《And You became my Dawn》Chapter#27


Sandal's POV:

"So let me introduce myself and my friends." Said Imran. He was a charming person with brown hair and somewhat hazel brown eyes I guess. It's hard for me to decide the colour of a person's eyes.

"The one sitting beside you is Ahmed Wali. Your husband, I hope you recognize him."

"I am sure she is aware of that fact." Ahmed interrupted him.

Imran shot a glare to him and continued,"... on your right side, you will find Saeed Mustafa and his wife Qurat-ul-Ain. The guy sitting next to Saeed, with pale white skin is Armaghan Khan. Next to him, with wavy black hair is Salman Hussain and the guy kneeling down in front of you Bhabi. Is one and only Muhammad Imran." He finished the announcement with a big goofy smile.

"If you finished with your drama, get back to your place." Saeed Bhai said in a bored voice.

"Thank you, Imran Bhai, for an introduction." I thanked him politely.

"Woah! Don't call me Bhai okay...?"


"It will make me feel old... so it will be Imran. Just Imran okay." He emphasized 'just Imran'.

"Okay, Imran."

"That's like a good girl." He grinned and went back to the sofa.

"So Bhabi, I want you to choose... it's a thing that we decided among friends. Ahmed will tell you the details later. For now, you tell me. What will you choose? 'Option A' or 'Option B'?" Said Salman.

Confused, I looked at Ahmed. He gave me an encouraging smile.

"Option B?" I sounded kind of unsure.

"Then option B it is... Oye Ahmed... catch." Salman Bhai said and throws the keys at Ahmed, which he easily caught.

"Are you guys serious?" He looked at the keys and said. Most of them shrugged and Qurat-ul-Ain Bhabi winked at me.

What is going on?


"Where are we?" I asked Ahmed, as we drove out of the city. I was sitting in the passenger seat, while he was driving. Apart from his eyes, which was covered by his sunglasses, he looked relaxed and fresh.


"And, where are we going now?"

"You will find soon enough." He said putting his left arm on the back of my seat. My eyes landed on his arm, then on him. His body was well built and well-shaped, perfectly hugged by his navy blue T-shirt. He looked quite handsome today.

Was he really this handsome when we've first met?

Or I was blind not to see?

I came out of my thoughts when I heard him chuckle.

"I don't know if you were blind or not but I am glad that you find me handsome." He said stroking the back of his fingers on my cheek.

D-did I say that out loud?

Ya Allah! Kill me now...

I looked out the window and the sight in front of my eyes was almost breathtaking. Our car was going on the road that was made just along with the seashore. I can see the glittering surface of the sea as far as my sight goes.


"It's beautiful." I breathed out looking at it.

"Yes, it is... I wonder what will you say when we reached our destination." I heard Ahmed' voice.

"Hm?" I turned my face to him.

"The place we are going to is much beautiful than this."

"But why are we going anyway?"

"Oh! I didn't tell you... you see...after Saeed's wedding, we all pity him and Qurat-ul-Ain AKA Ainy for attending dinners every day from different relatives. You know the 'Dawat' of our culture right? So we decide to help them out. We send them to our farmhouse."

"For honeymoon?"

"Not for a honeymoon. It was a... escape a sort of. Then they went on honeymoon from there."

"They could go directly to honeymoon."

"It was a gift from us too."

"You can give them later." I stated.

"Hm! You have a point... so why don't we go on honeymoon direct?"

"Huh?... I-I didn't mean that." I turned my face to another side.

Great! I was digging my own grave just now...


"Were here." I woke up from my slumber on his announcement.

"Come on sleeping beauty." He smirked and quickly got off.

Always in a rush...

I also got off the car and my eyes widened, we were standing on a cliff in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?"

"To our beach house." He stated.

"But... where the house?" I asked looking around. There was nothing in sight except for empty land and sea. He grabbed my arm and walk with me to the edge of the cliff.

"There. The cream colour one." He pointed to a house down the cliff.

"Come." He dragged me by holding my hand.

"But what about our bags."

"They will be there, don't worry." He led me to stairs, which didn't look manmade.

"Are they...?"

"Yes! Nature made them... come on."

"I-I will fall." The breeze around here was faster than the rest of the coast I ever visited and there was no fence to support if a person falls.

"No, you won't. That's why I am holding your hand." He already took a step down. When I didn't answer he came back to me.

"Listen... if you're scared then don't worry, I am with you ... but if you wanted me to carry your bridal style to the house, that's a different case... Between I don't mind either of them." He winked at me.

How easily this man twists my words to use against me...

I silently slid my hand into his.

"Shall we?" I nodded and he holds my hand tightly.


This place really was really beautiful, I can see the mighty ocean from here. It was almost sunset time and I was standing on the balcony of our bedroom looking at the sky as it turns into a beautiful colour of orange. As the sun went down the sea level rises. Now the water is almost touching our house base. After praying, I came again to the balcony. I was totally mesmerized by the view, never thought that Baluchistan held this sort of beauty.


