《And You became my Dawn》Chapter#14


Sandal's POV:

I stop myself from yawning again as I step out of the bus. I raised my head and look at this tall glass building.

Few more months and it soon will be over...

There is still time in Ami's Iddat to end and I am sure she will insist on going back. Back to our home. Back to Peshawar. But I am not sure if any of us is ready to face it. To live in a house where you find belongings of Papa, Shoaib, and Palwasha on every second step... We are not ready yet. Not right now.

I put a hand on my mouth to stop yawning and step inside the building. I thought I would be relaxed after talking to Sir and could sleep. But my thoughts didn't allow me, so I spent half of my night counting the things that have to be done before Areeba starts college. Once she has, I'll be the one looking after Ami. It's still risky to leave her alone when we know she will cry all day remembering everyone.

I sighed and pressed the elevator button. The best thing about working as a personal assistant is that you get special treatment. For example, I can use things that are specially reserved for Sir, like this elevator. Feeling lucky, I get inside and start fighting my urge to sleep. When it stops, I slowly went out and walked to my office. Opening the door, I put my bag on the table and sat on my chair. I sighed, looking at my desk before turning on my computer.

I wish there was a bed instead of this stupid desk...

I grab the first file Ali gave me yesterday and start typing. It was his work yesterday. But now it's mine. All this work related to different sorts of graphs and diagrams, along with their descriptions are harder than the work I usually do. Speaking of Ali, I haven't seen him today. Normally we would reach the office at the same time. Is he late? Or is he taking the day off, relaxing somewhere, leaving all these burdens on me...... I shrugged and focus back on work.

About an hour later, I got up from my seat and start pacing in the office. If I sit for one more minute, I really might fall asleep. I was already feeling sleepy and this boring work has made it worse.

"I thought I told you not to wear sneakers." I got startled and turned around, only to find Sir standing at the door.

"Sir?" My eyes widened.

"Why are you so surprised, Sandal?" He asked me calmly.

"Eh? Surprised? ...not at all, Sir. I am just surprised... Ahh! I mean. When did you come back?" I babbled like an idiot.


"Yesterday night." He said with a smirk. His eyes landed on my sneakers and came back to my face questioningly. The smirk on his face was gone. I gulped.

"So my personal assistant was breaking the rules behind my back." He stated as he walks to me. I stood my ground, ready to hear a huge lecture, any punishment and maybe some insulting words.

But he didn't say any of the things I thought he would.

"Take off your sneakers!" He ordered.


"I said take off your sneakers...and then... bring me a cup of coffee." He said slowly, lowering his head to me.

"What?" I took a step back.

"You heard me. Take it off." He said, referring to my feet.

"You want me to walk barefooted?"

"Yes! Now hurry up."

"But Sir...." I tried to argue, but he cuts me.

"No 'buts, Sandal." He said in a definite tone.

I bit my lip and start untying the laces of my sneakers while sitting on a small couch in the corner. Meanwhile, he circled around my desk and sat on my seat at my table. When I felt his eyes on me, I raised my head. He was studying me carefully. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, I hurriedly take off my sneakers, put them on a side and stood up. Just when I was about to exit the office, I heard his voice.

"Sandal, wait!" I turned to face him.

"Wear your sneakers back. You don't have to go out barefooted."

"But you said..."

"I changed my mind." He said calmly.

What the hell...

I didn't move. I just stood at the door, staring at him in anger.

"What are you doing standing there like a sculpture? Hurry up. Wear your sneakers and bring me coffee."

I clenched my hand and stomp out from the office, not caring that I am barefooted. I made coffee as fast as I can and walk back to the office. He was busy on the phone, still sitting on my chair. One of his hands was holding the phone while the other was busy playing with my bag's keychain, which I forgot to put in the drawer.

I was about to walk to him but he raised a hand, mentioning me to stop, so I did. Looking down, I clenched my jaws tightly. It started to hurt a little. But right now, it is the best thing I can do to hold my temper. Can you believe it? A few minutes ago, I was sitting here feeling drowsy, but now, I am fully charged.... with anger.

