《My Mystery Pen Pal - 《COMPLETE》》Chapter 16


A few weeks go by, college is nearing the end finally and I can't wait to be finished.

John and I still have a wall between us, but he is trying to make an effort with us. Though, it's baby steps I guess.

Damon and I message daily and on some nights when John is working late we talk over the phone. Honestly, it's nice to have someone to talk to. I feel incredibly lonely lately and talking to him distracts me.

Tonight Sarah and I are going out to dinner and seeing a movie after. Celebrating the hard part of college being over and catching up. She knows most of my life, we met at the start of college and haven't separated since.

Locking up the house and hailing a taxi, I stop by her apartment before heading to a restaurant.

We both agree to try something new for once since we tend to order the same thing everywhere. She gets a sea food dish while I get chicken stir fry.

It feels so good to talk to my best friend and just laugh together. She's like the sister I never had.

After we were done at the restaurant, we go to the cinema and line up for our tickets.

Looking at Sarah, she looks pale and I know she didn't earlier.

"Hun, are you ok? You don't look too good..." I tell her wary of her taking offence.

"No, I'm fine.... oh śhìť!" She runs to the toilet with me following close behind. Next thing I know she's throwing her dinner up...

"Ok. I'm not fine... stupid sea food... do you mind if we call it a night?" She asks after she's emptied her stomach.

"No. Of course not. Come on I'll get us a taxi." I help her out to fresh air before we're heading to her place.

After helping her to bed and leaving water and a bucket for her, I leave and head home... at least my dinner didn't back fire but I'm sticking to the usual from now on.

Getting home and ready to change into my pjs, after a long shower.

I open the door but something is off.

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