I didn't know where Ahmed was, last time I checked he was in the living room busy on his phone. So I didn't feel like disturbing him. When it was completely dark out I noticed some lights coming from behind... maybe from the cliff?

I turned around and my jaw dropped open when I saw the view.

"Ahmed...?" I yelled his name and ran into the living room.

He gave me a surprised look but completely ignoring it I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the roof.

"Ahmed, did you see this? It's so beautiful." I said pointing to the cliff.

The area of stairs was now covered by lights and they shine brightly in the dark night near the ocean. I couldn't make out what sort of light it was but it looked like small lanterns.

"I have seen this before... but never thought that it will amaze you this much."

"You're joking, right? This is so beautiful.... they are not candles are they?" I asked in excitement.

"They are lanterns."


"So you really like it?"


"Than what about this?" He holds me from my shoulders and turns towards the sea. The seawater filled up the gap beneath the house and it felt like the house was built upon the sea. The lights were now reflecting in the water, looking like tiny orange fireflies on the surface of the water.

I have seen houses built upon rivers in Sawat but the house upon seashore was a bit eerie because of the sound of the sea but it didn't bother me much since Ahmed was here and strangely his presence was quite comfortable. The sound of waves, dim lights of lanterns made me forget everything. Bending a little on the wall of the roof I was looking at the waves which sometimes touches the lantern and go back. They must have done something to fix them. I bend a little more to take a proper look then my eyes landed on the house entrance, which was half-covered by incoming waves.

The entrance is blocked. Means...

I abruptly turned to Ahmed who was looking at the lanterns.

"Where is the main door? There is another way except for those stairs, isn't it? "I asked. Glancing at me he smiled and went down, without saying a word.

He lied to me...

I followed him downstairs.

"Why did you lie to me?" And his smile widened.

"You were taking in everything so easily so thought to take my chance... Although it doesn't go as I planned but still, a man can try. Right?" He winked.

This man is so twisted...

"Are you hungry? We have pizza for dinner." He asked.

"Pizza? Where did that come from?"

"Don't worry about it, just eat." He said pointing towards the kitchen counter.

"Okay...." I said and sit on a stool near the counter.

We ate in complete silence when I finished washing plates Ahmed gave me his phone. I gave him a questioning look but he mouthed 'your Ami' and left me alone to talk. Coming into our bedroom I talked to all of them and tell the whole day story to Areeba. She teased me as much as possible so I quickly ended the call. I prayed Isha (night prayer) and went to bed... I tried to stay awake till Ahmed comes but failed and fall asleep.


Standing at the seashore I let the waves touch my feet, looking at the shining sand, I wished that Palwisha could see this, she never got the chance to come to the beach. I sighed and walked a little further when I heard Ahmed voice.

"Can you swim?" He asked coming towards me.


"Then I suggest you not to go any further." I nodded.

"So... How is your mother and everyone else?" After a few minutes, he started the conversation.

"They are fine."

"Hm! Good... haye! Do you want to go farther?" I nodded quickly.

Holding my hand we walked a little far and when the water started coming above my knees I stopped him.

"What?... that's it?" He teased.

"Yes! I cannot maintain balance anymore and besides, it is dangerous."

"Ahan!" With that, he pulled me and spun me around. Now I was standing before him and I back was facing the sea.

The next moment a huge wave came and hit my back. I gasped and almost lost my balance but didn't fall as he was holding me by both arms. We both soaked in water and I can taste the salt in my mouth.

"W-Why did you do that?" My voice was trembling... it really scared me.

"Your eyes... they look better holding emotions. Even if it's fear, shock, happiness, hesitation, shyness..." He said, holding my chin up and bringing his head towards mine. I quickly back away from him little, just to be pushed back to his chest by the waves.

"Still hesitant, huh?"

"S-sorry... I need some time." I said, trying to stand straight, still grabbing one of his arms. He kept quiet and helped me to stand. We walked back a little when he pulled me into a gentle hug.

"Sandal, don't panic okay?" He whispered in my ear and buried my head into his chest.

"Now... Quiet your breathing..." He ordered in a low melting voice and I obeyed him.

"Increase the pause before and after exhalation... Feel, what is going on as much you can... The sounds... the motions of things...the flow of feelings within you...the position and tension of your body...your thoughts...Feel, that I am here with you ... holding you... yourself is present, right here... right now." He paused for a moment and I felt our breathing start to match.

"Time stops... everything happening or existing is just as it should be... There is no time...there is only now...this moment... I cannot give you what you are seeking, Sandal. As it is not in my power ... I can't return what have you lost... but I can wait for you... so come, before I will become a past."

With that, he let go of me and walked back to the house, leaving me breathless.

Come, before I will become a past...


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