《My Mystery Pen Pal - 《COMPLETE》》Chapter 22



Looking up quickly, I see my brother with his brow raised at us. Damon has his back to him at the moment so he's able to avoid my brothers confused look.

"Please tell me that's not John..." he sighs at me.

"What?!" I say while jumping up off of Damons lap. "No! It isn't John, you jerk. Do you really think I'd go back after how I came to you?" I ask the last bit quieter.

I see something flashed through Damons eyes but ignore it to see if my brother really thought that.

"No. Of course not. But I know you were pretty upset and I didn't think you had many guy friends, that you've met." He adds the last part cheekily, knowing Mystery Man and I hadn't met yet.

And with that Damon stands up to face my brother but then they smile at each other...

"Hey Damon. What are you doing here? I didn't know you knew Tashi." My brother says happy and shocked.

"Hey Brian. I've technically only talked or texted her... We were catching up on yesterdays... events but I decided it was better to talk face to face." He says with a touch of nervousness to his voice.

"How on earth do you two know each other?" I ask stunned.

They both turn to look at me but Damon speaks first.

"He's friends with my room mates older brother. They've come over a few times for game night." He said a bit sheepish.

I look to Brian and he nods.

"Wait a sec... He's the guy you've been talking with?" My brother asks.

I nod my head slowly. He looks over to Damon for a few moments before narrowing his eyes.

"You hurt my sister like that last jackass. I'll break your legs, ok?" He says fully serious before grinning.


I thought Damon would have shat his pants but instead he just grins.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of it."

"Ok. This is all sweet and all but I'm fine guys. Brian, you don't need to protect me but I appreciate it. Damon, I know you wouldn't hurt me so you don't have to do the manly man thing to my brother." I tell them seriously but chuckling a bit.

They both snickered.

"Alright, well why don't we go have some breakfast."

The boys tell me I have to sit and let them do it all since I'm the one that's suffering. I don't mind but I don't know how good it's going to be.

Currently I'm laughing at the two while really loving the distraction and actually laughing with Damon in real life.

I feel like nothing else exists outside of this kitchen, that is until the door bell rings.

"I'll get it. I don't like my breakfast burnt." I tell them before jumping up.

As soon as I open the door though, I feel my world stop all over again.

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