《My Mystery Pen Pal - 《COMPLETE》》Chapter 19


Natasha - Hey Damon. We didn't end up seeing the movie. Sarah got food poisoning I think. What'd you get up to?

Silently unsure if I want to tell him yet.

Damon -

Natasha - Yeah, she's ok. Her mom came to visit and is going to stay at keep an eye in her. You know you still haven't told me which college you were going to by way.

Damon -

(no clue if it's real or not, I'm Australian, sorry incase.)

Natasha - How have we not seen each other on campus...? Oh my god! What if you went into my work tonight??

Damon -

Natasha - Yep thats my work... lol.

A few minutes pass before my phone makes anymore noise. I enjoy the quiet for a minute until it's interupted by Damon calling.

"Hello...?" I say confused.

"Hey Tash. Don't lie to me, are you ok?" He asks full of concern.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?" I ask nervously, slightly feeling my lip twitch.

"I know you're not. You avoided telling me what's going on after Sarah got sick. I don't hear from you til it's the middle of the night. You even sound different... You know I'm always here." He says with certainty in his voice.

I go to tell him what happened, I want to confide in someone who has easily become my best friend. We've clicked the moment we started texting and we agreed to actually hang out soon.

But all I can manage is a sob. I hold my hand over my mouth to silence it, hoping it went unheard.

Of course I'm not that lucky.

"What's wrong?" He asks me sadly.

I just shake my head forgetting he can't see.

"Nothing, I'm just tired..." trying to think of any believable excuse.


"Where are you?" He asks instantly.

"Just at my brothers. Why?" I ask, very confused.

"Give me his address." He orders while hearing the sound of a door slam shut.

Debating for a second before telling him, he tells me stay put before hanging up.

I stay there, feeling like an idiot... how did I never question the late nights? Or that day he had perfume on him... Or why he seemed to barely look me in the eye...

Before long silent tears fall down as I mourn my time with John, knowing I'll never even look at him right again let alone trust him...

Suddenly a car pulls up and my breathing quickens knowing that it's not one I know.

Suddenly a figure steps out and looks straight at me.

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