《And You became my Dawn》Chapter#16


Ahmed's POV:

I groan at the loud ringing of my phone. Opening my one eye I read the caller ID 'Imran'.

"Hello?" I yelled on the phone.

"Rise and shine honey."

"Shut up!"

"Get ready I am coming to pick you up."

"Right now? What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"Five forty-three a.m."

"Go to sleep Imran and let me sleep too."

"Hey! I am going out of the county today. So hurry up and get ready."

"Fine!" I cut the call and got up. I take a shower, brush my teeth. Wear jeans with a grey colour T-shirt and got ready. I rushed to the kitchen to take out an apple and start walking towards the main gate of my house.


"*Al-Musawwir" Imran mumbled looking at the sunrise.

We both stood at shore staring at the sun as it slowly rises from the sea. The voice we can hear was the chirping of birds and the sound of peaceful waves. Coldwater touches my feet sending a pleasant sensation to mind. After a very long silence, Imran spoke up.

"Armaghan and I went to Peshawar last week ....." He said looking at waves like he was focusing on something. After a pause, he continued, "I was told that Sandal's

little sister was shot in the arm... Her injury is better now but she still needs help to recover from the shock. So she is under the treatment of a famous psychiatrist... Sandal...had appointment too with psychiatric one... but later it was cancelled."

"Why Sandal had an appointment?" A frown formed on my forehead.

"That's exactly what I wanted to know... that's why we both went to her hometown... it was hard but we were able to get some information... remember the rumours about APS attack, that the kids were butchered?"

"I remember." I mumble.

"It seems those rumours were true and Sandal's brother was one of those unlucky kids.... and her little sister died in the suicide blast in class... there was nothing left to find... Sandal and her classmates collected the dead bodies." I stopped and both of us went to complete silence.

I wasn't thinking anything... I was staring at waves as they come and goes but not looking at them, I can hear the chirping of birds but wasn't listening to them... I stood numb...


"You know... it's not normal for a person to face such loss and take a new start so soon... especially a girl."

"She is in the state of denial?" I said out loud, it was more like a question rather than a statement.

"Perhaps or perhaps not... Even if she is in a denial state, I consider it better than other worse things that could happen to her..."

I sighed and massage my temples, "It's too much to take in."

"Hmmm, it is." He chuckled a little and continue. "It may sound stupid to you but... After knowing the whole thing, I felt a little proud and happy that you are there for her... but at the same time, I also feel a little jealous. You found someone, you can rescue. Not with your donation money or stuff but with there for her..."

I looked at him eyes widened. That's not him, where is the non-serious, flirtatious man Imran go???

He rolled his eyes noticing my surprise. "Forget what I said... I just want you to remember this Ahmed... if you are taking her as your toy then leave her alone ... fate has already played a cruel game with the victim families of terrorism... but if you are serious then you should reach her before she breaks."

I nodded in acknowledgement. We walk a little more then he dropped me home.


I took a brief glance at Sandal's face as she puts tea on my desk. It was paler than usual. Then my eyes landed on her hands. Pale skin long fingers, she has beautiful hands... I would love to hold them.

"Sir the floor plans are completed, all the correction had been done." She informed me, standing in front of me waiting for my response.

"Good!.... you, Ali and Hamna are going to handle the project with Zubair Sabir... Ali will be in charge of site work and you and Hamna will be doing all office work. Including meetings ... and after every two days, you will personally inform me with every detail. Am I understood?" I asked.

"... Sir... I don't think I will be able to do that."

"Do what?"

"Handling all this... I still don't know much."

I sighed "Sandal if I remember correctly you were the one who promises me to learn all things and work hard." She nodded.


Then take this as your first test... the only thing is... mistakes are not be tolerated... so be careful and don't make me regret my decision." I said in a monotonous voice.

There was a look on her face that tells me she wasn't expecting this. She looks... disappointed???

You're the one who told my sister not to treat you differently because of your loss... so why... why do you have this look on your face...?

Only Allah knows how I manage to stop myself from driving to your house when I heard about your family... even now I barely hold myself from embracing you...

I sighed and got up "I have to go somewhere. It will take longer, so you are can go home on time." With that, I pick my coat from the back of my chair and walk out before I do something stupid.

Sandal Khalil ... you're no good for me...


Sandal POV:

Indeed it was me who told Zohma to behave like her usual self... no sympathetic words or eyes... so I can continue to live a normal life... I agreed to come to Karachi after the incident because I don't want to see pity in eyes of others ... that was the reason I asked her not be bring her mother to my home for condolence, but if her mother insists she can bring her in my absence.

Still ... I don't understand why I was expecting something else from Sir... why I felt dejection from his behaviour... it's not new to me, he is mostly like this... so why now???

I slowly walk back to my office and slumped on the seat.

Ya Allah ... I am already tired ... tell my emotions not to play games with me...

I closed my eyes for a few minutes before getting back to work. I need to ask a few things Ali before starting work on Mr Zubair's project.


"So, this is Hamna."Ali said to me and I facepalm myself.

"Ali I told you before, we have met before." I said to him and look to Hamna she was busy eating her biryani.

"I know. But she is not that Hamna... she is a different Hamna." He smiled and Hamna chuckled.

"And what do you mean by different Hamna?" It's getting irritating.

I called both of them to have lunch together, so I can inform both of them about Sir's order and take some advice. But he is stuck with this stupid thing.

"Sandal forget him, I'll tell yo-"

"No your not. At least shy a little like a typical eastern girl, when you talk about your future husband." Hamna was interrupted by Ali and she glared at him.

They look like a coup...

"Wait! what?" I shrieked.

"Ssshhhh." Hamna squeezed my hand looking to others.

"What did you say?" I whispered to Ali.

"What did you hear?" He smirked.

"Are you two engaged or something?"

"Yep!" Hamna smiled.

"No way!... but why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Because no one knows except Sir Ahmed... we don't want to break this news now... so please you also don't tell others." Hamna said.

"Yeah...! Sure. No problem... anyways Congrats to both of you."

"Thank you." They both say in unison.

"By the way, this the way of Sir showing is that he is happy from our work... sometimes he did order us to attend this sort of project meetings. But in the end, he sends both of us on lunch or dinner and attends the meeting alone." Said Ali.

"It's kind of sweet of him." Hamna smiled.

"It's hard for me to believe." I said looking at them in disbelieve.

"It must be. You see he doesn't open up to everyone... he takes time to trust others ... once you get to know him better you will find lots of qualities in him." Ali said.

"Hmmm! Maybe..." I end the topic.

Is it just me or my life is really start revolving around Sir Ahmed???

If I am in the office, it's him... My only friend from before is his sister. My co-leagues are his fan. At home whenever I am alone with Sobia baji she talked about him... why him????

I shook my head unintentionally.

"What's wrong?" Hamna asked.

"Eh?... ah... I was just thinking that if he is again planning to send you on lunch or whatever, then what about me?... what will I do?"

"Umm..... maybe you will attend meetings with him?" Hamna said it was more like a question rather than an answer.

"Hm.... maybe!" Ali agreed with her.

Great ... as much as I avoid being seen out with him, it keeps coming to me...


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