where his gaze was and kissed him again to distract him.

Jake lifted her high against him and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her towards the bedroom. She gasped when she saw how luxurious it all was but didn’t have time to look any more as Jake lavished small kisses down her body making her quiver with excitement.

She removed his shirt then slowly unfastened his trousers fumbling a little with the belt. Jake took pity and slipped off the rest of his clothes before stripping hers off and leaving them both naked. Kaycee grew bolder this time and she cupped his manhood eliciting a gasp from him. Stroking his length she couldn’t help the satisfied smile that crossed her face when he groaned.

“You’ll pay for that, witch,” he whispered before he launched an assault of his own that created havoc with his senses until she begged for him to take her. In one swift move he plunged in to her and they both spiralled higher and higher until they fell apart in each others arms.

Kaycee meant to leave but she was so exhausted that she couldn’t help it when she fell asleep in his arms. She wasn’t aware of Jake stroking a strand of hair out of her face or the tender way he placed a gentle kiss on her temple.

Kaycee wasn’t aware of anything until she awoke the next morning to find herself alone in the bed. She could hear the shower running and making a quick decision she slipped from the bed and pulled her dress on before leaving the hotel and Jake.

There was a bit of déjà vu as she left Jake once again but Kaycee couldn’t face seeing him after what had happened. She was supposed to hate him for what he was doing but instead she couldn’t help but fall apart at his slightest touch.

It had been last night that had made the decision for her. She had to go away until the baby was born, longer maybe. She needed to make a life for herself that didn’t include Jake because otherwise she wouldn’t be able to help herself from falling for him all over again.

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