This man is able to change my moods in a blink. I feel like a puppet in his hands sometimes.


"Okay! I will see what we can do about it... Allah Hafiz." I heard him ending the call and the next minute, I see two expensive shoes almost a foot away from me. I frowned and upon looking up, I realized he was already standing in front of me - Too close for my liking. Startled, I took a step back.

What is he doing???

He took a step forward, took the cup from my hand and walked away.

"Were you doing Ali's work?" He asks, looking at the files on my desk.

"Yes." I answered.

"How much work left?"

"It will be completed by Monday."

"And did you contact the architects?"



He was looking through the graphs, flipping the same pages again and again. He frowned as he was looking at something, then he nodded his head. This is the first time I am looking at him carefully. He is tall, maybe six foot or something, fair complexion and has a strong built. His personality may be dominating and he may be a bit scary, but he has a soft heart. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have apologized to me that easily. I snapped out of my thoughts when he was asking me something.

"This is a lot of work. You sure you can complete it by Monday?"

"I will take it home."

"There is no need for that... I want this on Wednesday ......so don't burden yourself by taking it home when you know you can't work on it because you promised to spend Saturday at my house." He said, taking a sip of the coffee I made him.

There was something in his voice that I couldn't understand. He wasn't facing me, so I wasn't able to see his expression. But the way he said 'my house' made me fluster a bit.

I stay silent and he kept looking at the files, not saying a word. After a minute, he closed them and walk back to his office, saying out loud, I didn't know coffee can taste this good when you make it barefooted.

Okay, I take back whatever I think nice about him earlier...


"Okay, that's enough, Zohma." I snatched the lip gloss and put it back on the dressing table.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me??? What's wrong with you? What did you do? Why are you looking so beautiful today? I look like crap in front of you." She pouted.

"I just didn't wear my glasses today. So shut up... and if you think this is too much, then I'll wear it back." I shrugged.

"Don't you dare. You're not wearing glasses." She says in a serious tone.


"They are here." I was cut by a loud voice of Muskan and Zohmas squealing.

"Someone is overexcited."

"Shut up!" She hit me playfully.

"Let's go... I want to see your future hubby." I said, dragging her out.

"Oye! I am not going, not now at least."

"I am not asking you to go. Well just watch from upstairs."

"I am not going."

"Idiot." I said and walk out of the room. I peeked into the drawing-room and saw Zohma's Ami talking to an old couple and two men walking behind them with Muskan. Both men were young and have strong built. But which one is Azhar?

I sighed and walk back to Zohma.

"So???" She asked excitedly.

"So nothing! There were two men. One with black wavy hair and the other with brownish spiky hair with the black hairline. Which one is Azhar?"

"The one with black wavy hair is Azhar..... Oh! And the other one was Bhai."

"Bhai? Which Bhai?" I asked in confusion.

"What do you mean 'which Bhai'? I only have one Bhai." She answered.

"You're joking, right? That man can't be Sir. He looked so young and his hair... It has a different colour."

"Hey! Are you trying to say that Bhai is old?" She said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Eh? ....no."

"Then wha-..." She was cut by a knock on the door. We both turned and saw Sir standing there.

Speak of the devil...

He looked at us and gave a bright smile.

"Are you done talking, ladies?"

"No! Bhai, come here for a minute." She ran to him and dragged Sir to where I was standing.

"See, Sandal! This is my Bhai and your boss, the one and only Ahmed Wali."

I Salam Sir and glared at Zohma, while Sir gave us a questioning look.

"She didn't recognize you. She thought you look younger with this hairstyle." She said, winking at me.

Dafa hojao (get lost), Zohma...

He chuckled and said, "Why, thank you, beautiful lady!"

I felt the heat rushing up to my face.

"Hurry up and come down. They are waiting for you." He said to Zohma before leaving.

"Are you blushing?" Zohma said, peering into my eyes, "Allah... You really are blushing! Look at your face, it's crimson!"

"No, it's not!" I turn my face away. "Come on, I want to meet Azhar Bhai." I held her hand and start dragging her downstairs.

Ya Allah...Why am I blushing...?


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