《My Mystery Pen Pal - 《COMPLETE》》Epilogue



I'm currently standing in front of the place I'm officially moving into, brother free! Over the last year, I graduated and got a job that is really amazing. I've made a few new friends and I really enjoy it.

One of my new friends is currently dating my brother too, so moving out was definitely needed I think. I love my brother, but don't need to see lovey dovey looks at my friend.

"You ready to do this babe?" A voice snaps me from my day dreaming.

I look over to see my boyfriend staring at me with a cheeky smile. He offers his hand to help me out of the car before walking with me.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I shouldn't be surprised, since we both clearly like each other and we are on a date. But I'm still caught off guard.

"Tash, umm... did you hear me?" He asks nervously, then I realise I've just been smiling like an idiot.

"Yes! Definitely Damon!" I almost yell before tackling him in a hug.

He's chuckling with me on top of him, since I was a tad more excited than expected and tackled him to the floor.

"So if I asked if I could kiss you, would I get the same answer?" He says with a proud grin.

I smile down at him before diping my lips to meet his. Our kiss starts off slow, savoring him and his soft lips. A minute later I feel his tongue asking for permission. Then after a few minutes of exploring each others mouths we pull apart and just smile at each other.

Damon pulls out a key and slowly opens the door for us. We are officially moving in together! We've been together for a year now and it's been amazing.


On our one year anniversary, he asked me to move in with him. I said yes, obviously.

We've had the odd dispute like all couples but we've never gone to bed without sorting it out and honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

Walking into our new house, which we rent of course, I'm surprised to see it already unpacked. When I look over to Damon, he has a big grin on his face.

"You did this?" I ask stunned.

"Yeah, I thought it'd be a nice surprise. But that's not all, babe." He says before leading me out to the back deck.

When we go out, I'm stunned at what he's done. He's put fairy lights all around and has a table set up with candles and music playing. It looks incredible to say the least.

"I thought it'd be nice to have a romantic dinner on our first official night in this place." He looks so anxious.

"This is beyond fantastic Damon. You set all this up and sorted the house out!" I pull him in for a passionate kiss before breaking away to look at the man that has my heart.

"I love you Tash." He tells me while staring at me with intense love reflecting in his eyes

"I love you more, Damon." Meaning it with every fibre of my being.

The mystery man that got my number by chance, now the man I love with all my heart.


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