《Not My Type | ✔️》Chapter 5


The following morning, after my night with Cole, Jake and Carter, I'd woke up in a pile of my own drool.

I know, I'm an attractive morning person, aren't I?

Just then, my phone went off and I looked over to see I was getting a call from... Cole?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Morning, Olivia. Did I wake you up?"

"No, no. You're fine." I replied while staring at the drool remaining on my pillow. "So, why'd you call?"

"To immediately apologize for anything stupid I may have said or done last night." He laughed a little before adding, "So did I?"

"Oh yes," I lied, "you said a few words."

"Olivia I'm so sorry I was just-" I cut him off.

"No, Cole. You said nothing offensive. I'm kidding." I laughed. He laughed a little too but I could sense the lingering nervousness in his breaths. "Well, I'm going to get ready for a lazy day if you don't mind." I added, smiling, although he couldn't see it.

"Of course," he said, "wouldn't want to deprive you of that."

"Bye," I chuckled before hanging up. I sat the phone down on the sheets beside me and closed my eyes again. I wasn't even close to being ready for today. I needed more rest. Lucky for me of course, it was Saturday. The college student's day of rest.

Ignoring how sleep-deprived I was, I got up and went to the kitchen, hoping to find some good breakfast.

"Hey," I heard Liam call from behind me, "did you have fun last night? I didn't even hear you come in."

"Oh, I thought you were asleep so I just went to bed." I replied with a grin.

"Makes sense." He laughed before opening a cupboard and grabbing a piece of plain white bread. "Ah, sweet breakfast!" And with that, the bread was down his throat. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little before I heard my phone ping behind me. I picked it up to see that I got a text from Cole.


'If you want to ditch your lazy day plans, I'd be happy to take you out for lunch today.' He text.

'I'd love that. :)' I typed and smiled before hitting send.

'Pick you up at 12?'

'I'll be there.' I replied.

"Do you way to hang out today?" Liam asked and pulled me out of my gaze.

"I can after lunch," I replied while closing the freezer. "but I have a lunch date with Cole, soo..."

"I got it. So you really like him, huh?" He questioned, causing me to blush.

"He's honestly pretty cute. I just don't really know... there's other people that are pretty nice too."

He sighed with a smile, "You and your taste in men." I laughed a little before taking water and flicking it at his face.


When looking for something to wear to my lunch date, I finally agreed with myself on a - what I would call - adorable yet casual attire. It was a gray sweatshirt that said 'I'd Rather Be Reading' and black leggings with black and white converse.

I took one last look in my mirror before walking into the living area to see Liam talking with Cole. They were chit-chatting and occasionally laughing.

Buddy-buddy, much?

"Hey," I said approaching them, "are you guys buddies now?"

Liam scoffed, "He's out of my friend league."

Cole just rolled his eyes, "Right back at ya. Anyway, are you ready Olivia?"

I nodded and walked closer to him. Liam looked over to Cole and said in an awful tone, "Treat her well."

With that, we were out of the door and in Cole's car. About half-way there, the song 'Strip That Down' came on and couldn't hold anything back, "You know, I've been taking some time


And I've been keeping to myself, self,

I had my eyes up on the prize

Ain't watching anybody else!

But your love, it hit me hard, girl.

Yeah, you're bad for my health

I love the cards, that I've been dealt,

Do you feel the same as well?"

I sang along to the whole thing and in the middle of it all, Cole started to sing along with me, "But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby. Now there's a lot of people in the crowd, but only you can dance with me!"

I laughed a little at both of our terrible voices and before I knew it, we were parked in front of Burger King.

"Yummy!" I exclaim and Cole smiles.

When we got inside we went to the front and made our orders.

"One number 3 and one number 2, without onions please." Cole smiled politely and I stared at him as he ordered everything. Just a couple minutes later the lady brought us the food from the kitchen and said, "Have a nice day you two." But she quickly added before we walked away, "You guys make an adorable couple."

"Oh," I mumble, "we're not a-" But Cole cut me off, "Thank you." He grinned and we both walked over to a two person table.

I smacked his hand, "What was that for?"

"What was what for?"

"You know what!" I whisper yelled, "We're not a couple."

"She doesn't know that, and I didn't want to make her feel awkward." He shrugged a bit and I just rolled my eyes.

"Now I feel awkward." I mumbled.

Nothing much more happened on the little date except a couple times Cole would use lame pick up lines and I would laugh and the ridiculousness. He honestly was a very charming guy, and he was so sweet, so funny, but I don't know if I really like him that way.

45 minutes later he dropped me off.

"Thanks for the date." I said smiling, sticking my head through the car window.

"It was my pleasure."

"Text me later?" I cocked my head to the side a little, waiting for an answer.

"You know it." He grinned.

I turned to walk away but he called out, "Olivia," I looked back, "you look cute today." With that, he was off driving and I was left alone to blush like an




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