《King Trollex's Adventures: The First Rockfest》The High Dive


King Trollex: Okay, to continue this story off, i was at a place called The Lava Lakes, okay? And there i stayed until morning where Queen Barb wanted me to swim. So now, i'm on a diving board about to jump in really, hot lava.

Rock Zombie Trollex: Okay. I am leaving the diving board now. I'm jumping in the lava . . . alone.

Queen Barb: Well, a friend is here cheering you on! No Techno Troll has ever done this before!

King Trollex: And that was the scariest part.

Rock Zombie Trollex: Okay. Here we go.

King Trollex: So, in one dive, i decided to jump into the Lava Lakes. To most Techno Trolls, that is a death sentence.

Rock Zombie Trollex: *while diving* All right, you got this. *looks at lava* You don't got this! *screams*


Rock Zombie Trollex: Ah, my body! Ohh! It burns! It's true im a Dead Techno Troll! *cries*

Queen Barb: *giving an R U serious? look*

Rock Zombie Trollex: Im sorry, Bliss! I can't make any more raves! I Can'ttttttt. *sinks in lava*

King Trollex: Little did i know, i thought i burned to death. But then i went up to the surface and moved my hand in the lava for a few seconds.

Rock Zombie Trollex: I-I Survived! I survived and i feel great! Wait, let me do a cocky dance just to be sure. *does so said cocky dance* *laughs* Deal with it world, thy name is King Trollex! *laughs*

Queen Barb: I told you you can make it.

Rock Zombie Trollex: I feel so great! *laughs*

King Trollex: Then a huge lava bubble popped on my face.

Queen Barb: *laughs*

Rock Zombie Trollex: *laughs*

Rock Zombie Trollex & Queen Barb: *laughs*

Queen Barb: And now that you've done that, you can do the high dive.


Rock Zombie Trollex: *shocked face* Wha?

King Trollex: Meanwhile, back at the auditorium, not a single non-Rock Zombie troll was there.

Rock Zombie Poppy: Techno Trolls, are you alright?

Rock Zombie Sea Mixer: Huh? Oh yeah.

Rock Zombie Doctor Bloombottom: We just need a bit of Techno Music, that's all.

Rock Zombie Poppy: Hm, that can be arranged.

Rock Zombie Branch: Poppy, we are in a active volcano. How are we gonna find a Techno Machine, let alone a Beat Drop Button.

Rock Zombie Beat Drop Button: I'm a Beat Drop Button, and i brought a Techno Machine.

Rock Zombie Poppy & Rock Zombie Branch: *both look at each other with a confused look*

*a few minutes later*

Rock Zombie Poppy: Okay, let's do this! How do you operate this?

Rock Zombie Branch: Poppy, trust me. I got this, I've been practicing.

*techno music plays*

Rock Zombie Beat Drop Button: Now you hit me!

Rock Zombie Branch: Sounds weird, but okay.

Rock Zombie Sea Mixer: Trollex usually says "Wait for it!" during a beat drop to get us Techno Trolls excited.

Rock Zombie Branch: Okay. Wait for it.

Rock Zombie Coral Blush: I'm so excited!

Rock Zombie Branch: Wait for it!

Rock Zombie Beat Drop Button: Come on!

Rock Zombie Essence: You got this, make em happy.

Rock Zombie Branch: Wait for it! Wait for it! Wait for it!

Rock Zombie Beat Drop Button: Come on, man! Hit me!

Rock Zombie Bliss Marina: Just do it already!

Rock Zombie Poppy: *squeals*

King Trollex: Thus, the first ever Pop Troll to drop the beat, dropped the beat, but things . . . well, uhhhhh.

Rock Zombie Beat Drop Button: *drops the beat, huge blast comes* *screams*

Rock Zombie Sea Mixer & Rock Zombie Bliss Marina: What the?

Rock Zombie Trollzart: Branch?

Rock Zombie Branch: That's not me, that's literally not me!


Rock Zombie Essence: What's happening? This isn't normal for Techno Trolls.

King Trollex: The beat drop made a huge rock noise, that even the converted rock trolls loved it.

Rock Zombie Coral Blush: What?

Rock Zombie Carol: Yeah! Rock o-ahhh!

King Trollex: Luckily, the beat drop stopped.

Rock Zombie Poppy: *hair and body shocked* What . . . in the Six Strings . . . was that? *falls*

Rock Zombie Doctor Bloombottom: Did anyone tell you that if a beat drop button converted into rock, then the beat drop will progress a rock beat when hit? *falls* *groans*

King Trollex: Meanwhile, back in the Lava Lakes . . .

Rock Zombie Trollex: *sarcastically* Oh, great, a high dive. As if a diving board wasn't rockin *shows rock sign* enough.

Queen Barb: You got this!

Rock Zombie Trollex: Uh, yeah, i got this, uhhhhhh, let's just get this over with! *jumps*

King Trollex: So i jumped. Cause why wouldn't i?

Rock Zombie Trollex: *splash* *in the lava* Yeah! *lava gets in mouth* *screams* *cough, cough*

Queen Barb: Wow, i can't believe he did it.

Rock Zombie Trollex: *jumps to the surface* *cough,cough,cough* It got in my mouth! *cough,cough*

King Trollex: So we played in The Lava Lakes for a few minutes until . . .

Rock Zombie Trollex: *stomach grumbles* Ooh, my body really needs something to eat.

Queen Barb: Well, lets go to the Rock Grocery Store.

Rock Zombie Trollex: Sure! What do they have to eat?

*to be continued*


Rock Zombie Trollex - 16 Columns

King Trollex - 12 Columns

Queen Barb - 9 Columns

Rock Zombie Branch - 8 Columns

Rock Zombie Poppy - 6 Columns

Rock Zombie Beat Drop Button - 5 Columns

Rock Zombie Sea Mixer - 3 Columns

Rock Zombie Bliss Marina & Rock Zombie Essence & Rock Zombie Coral Blush & Rock Zombie Doctor Bloombottom - 2 Columns

Rock Zombie Trollzart & Rock Zombie Carol - 1 Column

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