《His Unexpected Marriage》Chapter Sixteen


Kaycee gazed at herself in the mirror critically analizing every detail. Her long hair was tied back in a french twist that made her face look pale and drawn, she had applied minimal make-up but no amount of make-up could hide the dark shadows beneath her eyes. She wore a midnight blue evening gown that was a little baggy and revealed how much weight she had lost in the last few weeks. Adding to that matching jewellery and heels Kaycee actually looked the best she had in weeks.

Turning to a side she placed one hand over her flat stomach and wondered if it was her imagination that it seemed a little bigger. It was true that the last few weeks she had barely been eating or sleeping and she had lost weight everywhere yet her stomach did seem bigger than usual.


She jumped at her stepmother's shout and immediately let her hand drop as she turned away from the mirror trying not to look guilty as the woman in question appeared in her doorway.

"You called?" Kaycee asked dryly and Sue rolled her eyes as she observed her.

"You really could have made more of an effort for your sister's wedding. But never mind, you'll have to do!" Sue said with disdain and a sniff her way. It was Kaycee's turn to roll her eyes and with a sigh she followed Sue from the room, hoping that the nausea she was feeling would disappear before the ceremony.

Once settled in the car beside her father and Sarah, Kaycee found her thoughts drifting. As was so often the case lately her mind went straight to Jake. She hadn't seen him in four weeks, since the day he drove off and left her. He had tried to call a few times but Kaycee had ignored his calls. It hadn't been easy the past month. Even though they had only been married a few days she couldn't get used to the emptiness of her bed and found herself unable to sleep and couldn't face the thought of food. She had also been feeling extremely nauseous of late and had the sneaking suspicion that Jake may have left a piece of himself behind.


"We're here,"

Broken out of thought by her father's voice, Kaycee glanced out the window at the large church where her sister was to marry. Her sister who right now looked almost as sick as Kaycee felt.

"Oh my god," Sarah said breathlessly and Kaycee frowned as she observed her normally over-confident sister.

"I'll be right back," her father said as he exited the car to talk to someone leaving the girls alone, both pale and nervous.

"Kaycee?" Sarah blurted out.

"Yes, Sarah?"

"I think I'm going to be sick!" Sarah announced before she buried her head in her puffy white dress skirt and began taking deep breaths.

"Just breathe, everything will be fine. You love him," Kaycee said and Sarah slowly lifted her head to gaze at her in confusion.

"Why are you being so nice? Until a month ago you loved him," Sarah whispered and Kaycee frowned.

It hadn't occurred to her until now that she had never loved Rob. How was it that in the entire time that they had been sorting out the wedding and choosing the outfits and getting her dress fitted that she had never once realised that she no longer cared about them being together? Ever since she had met Jake it was like Rob had no longer existed and though she should have been devastated today that her ex was marrying her sister Kaycee found that she did not even care. She didn't wish that it was her getting married to him or that he would come to his senses and realise he'd chosen the wrong sister. The only thing she wished was that Jake was here with her.

"Because, you must love him or you wouldn't have gone this far." Kaycee explained and Sarah turned to her with fear in her eyes.


"I don't know if he loves me as much as I love him though," Sarah revealed and Kaycee sighed as she gave her sister a hug.

"Nobody can know if someone really loves them or if a marriage will last. The only thing we can do is try the best we can to make the marriage work and hope for the best," Kaycee told her even as she realised she should have been taking her own advice. It seemed to soothe Sarah and she calmed down, just in time for their father to help her out the car to where her other bridesmaids were waiting.

Kaycee took a slow deep breath and tried to keep the smile pinned to her face as she walked ahead of her sister and father leading the way down the aisle to where a bored looking Rob was waiting. She could feel sickness rising up again and taking very discreet breaths she prayed that it would hold off for just a bit longer.

As the wedding march ended and Sarah finally took her place beside Rob Kaycee expected him to say something supportive but instead he turned to the vicar.

"Let's get this over with," he muttered and Kaycee frowned as she had a sudden flashback.

"You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!" She remembered Jake whispering in her ear even though they were both drunk and she wasn't even dressed for the occasion. But those words had made her love him all the more,

Kaycee shook of the memory to realise that something was wrong. She had tuned out most of the ceremony but now the church was deadly silent and the priest was looking stunned although the look on Rob's face was impressive. He had gone a reddish purple colour and looked both furious and embarrassed at the same time.

"You're being ridiculous!" he hissed and Kaycee frowned wondering what exactly she had missed.

"I don't think I am! You don't love me. The only person you love is yourself!" Sarah informed Rob in to the complete silence of the church and Kaycee gasped watching in shock as her sister turned and stormed away down the aisle leaving Rob to stare after her as the centre of attention.

"Kaycee," he implored and she turned to find that he had moved to kneel before her.

"What are you doing?" Kaycee demanded aware of all the eyes trained on her right now.

"I was wrong to leave you. I never loved Sarah, It's always been you!" he declared with a hand over his heart and Kaycee stared at him in shock.

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