《My Mystery Pen Pal - 《COMPLETE》》Chapter 18



Barely holding it together, I knock on my brothers door. I hope he's home, I don't think I could call him and explain right now.

He opens the door after a few moments.

"Hey Tashi. How's it going?" He says smiling before actually looking at me and seeing the large suitcase.

"Can I stay here a while?" My voice cracking.

"Of course you can. What happened?" He asks while leading me to the couch.

"Did you and John have a fight?"

That was my final breaking point. I put my head in my hands and burst into tears. My entire body is shaking while I feel his arm pulling me on to his lap. He hugs me and just lets me cry until it turns to hiccups.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He says quietly.

"He's been cheating on me. For months..." Saying it out loud makes it hit harder.

"What the fùćķ?!" He yells, before looking down at the tears still going down my face. "How'd you find out..?"

The image of him flashes through my head.

"I came home early and they were going at it in our bed!" I wail before sobbing again.

"What a fùćķìńģ bàśťàŕď! You're staying here from now on. I'll look after you sissy, always." He tells me after kissing my head.

I stay curled up on my brothers lap for what feels like hours. When I look up, it's dark and he's asleep holding me tight still.

My brother and I always were close, even before we lost our parents. I'm happy that no matter what, he is always there for me.

I try to pry myself out of his protective hold gently but he wakes up.

"Come on. Let's put you to bed. I'll be ok." I tell him while pulling him up and leading him to his bed. After pulling the covers up, I turn to leave before he grabs my wrist.


"You'll be ok, sissy. I promise, alright?" He says sleepily.

"I know. Thanks." I kiss his head before walking out.

Sitting on the front steps, I decide to pull my phone out to check on Sarah.

Turns out she messaged me that her mother came to visit and is looking after her. I'm relieved to know she's ok.

I have about 20 missed calls and texts from John. He can go screw himself.

And a few messages from Damon.

Damon -

Damon -

Damon -

After reading them and smiling for the first time tonight I decide I wont be able to tell him everything over the phone without breaking down, so I'll leave it to texts.

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