《✔His Hijabi (Gangster Au)✔》intro


Ms Elma Khan : a Muslim hijabi girl

21 years old

Brave, Feisty,has a great sense of humor, beautiful, savage,good girl, stubborn,weird a bit

Mr Khan: Elma's father

52 years old

Protective, caring, cheerful.. doesn't get angry easily but when he is angry he loses his control

Mrs Khan: Elma's mother

49 years old

Angry bird, beautiful, has the ability of cooking delicious things,caring

Mrs Elina : Elma's older sister

23 years old

Married to mr.Imran

Caring,soft hearted, make-up and food lover, selfish a Lil bit pervert type but not to everyone, beautiful

Mr Imran: Elma's brother in law

26 years old

Social media lover, caring,a bit immature

Elena: Elma's younger sister also her bff

17 years old

Caring, cute,sleep lover,weird,friendly ,scaredy cat

Bayajid: Elma's younger brother

15 years old

Naughty,cute,punk type, caring,loves to tease

Mr John Benson: a successful businessman and a gang leader

27 years old

Orphan, Short temper,cold hearted,can scare anyone with his one glare, powerful,mascular , handsome,sexy,he cares about the ones he love

Mr Jack Dordan: John's best friend

25years old

Caring, playboy,a successful businessman, friendly, handsome and hot

Sarah : Elma's bff

22 years old

Caring,loves to help people that she adores,intelligent girl but not a nerd, beautiful, foodie


. tell me which one i Should use

As for now i Will use the 4th one cause I like that the most

Thanks for making this last 3 covers ❤

2nd one is made by me 😅

Im way too nervous as It's my first story ever 😳

Look forward😺

I hope you guys will like it 😄

Share it among your friends 🤗

Give me some feedback if its worthy 🤭

Take care ❤

Thanks 💖

Assalamualaikum 😊

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